AMD Radeon 4850x2 - Dual GPU with Quad DVI Passthrough


Limp Gawd
Oct 8, 2008
So here is a question, just found out about the Highpoint USB 3.0 cards which can do passthrough individually for each port, so I was thinking about a GPU passthrough that has 2 GPUs on one card with a PCIe bridge in between. In my brief research, I only found that the Quad DVI Radeon HD 4850 x2, can potentially have crossfire disabled and have one GPU dedicated to a set of 2 DVI ports - the other set of 2 goes to the other GPU.

Has anyone tried this with ESXi Passthrough? Split the GPUs up, one for each VM?

The only benefit I see to this is maybe playing some games on lower settings, or having to OS X VMs with dedicated GPUs. Just a thought.