
Fully [H]
Apr 10, 2003
AMD has announced the Q3 2018 earnings release. In the Computing and Graphics segment, Ryzen processor sales increased to 70% of total client revenue in the quarter. Overall revenue increased by 12% in the segment, as OEM GPU sales continued to be robust, but this growth was offset by a larger-than-expected decline in channel GPU sales as blockchain-related demand has slowed. Ryzen starred again on the desktop, and AMD believes that they gained market share as they delivered their highest processor unit shipments in nearly 4 years. Notebook shipments doubled sequentially for the second straight quarter and 54 of 60 models slated for 2018 have launched.

AMD is on track to launch the industry's first 7nm datacenter GPU this quarter and the company has already secured multiple datacenter wins with shipments starting in the fourth quarter. Console sales declined as the current models enter their 6th year. 24-core and 32-core EPYC processors were in demand and more Tier-1 cloud service providers are expected to announce AMD EPYC deployments this quarter. AMD is on track to have a mid single digit market share in cloud customer adoption this quarter and the company is optimistic that Rome will bring them to a double digit server unit share.

"We delivered our fifth straight quarter of year-over-year revenue and net income growth driven largely by the accelerated adoption of our Ryzen, EPYC and datacenter graphics products," said Dr. Lisa Su, AMD president and CEO. "Client and server processor sales increased significantly although graphics channel sales were lower in the quarter. Looking forward, we believe we are well positioned for further market share gains as we continue making significant progress towards our long-term financial targets."
I should have bought a ton of stock when it was $3 or less. SIGH.
I feel your pain!
I actually bought around 200 shares of AMD when it was $1.77 per share.
Once it climbed to about $4.90 I sold all but 10 shares! I think this was after the disastrous Vega launch that had me thinking there would be a downside.
Should have held all of them, as the Ryzen/data center market is larger than the gpu market for AMD.
I feel your pain!
I actually bought around 200 shares of AMD when it was $1.77 per share.
Once it climbed to about $4.90 I sold all but 10 shares! I think this was after the disastrous Vega launch that had me thinking there would be a downside.
Should have held all of them, as the Ryzen/data center market is larger than the gpu market for AMD.

But hey, tripling your initial investment is still a good day for you when you sold it.
I feel your pain!
I actually bought around 200 shares of AMD when it was $1.77 per share.
Once it climbed to about $4.90 I sold all but 10 shares! I think this was after the disastrous Vega launch that had me thinking there would be a downside.
Should have held all of them, as the Ryzen/data center market is larger than the gpu market for AMD.

Hey but you made a good return on that investment, so good times.

For us "regular folk" that don't have inside details, it's impossible to predict what will happen. If you made 3 or 4 times your initial investment, you did great, congrats!
The thing that pisses me off is that AMD and Nvidia were both like "NAH NAH MINING ISN'T AFFECTING US NOPE NO WAY NOTHING TO SEE"

Now we see droppoffs in graphics sales and they're like "well, you know the cryptocurrency market downturn has had a slight impact on our sales as to be expected no big deal we saw this coming..."
I remember when AMD was around $2.00 and I was telling friends and family to buy some AMD stock. They looked at me like I was a crazy preacher on the street. Nowadays I still tell them, from time to time, how about that AMD.
The thing that pisses me off is that AMD and Nvidia were both like "NAH NAH MINING ISN'T AFFECTING US NOPE NO WAY NOTHING TO SEE"

Now we see droppoffs in graphics sales and they're like "well, you know the cryptocurrency market downturn has had a slight impact on our sales as to be expected no big deal we saw this coming..."
They didn't say that, though. They said, for that quarter, they expected x% drop (Don't think drop is the right word here, might have been market share they were estimating...). And they weren't far off from that number, iirc. I don't remember them saying anything about what to expect regarding gpu sales this quarter, but you'd be a fool to think they'd be completely uneffected.

Edit: Can't say nvidia wasn't doing that though–I wasn't listening to them (not closely, anyway), as I have no financial interest in them.
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AMD is dead already. I'll be glad when Samsung buys them out.... Oh wait, sorry I thought this was 2016.
Lol when team IDF and team Jensen could do no wrong that was the most hilarious thing to hear, how AMD, a company that's come back from the dead a few times, will die this time with what could be their best CPU uarch for a long time.
I did my bit yesterday by ordering a 1920X, and i have decided to practice the waiting game, so my old 570 GTX will carry over into the new machine,,,,, for a little while at least, hope to get me some Navi and soon please.
Going for a drive to pick up MOBO and slow storage in a while.
J. P. Morgan raised their target from $15.50 to $18, so at least there's that. lol
Barrons warns of a weaker market overall, so buyer beware.
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Most stocks normally hit their old highs eventually unless the company truly isn't doing well. Pretty sure with Ryzen 2, Epyc 2, and even possibly some graphics card options next year I think we are in for a good 2019.
at one point (when stock was ~$3.50 CAD) I had 250 shares, had to sell most of them because of assets held amount (don't ask) of course the ones who made me sell them totally 100% fucked up (not worth the energy to prove them wrong as that likely would have landed me in jail or something...don't ask) estimated "gain" was around 275% from buy in amount and because of crap for income kept every penny of gains in pocket.

Bought back 25 shares, was holding for ~ 1 year (bought them at ~$13 CAD plus quarter fee of $25 per quarter for 4-6 quarters cannot remember truth be told)

got a credit line in august, ended up buying back in at 10249.87 a total of 308 shares 3 batches all told (195 @ 24.65, 3 @ 24.35, 110 @ 26 USD..aug 28-29 and oct 11) where market value currently appears "lost" about $350 ("profit" ~$150 if sold all holding at current market rate including the 25 shares) so in effect ~5% loss for the big batch and "gain" ~228% on the 25 share (basically making in excess of original amount I holdings in first place of 1212.23 CAD not including quarterly fees past 2+ years)


not happy that shares dropped the way they did over last while, was tickled pink to see them jump the way they were, but that is analyst and investor for you, they do not see a company who was skirting the grave for a very long time raise themselves from it in a grand style and have since been doing VERY well and on point with what they were/are doing..seems not only software is biased towards Intel/Nv but analyst BS as well.

As long as per share price stays around $26.5 USD till am "able" to sell next year (not impact for tax season) then I will be profitable overall, $22.79 start of today is a terrible thing, but, the year is not over yet either ^.^
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at one point (when stock was ~$3.50 CAD) I had 250 shares, had to sell most of them because of assets held amount (don't ask) of course the ones who made me sell them totally 100% fucked up (not worth the energy to prove them wrong as that likely would have landed me in jail or something...don't ask) estimated "gain" was around 275% from buy in amount and because of crap for income kept every penny of gains in pocket.

Bought back 25 shares, was holding for ~ 1 year (bought them at ~$13 CAD plus quarter fee of $25 per quarter for 4-6 quarters cannot remember truth be told)

got a credit line in august, ended up buying back in at 10249.87 a total of 308 shares 3 batches all told (195 @ 24.65, 3 @ 24.35, 110 @ 26 USD..aug 28-29 and oct 11) where market value currently appears "lost" about $350 ("profit" ~$150 if sold all holding at current market rate including the 25 shares) so in effect ~5% loss for the big batch and "gain" ~228% on the 25 share (basically making in excess of original amount I holdings in first place of 1212.23 CAD not including quarterly fees past 2+ years)


not happy that shares dropped the way they did over last while, was tickled pink to see them jump the way they were, but that is analyst and investor for you, they do not see a company who was skirting the grave for a very long time raise themselves from it in a grand style and have since been doing VERY well and on point with what they were/are doing..seems not only software is biased towards Intel/Nv but analyst BS as well.

As long as per share price stays around $26.5 USD till am "able" to sell next year (not impact for tax season) then I will be profitable overall, $22.79 start of today is a terrible thing, but, the year is not over yet either ^.^
I managed to snag 40 at just under $18, so I'm cool.