AMD 9590


May 31, 2015
Can anyone tell me what is the safest hot temp I can load on an AMD 9590?
I'm not going to say what water cooler I currently have running, but it's supposed to be adequate.
Thanks for your help:rolleyes:
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No question the Swiftech H240 is the best water cooler for the AMD 9590 CPU, but what would you say is the next best, and still keeping sound low as a high priority along side holding the temperature at bay as well. Please don't say corsair 110i GT because its way loud at high setting.
62C is generally the red line for max safe temps for these things. Not that they'll self destruct at 63C or anything just that it's best to keep them under 62.

As for coolers my H100 is doing a fine job keeping mine in the 40's while gaming and running at the near silent low setting. I can run OCCT on medium fan speed and still stay under 62. Yeah the H100 and H110 is loud at high speed but you won't need to run it that high.
Tech 62c is what is consider perfect safe, 72 or 75c is the max temp. Can't recall the shutdown temp, higher than those.
Thanks lots. I keep getting different temps from various knows all's so that sounds about right. Believe it or not I'm using an Enermax (Liqimax) 120X, and after breaking it in, it is incredible. This instant; I'm running Fox News, The tuner and taking to you at the same time and it's reading the speed at 4689.37, ratio 23.5, cpu temp 38c, mobo temp 37c and so on. so what they are saying about this cooler "Is Not True."
Thanks Again
I have a h55 @4.66ghz right now using an aiconditioned case. Generally never hit 50c ever. By with smaller coolers like these it isn't the heat in the first 5 min that matters but long term when the smaller cooler can't expend heat as quick as you make it. And generally video and web pages wont stress a CPU much.

I use HWiNFO to monitor my temps and voltages. Best program for FX chips.
62c core temp is for the older phenom 2/ thuban chips.

The FX Cpu's max core temp is 70c. After that you will get thermal throttling. You will get thermal shut down at 90c.