Amazon Exposes Customer Names and Email Addresses Due to a Technical Error


Fully [H]
Apr 10, 2003
BetaNews is reporting that Amazon has sent emails to customers to inform them that a technical issue caused their names and email addresses to be revealed. Affected customers do not have to take action as the issue was taken care of.

In response to our request for a statement Amazon's PR department said, "We have fixed the issue and informed customers who may have been impacted."

Hello Amazon employees,
We're contacting you to let you know that the Amazon cafeteria may have inadvertently included human shit in the food due to a technical error. The issue has been fixed. This is not a result of anything that the Amazon cafeteria customers have done, and there is no need for Amazon cafeteria customers to change their lunch habits or take any other action. Sincerely, Customer Dis-service Department

There's a reason people expect a little more meat to these disclosures.
Hello Amazon employees,
We're contacting you to let you know that the Amazon cafeteria may have inadvertently included human shit in the food due to a technical error. The issue has been fixed. This is not a result of anything that the Amazon cafeteria customers have done, and there is no need for Amazon cafeteria customers to change their lunch habits or take any other action. Sincerely, Customer Dis-service Department

There's a reason people expect a little more meat to these disclosures.
Post of the year.
So Amazon has a system in place that allows them to sell customer data,names, emails, buying habits, etc. that much is obviously for certain. I'm guessing they were working on, or their system is, automated so all you need to do is enter a credit card number and you get a list of names to spam. I mean I know eBay has done it since it's inception, it's the one place where my name has been misspelled so whenever I used to get a very specific email with Mr. Misspelled I know it's due to eBay being a jerk.