Amazon Digital Distribution & Steam


Aug 22, 2011
So...I bought a THQ bundle from Amazon a little while back that included two games I was really looking forward to playing: Homefront and Space Marine, as well as several other titles I might want to check out later. Long story short, I downloaded Space Marine from Amazon not realizing that it was a Steam-only title. After spending a couple hours downloading the files, I ran the installer, which launched Steam and started downloading the game all over again...Did I waste my time downloading it from Amazon or is there some other way to make it use the files I already downloaded to install the game?

Also, why are so many companies hung up on Steam in the first place? It has been a royal pain the arse in my opinion and makes me actually want to pirate games rather than buy them. Am I alone in this?
Yes you're alone in this cruel and harsh world of ours :/ did you even bother to check if the game required Steam before paying for it?
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move the files into the directory steam created for the game.. then check game cache files in steam, may work
Yes you're alone in this cruel and harsh world of ours :/ did you even bother to check if the game required Steam before paying for it?

Admittedly, no. I like the way that Amazon's system has worked for prior purchases, so I didn't think to check. I am making it a point to pay more attention in the future.

move the files into the directory steam created for the game.. then check game cache files in steam, may work

That doesn't work. I guess Steam has some proprietary way of dealing with the data.

After some research I found a workaround: take the game files from the Amazon download folder and create an ISO with them, mount the ISO using emulation software, go online with Steam to add the game code, then disconnect and run the installer from the disc image. It installed using the files that I had downloaded, though I still had to wait through another hour of updates for the game to be playable. At least I didn't have to download the initial 8 gigs again.