Adobe Announces Firefly Generative AI For Photo Editing


[H]F Junkie
Apr 20, 2013
Adobe Firefly generative AI and a new Photoshop beta announced today.

This is a turning point in Image editing to be sure, at least for the mainstreaming of this tech which has mostly been the domain of esoteric opensource tools. I know they're working on (unannounced) AI Gen tools for video in Adobe Premiere, which will follow.

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Can't even believe something like this is actually real.
I remember the old days of "can your computer do your homework for you?", and this is legit on that level.

At least there are a few interesting things in this dark cyberpunk future we have found ourselves in.
Though this also means that every single picture moving forward might be totally fake - well, more fake than usual.
Next step will be just talking to it (with how good voice recognition is already, not a major step, programming co-pilot already offer voice or text interface), instead of typing to it, and the experience will get quite close to the scene in Blade Runner, maybe even more natural :

In Blade Runner imagined future, they make it easier for the computer speaking in zone, instead of saying enhance the object on the table, in Blade Runner the user still needed to be an expert to be good.
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Can't even believe something like this is actually real.
I remember the old days of "can your computer do your homework for you?", and this is legit on that level.

At least there are a few interesting things in this dark cyberpunk future we have found ourselves in.
Though this also means that every single picture moving forward might be totally fake - well, more fake than usual.
Yep. Obviously Adobe didnt invent generative AI modeling tech, but it's significant because it's the Apple-fication of it: it drops barrier to entry to the floor and puts it in the hands of consumers and non-techies.

There are already esoteric tools with cobbled together componentry that somewhat perform these functions (and far more), but getting to grips with something like Stable Diffusion, hunting down AI models - nevermind even installing the thing without a complex guide and the help of a GUI wrapper - is not consumer friendly.

The potentially bad news Adobe in a policing position where the content supported may be limited: example porn/nudity editing "not allowed" - I read one complaint on that but haven't verified it. If they really are censoring allowable content, hopefully it's only during beta/rollout because they're trying to mitigate predictable "Deepfake for the masses" headlines, and public first impression being the worst examples of its use (like what ChatGPT went through). Still weird though.
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