Adding bitdefender to a multiboot drive - issues


Jun 10, 2015
I'm building a utility USB drive with multiple boot environments, based on an Ubuntu Live cd (that way it works with UEFI/Secure boot). I am trying to get teh Bitdefender live rescue cd added, but am having a problem when it tries to initialiize the root device with the error message

"Could not find the root block device in ."

I thought this was something in my grub settings, but then I created a stand-alone USB drive using Rufus. Rufus asked me if I wanted to use ISO or DD mode, and I selected ISO mode as I normally do, and got the same problem. When I re-created the the USB and chose DD mode, it worked.

So what would make this difference using ISO vs DD mode, and how can I make that distinction in the grub entry when using the downloaded ISO image?