4070ti 800$ minimum...lol no thanks nvidia! My 3080 is lookin better and better everyday.

[THREAD UFFICIALE] - Gtx 1080 Ti, Pascal Incontra Il Titanio | Tom's ...'s ...

Unfortunately, he's right. People can't help themselves and overpay.

I upgraded to a AMD RX 6750 XT last week. First AMD card in like 10 years. Bye bye Nvidia sorry but DLSS was just a crutch and Raytracing I don't give a crap about.
I bought Evga RTX 3080 XC3 $525 shipped with 2 warranty, i am quiet happy playing on 1440p 165hz smooth as butter
Price cuts? Price cuts? Price cuts? Price cuts?

The price of the 4070 Ti sucks, no doubt about that. If there is a silver lining, it's that this should push down the price of the 3090 and 3090 Ti. Up until the 4070 Ti release, people were selling used (potentially even for mining) 3090 cards for $800-900 and 3090 Ti cards for $1000-1100. If the 4070 Ti at $800 can beat a 3090 (and be fairly competitive with the 3090 Ti), then it would be stupid to try to sell a used 3090 for $900.
The price of the 4070 Ti sucks, no doubt about that. If there is a silver lining, it's that this should push down the price of the 3090 and 3090 Ti. Up until the 4070 Ti release, people were selling used (potentially even for mining) 3090 cards for $800-900 and 3090 Ti cards for $1000-1100. If the 4070 Ti at $800 can beat a 3090 (and be fairly competitive with the 3090 Ti), then it would be stupid to try to sell a used 3090 for $900.
3000 series has sold through. New prices, if any, are insane from third parties.
Used cards have changed hands an untold number of times by this point, so I doubt people are itching to pay $700+ for a used card right now.

3090s will remain popular because of the VRAM. It's weird to see 3090 going for more than a 4070Ti, but we will see more of that as the 4060s and 4050s are released.
The price of the 4070 Ti sucks, no doubt about that. If there is a silver lining, it's that this should push down the price of the 3090 and 3090 Ti. Up until the 4070 Ti release, people were selling used (potentially even for mining) 3090 cards for $800-900 and 3090 Ti cards for $1000-1100. If the 4070 Ti at $800 can beat a 3090 (and be fairly competitive with the 3090 Ti), then it would be stupid to try to sell a used 3090 for $900.
I hope used prices drop, but I'm not sure that will be the case. I think the 4070Ti will murder the used market for 3080Ti but 3090 / 3090Ti still have double the VRAM and bandwidth which will I think keep them attractive and valuable for things like weird gaming edge cases (texture mods, silly high resolutions) as well as content creation, where the weakass memory bus and capacity on the 4070Ti will let it down.

Oops, ninja'd
Buy a cheap AMD card. They are out there and would be an upgrade.
Got everything I already need listed in my sig. Plus there are a few boxes not listed performing various duties around the house.
Mostly my distaste comes from my lack of fun, I doubt I will build anymore systems going forward. 33 years is enough investment into a hobby. It's time to do something new and less ridiculously priced. The 13600K box I pieced together last December is probably my last one, and will most likely last quite awhile.

I think I'm really just talking out loud to convince myself, I feel like I don't need to be a gamer heading into my 60's. My buddy calls BS and that I'll probably continue to keep on building, but I'm pretty sure I'd rather throw money elsewhere.

Continuing to see threads like this just reinforces my personal feelings about PC's these days. The cost vs performance offsets any fun I may have.
Got everything I already need listed in my sig. Plus there are a few boxes not listed performing various duties around the house.
Mostly my distaste comes from my lack of fun, I doubt I will build anymore systems going forward. 33 years is enough investment into a hobby. It's time to do something new and less ridiculously priced. The 13600K box I pieced together last December is probably my last one, and will most likely last quite awhile.

I think I'm really just talking out loud to convince myself, I feel like I don't need to be a gamer heading into my 60's. My buddy calls BS and that I'll probably continue to keep on building, but I'm pretty sure I'd rather throw money elsewhere.

Continuing to see threads like this just reinforces my personal feelings about PC's these days. The cost vs performance offsets any fun I may have.
Guess it depends on what hobby you pick. Mine are far more expensive than PC's. RVing and travel, sport shooting, gun collecting, hunting, fishing, to name a few.

I still enjoy new tech and will buy it until I get dementia.
Got everything I already need listed in my sig. Plus there are a few boxes not listed performing various duties around the house.
Mostly my distaste comes from my lack of fun, I doubt I will build anymore systems going forward. 33 years is enough investment into a hobby. It's time to do something new and less ridiculously priced. The 13600K box I pieced together last December is probably my last one, and will most likely last quite awhile.

I think I'm really just talking out loud to convince myself, I feel like I don't need to be a gamer heading into my 60's. My buddy calls BS and that I'll probably continue to keep on building, but I'm pretty sure I'd rather throw money elsewhere.

Continuing to see threads like this just reinforces my personal feelings about PC's these days. The cost vs performance offsets any fun I may have.
Just buy pre-built then ;). It's cheap compared to many other hobbies. Gaming isn't something you grow out of any more than reading. Always can play older games if you don't want to spend, and many of those are better than modern ones anyway :D.
Just buy pre-built then ;). It's cheap compared to many other hobbies. Gaming isn't something you grow out of any more than reading. Always can play older games if you don't want to spend, and many of those are better than modern ones anyway :D.
If I feel the need, I may do a prebuilt, and then bitch about it.

I used to game a lot, but life changes things. I find myself being less interested in most of the new titles. It's laughable, the 5900x system I use for CAD, I play POE on..... I think what I have is a bit overkill for that game, even if they add RTX to it.
I may play D4 depending on reviews. I look at my backlog of games on Steam, Epic, or wherever else I have an account with and find myself being a basic fella these days and never play much. And yes, I do appreciate the older titles. I'm still rankled over Baldur's Gate 3 and would much rather give the original titles a go.

I will always be interested in the new and upcoming hardware, I just don't need it. These days of costly parts compounds that sentiment. Hardware in the neighborhood of a grand, shouldn't have had the corners cut, QC issues and cash grabs with rebranding. Bah.
The 4000 series is becoming that drawing of the horse starting as a work of art and ending as a child’s scribbles
It's basically the new 2000 series. nVidia learned their lesson for one generation and then forgot it immediately as soon as they figured fools would buy things for scalper prices. Most people aren't. There's a vocal minority that are happy to be exploited, but most aren't bothering. The 4080 12GB is also just going to sit on shelves.
In my case, I would just buy a console if they allow you to use mouse and keyboard for FPS games and allowed me to play my steam library.

Wonder how much of a dent this would make in pc hardware/gaming side of things..
I know that would definitely steer me away from all the $$ i have forked over for PC hardware recently... It would just be so easy to plop my One X on my desk, plug in keyboard/mouse , if it was supported and play all of my games..

No way this would happen though, for that reason... There would be quite a few jumping ship, for sure
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In my case, I would just buy a console if they allow you to use mouse and keyboard for FPS games and allowed me to play my steam library.

I mean I did use my steam deck as my only computer when I was rebuilding and I survived.
I had to get a keyboard and mouse with a dock for my deck.
As close to a console as I'm likely to get.
If I feel the need, I may do a prebuilt, and then bitch about it.

I used to game a lot, but life changes things. I find myself being less interested in most of the new titles. It's laughable, the 5900x system I use for CAD, I play POE on..... I think what I have is a bit overkill for that game, even if they add RTX to it.
I may play D4 depending on reviews. I look at my backlog of games on Steam, Epic, or wherever else I have an account with and find myself being a basic fella these days and never play much. And yes, I do appreciate the older titles. I'm still rankled over Baldur's Gate 3 and would much rather give the original titles a go.

I will always be interested in the new and upcoming hardware, I just don't need it. These days of costly parts compounds that sentiment. Hardware in the neighborhood of a grand, shouldn't have had the corners cut, QC issues and cash grabs with rebranding. Bah.
PoE is all I play. I just upgraded to a 7900xtx for it. Now it runs at 160fps solid (max refresh on the monitor), 3840x1600 with everything cranked up. So smooth.
I can upgrade my whole PC (I will) for less than the price of the GPU.

I guess I'll be holding on to my 2080Ti for a while. At least my new 4k monitor supports Gsync to help smooth things out.
IMHO, the vendor "push goal" (4K+) cost too much for most. So, this will take time. That can only help "the new player" on the block btw.
I wanted to get something for the wife. She always gets my hand-me-downs so I said, lemme see what these cards are selling for

The only air cooled 4080 at Canada computers is 1899, MSI version, priced in Canadian funny money of course

Any 4070ti is still above 1k, the fuck? Most around 1300.

No AMD offerings at all in store. Nothing

This sucks
What a poor showing this gen has been in pricing and QA/design. Literally no price/performance increase: without precedent in the history of semiconductors, and a crapshoot being an early adopter from either AMD or nV.

My own experience was actually ok last gen as I rode the buy low (got two 3080s on launch at MSRP), sell high train. I sunk some of the proceeds from those cards plus what I would have paid for a new card in a 7900xtx on launch day dispite my distaste on price... 110c t-junction issue. I returned that card and by the grace of the GPU gods a work buddy sold me his 4080 at a discount as he wanted to move to AMD. Sheer luck and timing. If I had been a meer amateur, I'd be out of luck.

I feel like I should be quoting Germinal: there are no winners (not even GPU companies who are shooting themselves in the proverbial foot) this gen.
I wanted to get something for the wife. She always gets my hand-me-downs so I said, lemme see what these cards are selling for

The only air cooled 4080 at Canada computers is 1899, MSI version, priced in Canadian funny money of course

Any 4070ti is still above 1k, the fuck? Most around 1300.

No AMD offerings at all in store. Nothing

This sucks

Basically nothing, but not entirely nothing. If I take alook right now...

From Canada Computers... There are XT's available on-line and in store/pickup.
From MemoryExpress... There are XT's available in store/pickup only (In BC, Alberta & Ontario). Out of Stock on-line :\

7900 XTX
Canada Computers - Couple available for in store/pickup (looks like 3 in Ontario lol... ok this is basically nothing)
Memory Express - Nothing, out of stock.

I really wish the XTX's where more available. This is what I want to buy, waiting on that restock :)
If you’re happy with their high pricing, just buy now. Not really sure what your point is here.

That you jinxed it and now they'll stay there :p

edit: Though I do own some stock, so now that you mention it, yes, the other way too
Sadly, pricing on the RTX4070Ti is what happens when people cock up and beg Nvidia to drive their virtual di*k to the hilt.
During the height of the pandemic, supply and demand ruled.
They could get away with charging whatever they wanted under the guise of shortages.
This new gouging, is because yo-yos gave up their power.
Nvidia was starting to become concerned when RTX4080 sales stagnated.
AMD faulted but instead of waiting to see what would happen, guys jumped the gun and started buying that over-priced behemoth.
Incentive to drop prices.....GONE.
Impatient gamers with too much money are their own worst enemy.
My 1070Ti gave out on me a couple weeks before Thanksgiving. I was fortunate to find a 3070Ti OC model for 599.99 on Black Friday. I am at 1440P and no plans to go 4K. I am super happy for what I paid. If I would have paid the 749 that most 3070Ti models are selling for now, I would be a little miffed if I found a 4070Ti nonreference model for not more than $100.00 over the current 3070Ti prices.
PoE is all I play. I just upgraded to a 7900xtx for it. Now it runs at 160fps solid (max refresh on the monitor), 3840x1600 with everything cranked up. So smooth.
Lol, yeah. My 3090 sits around 200 fps on a 1440 165hz display. Bring on rtx sirs.

POE buttah
Well into my 50s and jumping off this hype train we call PC gaming. Got myself a mint condition 22" crt paired with a 10850k and 3060ti and I'm golden for what may be indefinitely. I run 1600x1200@ 85hz and games look beautiful compared to the 2560×1440@144hz IPS sitting next to the Trinitron. Sure the LCD provides a little more immersion but that's about it. Plus, I spend more time with my Mister setup connected to another 19in trinitron than anything else. I'm discovering classic retro games I'd never heard of and I'm loving it. PC gaming is dying for me unfortunately. The only PC title I may attempt to pick up will be Stalker 2 and that's pretty much it.
Sadly, pricing on the RTX4070Ti is what happens when people cock up and beg Nvidia to drive their virtual di*k to the hilt.
During the height of the pandemic, supply and demand ruled.
They could get away with charging whatever they wanted under the guise of shortages.
This new gouging, is because yo-yos gave up their power.
Nvidia was starting to become concerned when RTX4080 sales stagnated.
AMD faulted but instead of waiting to see what would happen, guys jumped the gun and started buying that over-priced behemoth.
Incentive to drop prices.....GONE.
Impatient gamers with too much money are their own worst enemy.

I think 4070ti had horrible effect on Nvidia. BB had 7900xt in stock for days. but after 4070ti launched It pretty much sold out by next day. I think people went with the reference for 879.99 on BB site as it got bought out and 4070 ti are still in stock. BB got more of the xfx reference 7900xt in stock again today.
Guess it depends on what hobby you pick. Mine are far more expensive than PC's. RVing and travel, sport shooting, gun collecting, hunting, fishing, to name a few.
Yep, you’re no stranger to expensive hobbies!

This GPU market is insane and I want to distance myself from nVidia over their current price practices. Thank goodness for competition, but maybe Intel’s next iteration will be competitive enough in the $400-$600 bracket.
Guess it depends on what hobby you pick. Mine are far more expensive than PC's. RVing and travel, sport shooting, gun collecting, hunting, fishing, to name a few.

I still enjoy new tech and will buy it until I get dementia.
I got into sports shooting and gun collecting over the last 3 years.
It made buying a 4080 painless, lol.

At least GPUs are a one time deal compared to constantly having to feed the hobby every time you do it.
4000s series value is poor but useful in many ways other than gaming.
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Can the person who bought the 4070 Ti please stand up please stand up please stand up…

So we can tell you about where to spend your money?