3d Pong

go to miniclip.com and look for table tennis that game is so sick!

160 for me. I kept going after my mouse half the time thinking it was the ball. :p
JeanClaude said:
860sumthin for me.

Yeah, I call a BS on that one. You get 20 points if you win, there are 20 balls. That's 400 points if you win straight up. That means that you get 460 hits during those wins? I don't think so....
This game is great, I've been playing it for a couple years now.
The only thing I hate is the serve bug, where sometimes when you try to serve it it comes back at you.
315 for me...

i find its much easier if you dont actually look at it, like concetrate on something else on your screen.
HackofDestruct said:
i find its much easier if you dont actually look at it, like concetrate on something else on your screen.

The reflections on the sides of the playing field really help with the location of the ball...
Damn, got 408. I don't feel like taking a picture or anything like the guy above me, but just take my word for it, this is the only game I ever play when my computer is down. And it's been down quite a bit.. (plus it helps with counter-strike;)).
superthrawn said:
Hehe...high score for curveball:


Can anyone beat it?

Yep, 24,370 at level 8.

For the liquid.se/pong game I got 683 on my first try and 739 on my second. I'll edit this post if I can do any better. Edit: That game is a piece of crap. I beat the computer 5 times in a row! And guess what my score was at the end, 587. How can I get a lower score when I win tons of times?
I got up to 23300 at Level 8...I'm finding the key to getting that high is not losing any balls until level six or seven, if you can.
29045 in curveball..I think that's the top score...finally made it, just in time to go wait in line for Halo 2. :)