M76's latest activity

  • M76
    What do you think this is, the tyranny of microsoft? If and when I choose to upgrade to W11 I'm pretty sure it will be my choice. I know for a fact that I'm not spending money to fulfill MS's arbitrary CPU requirements. And I sure as hell am...
  • M76
    Windows 10 wasn't great. Just not bad enough to keep people away. MS has been playing two steps back one step forward since 7. So if W12 will be a thing it will be one step up from 11, but still one down from 10.
  • M76
    M76 reacted to Teenyman45's post in the thread Windows 11 Market Share Keeps Declining with Like Like.
    Nope. Now that I am back in the office, I just went to Windows Update via the start menu and while Windows has informed me that my copy of 10 Pro is up to date, the Win 11 dialogue box contains the following: "[t]his PC doesn't currently meet...
  • M76
    M76 replied to the thread Unreal 5.4 Update now available.
    The performance hit of features vary, but it's not nothing. You can still get big performance boosts by fine tuning settings in some games esp considering specific HW limitations. I think it would be a huge mistake to take away this fine tuning...
  • M76
    M76 replied to the thread Unreal 5.4 Update now available.
    Upgrading the engine under an existing project is always a hassle. Unless you did literally zero customization or haven't added any of your own code, in which case I question how good is your game if it just uses everything as is OOB.
  • M76
    M76 replied to the thread Unreal 5.4 Update now available.
    Fewer options is never a good thing. That's why we have graphics presets for those who don't want to bother. But giving the most options for fine tuning should always be the goal.
  • M76
    M76 replied to the thread Unreal 5.4 Update now available.
    In five to ten years. Wait, what?
  • M76
    How is axing ui customization and the other things I listed protection from lawsuits? Did they ever say that? I would not think them that brazen. This entire narrative smells of white knightery.
  • M76
    I don't believe that's true. What if any of these things that I find most annoying in W10/11 are court mandated? The constant push to upgrade to windows 11 The pressure to use cortana then copilot ai Removal of most UI customization options...
  • M76
    I’m not disagreeing, just stating that it was an imperfect solution attempt to answer the demands placed on them by the EU, Congress, and lost court cases. Lots of the crap we hate about Windows right now is the result of a lost legal battle and...
  • M76
    Bitlocker with TPM does not protect you from hacking, the only thing it does is protect the data when it is physically stolen. Secure boot offers protection from rootkits theoretically. But for a regular home user I think they are more likely...
  • M76
    Isn't it also microsoft who is pushing bitlocker tpm and secure boot and such things whether you want them or not?
  • M76
    That's a good thing, maybe they work out the DEI from their system by the time they start actively working on them. So we don't get censorship of "problematic themes", or make Mona Sax into a trans lesbian with a man jaw.
  • M76
    M76 reacted to Darunion's post in the thread Star Wars Outlaws with Like Like.
    Funny you mention resident evil, god wasnt that some of the worst voice acting every. "Wait.......dont open.....THAT door!!". I probably should try the original japanese and see how it is. She is an odd design and i cant really imagine why the...
  • M76
    M76 replied to the thread Star Wars Outlaws.
    • GKyo8iSboAAnKHV.jpg
  • M76
    M76 replied to the thread Star Wars Outlaws.
    Unless they are unattractive enough by progressive standards.
  • M76
    M76 reacted to Blade-Runner's post in the thread Star Wars Outlaws with Like Like.
    This made me lol: https://www.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/1c0jl7m/3d_technology_is_imperfect_you_dont_understand_it/
  • M76
    M76 replied to the thread Star Wars Outlaws.
    Congratulations on hitting every single dumb talking point that ever came out of the mouth of an activist. "It's not happening, but it is totally to prevent you from spanking" I have to ask, do you often spank it to video game characters? Why...
  • M76
    M76 reacted to Blade-Runner's post in the thread Star Wars Outlaws with Like Like.
    Just a happy coincidence that behemoth western publishers like MS are openly dictating "inclusivity" guidelines discouraging anything but DEI type portrayal of characters with the subtext that they won't fund or publish anything they deem...
  • M76
    M76 replied to the thread Star Wars Outlaws.
    They have been doing that for 10 years now at western game devs. I'm sick of it, but especially the gaslighting about it claiming it is not intentional "you just don't understand how game development works"