Recent content by Hard_Rocker

  1. H

    20yrs of [H]

    Has it really been that long... 😳
  2. H

    Doom III: Project Mars City (Comments Thread)

    if it were 27 years ago you, my good sir, could work for this guy called Lucas building model Star Detroyers. That window frame is INCREDIBLE.
  3. H

    Doom III: Project Mars City (Comments Thread)

    :eek::eek: my suggestion, for the interior... I know you don't have much space in it, and you'll only have that small window... I think you should have two lights inside, a "normal" white light and some kind of UV/blacklight. When the normal light is on have the interior appear fairly...
  4. H

    P4 vs. P4M

    space... space... space... and then airflow. the case I'm using has VERY LITTLE space... like 2" top to bottom. then you factor in that the mobo is raised up a bit and the socket and the processor and... yeah, you end up with just over an inch of space between top of the processor and top of the...
  5. H

    Processor temperatures: AMD vs. Intel...

    I have a case with very little space and very little airflow. that's why.
  6. H

    Processor temperatures: AMD vs. Intel...

    I dunno if I mentioned it in this thread or another one, but I'm not really a gamer anymore. Grew out of it, I guess... still play CS and UT at times but if my Tbird 1.2 can handle them, I'll be fine with a mobile 2400+, it seems. Basically as long as this new system doesn't end up lower than my...
  7. H

    Processor temperatures: AMD vs. Intel...

    Sheesh, NOW you guys chime in. XP Mobile 2400+ sounds like what I want. Now, here's a question... since you say that the 2400+ would run like a 2.4ghz processor would, what does it run like if I overclock it to (for example) a true 2.4ghz? Man, I told myself I WOULD NOT overclock this...
  8. H

    Processor temperatures: AMD vs. Intel...

    Well, for one thing, it's a lot cheaper than a P4. I'm a college student so if I'm paying less that's always a good thing. :) I knew AMD would be cheaper but I didn't know if the heat they produced would be low enough, but then again as I'd mentioned I wasn't even aware there WAS a mobile XP. :)
  9. H

    Processor temperatures: AMD vs. Intel...

    I'm replacing a Tbird 1.2ghz system. That's fast enough for me so anything that's faster is fine. I want as little heat as possible as I'll be watercooling with a passive radiator and I'd just prefer to have it as cool as possible. The mobile XP sounds like it'll suit my needs. And if I do ever...
  10. H

    P4 vs. P4M

    Gotcha. Yeah, I started that one to decide which forum Intel vs. AMD I needed to post in, heh. Well, I think you may have just changed my mind, and I guess I need to get out of this forum. ;)
  11. H

    Processor temperatures: AMD vs. Intel...

    Nope, I completely forgot there even WAS a mobile Athlon, and no-one else reminded me. :p
  12. H

    P4 vs. P4M

    Nope, not a thread crap.... I don't know anything about newer processors, I stopped paying attention after building my current (1.2ghz AXIA TBird) setup. I had a thread in General Hardware asking for opinions/facts about which processors produced less heat but not everyone goes there. Those guys...
  13. H

    Processor temperatures: AMD vs. Intel...

    I'm old school, I don't like that "3000+" stuff. I still go by clock speed as "comparable". :p
  14. H

    P4 vs. P4M

    Okay, I'm building a system right now in a very tight space. It'll be watercooled with a PASSIVE system, IE my radiator won't have air moving though it, it'll just... radiate. :p I've decided to go with a Pentium 4 (originally thinking Northwood) as it has, from most accounts, less heat output...
  15. H

    Processor temperatures: AMD vs. Intel...

    so I should go with a pentium 4... man, I haven't had an intel processor since my Celeron 366/550. Golden Orb, that's where it's at! :p Time to head over to the Intel forum for more research...