Exodus (space RPG)


Fully [H]
Oct 25, 2004
Matthew McConaughey stepped onto the stage at this year's Game Awards to announce that he is starring in his first-ever video game, Exodus, a space-faring action RPG developed by Archetype Studios in partnership with Wizards of the Coast

It's helmed by Baldur's Gate, Knights of the Old Republic, and Dragon Age: Origins lead James Ohlen...alongside Ohlen is a team made up of former BioWare and Naughty Dog devs...the game features time dilation, space travel, and naturally, aliens...

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jsCvugLI61I
Matthew McConaughey stepped onto the stage at this year's Game Awards to announce that he is starring in his first-ever video game, Exodus, a space-faring action RPG developed by Archetype Studios in partnership with Wizards of the Coast

It's helmed by Baldur's Gate, Knights of the Old Republic, and Dragon Age: Origins lead James Ohlen...alongside Ohlen is a team made up of former BioWare and Naughty Dog devs...the game features time dilation, space travel, and naturally, aliens...

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jsCvugLI61I

If you can name ships, you have to call the ship Lincoln.
Not gonna lie, I half expected to see a (1991, WisdomTree) Exodus remake.
Looks cool....not going to get my hopes up though. Hopefully it doesn't suck ass like Andromeda.
Yeah DEF got the Mass effect vibe. I will keep my eye on the games development. See where it goes.
a lot of ex-BioWare people at this new development studio (Archetype Studios)...Drew Karpyshyn was the senior writer for BioWare's Knights of the Old Republic and lead writer for the first two Mass Effect games

combined with some Naughty Dog folk...sounds like the old BioWare before EA...Exodus is definitely giving off Mass Effect vibes
The few in game shots, like camera angles and art style look Mass Effect. If this is closer to Mass Effect, smaller scale, focused more on story for role playing rather than collecting stuff, I will be interested.
Inside Exodus, Archetype's Ambitious New Mass Effect-Like RPG

Archetype wants to continue the RPG tradition established at BioWare...speaking with IGN, Studio Head James Ohlen as well as co-founders DebySue Wolfcale and Chad Robertson shed additional light on the long-awaited RPG, which was first teased back in 2020...they talked about how the time dilation element works but also the combat and more...

the time dilation sounds very unique which has the potential to really change a lot of variables within the game...the original promise with Mass Effect was all your choices would have a major impact on the world etc but it turned out to be basically nothing...hopefully they can realize that vision with this new game
The trailer looks promising and the project being led by the old Bioware lead without EA involvement sounds good too.

It definitely has that Mass Effect feel to it but that's not a bad thing and it looks to have it's own unique feel to it as well so it shouldn't just be an off brand rehash.
Zero expectations after Andromeda and the recent game with mech suits that sucked ass.
I don't blame anyone who has zero expectations as a result of Andromeda, I am almost finished it and the game ranges from being mediocre to outright trash, especially in relation to character art, model animation, team/enemy AI, inventory management and plot/character development. The game is also still laughably buggy with noticeable graphical artifacts and NPC pop in everywhere. All the apologists defending the game at the time were nothing but retarded fanboys, because there are very few redeeming features for this pile of turd squeezed out by Bioware and EA.
I don't blame anyone who has zero expectations as a result of Andromeda, I am almost finished it and the game ranges from being mediocre to outright trash, especially in relation to character art, model animation, team/enemy AI, inventory management and plot/character development. The game is also still laughably buggy with noticeable graphical artifacts and NPC pop in everywhere. All the apologists defending the game at the time were nothing but retarded fanboys, because there are very few redeeming features for this pile of turd squeezed out by Bioware and EA.

After it had some patches I did not find it that buggy. It was a bad Mass Effect game. But when compared to other similar open action RPG style games, I still found it to be better than average. I enjoyed it for what it was and IMO was one of the better games I played around that time. In no way is it even in the same field as the original trilogy. But compared to other things out there like Assassin's Creed Origins and other similar things I found it to be more enjoyable.

I also don't think it matters much, different studio, largely different developers, and different oversight. Andromeda was essentially rushed out if I recall.
Andromeda came out after Bioware had more or less been assimilated by EA and had lost a lot of their original talent. In my mind both Andromeda and Inquisition were more EA than Bioware, they were okay but lacked uniqueness and didn't feel like Mass Effect or Dragon Age games.
After it had some patches I did not find it that buggy.

I quite literally finished it 2 minutes ago and I am telling you it is buggy, including:

-texture and shadow flashing
-texture pop in
-NPCs dropping out of thin air
-broken enemy AI
-memory leaks

The fact that the game still suffers from these issues almost 6 years after release is shameful, but not at all surprising given who the developer and publisher is.

After it had some patches I did not find it that buggy. It was a bad Mass Effect game. But when compared to other similar open action RPG style games, I still found it to be better than average. I enjoyed it for what it was and IMO was one of the better games I played around that time. In no way is it even in the same field as the original trilogy. But compared to other things out there like Assassin's Creed Origins and other similar things I found it to be more enjoyable.
If it wasn't trading on the Mass Effect name, at best it was a 6 out of 10 game. There were so many aspects to it that were so god awful that EA should be embarrassed to have released it.

I also don't think it matters much, different studio, largely different developers, and different oversight. Andromeda was essentially rushed out if I recall.
What you are saying pretty much describes every EA developed game these days. I cannot even remember the last one which wasn't a rush out piece of trash.
It was a bad Mass Effect game. But when compared to other similar open action RPG style games, I still found it to be better than average. I enjoyed it for what it was and IMO was one of the better games I played around that time. In no way is it even in the same field as the original trilogy. But compared to other things out there like Assassin's Creed Origins and other similar things I found it to be more enjoyable

yeah it's only disappointing in relation to the other ME games...
yeah it's only disappointing in relation to the other ME games...
You should go try playing it again without rose tinted glasses, because the fact that it wasn't as good as other ME games does not mean that it was not of its own merit a good game.
You should go try playing it again without rose tinted glasses, because the fact that it wasn't as good as other ME games does not mean that it was not of its own merit a good game.

I played it years ago but I think it was a 7.5...not every game needs to be a 10 to be considered a good game...and the narrative that EA doesn't publish good games anymore is not true...the 2 recent Respawn Star Wars games have been excellent as was the Dead Space remake
I played it years ago but I think it was a 7.5...not every game needs to be a 10 to be considered a good game...and the narrative that EA doesn't publish good games anymore is not true...the 2 recent Respawn Star Wars games have been excellent as was the Dead Space remake
I played it now, its not a 7.5 by any stretch so feel free to disagree.

And a couple of exceptions on EA's part does not change the rule, apart from the fact that Fallen Order was glitchy/janky as fuck with a barely mediocre story. I can't speak to Jedi Survivor because I haven't played it yet, and I don't see how EA should be applauded for remaking Dead Space which was a good game to begin with from a bygone era when it used to give a shit about the quality of its titles.
I played it now, its not a 7.5 by any stretch so feel free to disagree.

I think it was around a 7.5. I'm sure it still has some bugs, but what you're describing is common for many games (though it shouldn't). Partway through my play through there was a patch that fixed most of the major issues. If you think that was bad, you should like Assassin's Creed Odyssey or Valhalla. Or FF13.

And a couple of exceptions on EA's part does not change the rule, apart from the fact that Fallen Order was glitchy/janky as fuck with a barely mediocre story. I can't speak to Jedi Survivor because I haven't played it yet, and I don't see how EA should be applauded for remaking Dead Space which was a good game to begin with from a bygone era when it used to give a shit about the quality of its titles.

Fallen Order did have some performance issues. It also had other technical issues. I still enjoyed it. Survivor still has a performance issues, but no real bugs that I noticed.
I think it was around a 7.5. I'm sure it still has some bugs, but what you're describing is common for many games (though it shouldn't). Partway through my play through there was a patch that fixed most of the major issues.
I play enough games to know what is or isn't within acceptable norms, and I don't consider this level of bugginess to be common or acceptable.

You are entitled to whatever opinion you have regarding how you personally rate the game, but any objective assessment or scale would not be so generous relative to other games released in the same time frame.

If you think that was bad, you should like Assassin's Creed Odyssey or Valhalla. Or FF13.
Oh that doesn't really surprise given Ubi is in the same league as EA when it comes to churning out trash software. However, it doesn't in any way excuse EA's shitty product quality.
Andromeda came out after Bioware had more or less been assimilated by EA and had lost a lot of their original talent. In my mind both Andromeda and Inquisition were more EA than Bioware, they were okay but lacked uniqueness and didn't feel like Mass Effect or Dragon Age games.
EA acquired BioWare in 2007, long before Andromeda or Inquisition began development. You can see EA's influence in the monetization of Dragon Age II and Mass Effect 2, no to mention the speed in which DA2 was kicked out the door. Mass Effect 3 happened the way it did because EA didn't want to give Drew Karpyshyn the time to finish writing the story.
I play enough games to know what is or isn't within acceptable norms, and I don't consider this level of bugginess to be common or acceptable.

It depends on what you consider acceptable. Too many games are released in buggy states. The launch was fairly bad, but it did get fixed into an "average" state fairly quickly that is certainly very common among AAA games.

but any objective assessment or scale would not be so generous relative to other games released in the same time frame.

Lots of games are highly rated despite having bugs. Witcher 3, Elden Ring, Hogwarts Legacy, Assassin's Creed Odyssey, GTA4 etc. When it comes to levels of bugs I experienced, it was on par or better than Witcher 3 (a few years post release), Assassin's Creed Odyssey, Cyberpunk Phantom Liberty 2.0, etc. While not too buggy, The Last of Us and Spiderman had more noteworthy performance issues than Andromeda (again, after some patches released during my playthrough).

It should have been better, but I can think of plenty of high profile games released in similar states. And it was still funner than most open ended games.
EA acquired BioWare in 2007, long before Andromeda or Inquisition began development. You can see EA's influence in the monetization of Dragon Age II and Mass Effect 2, no to mention the speed in which DA2 was kicked out the door. Mass Effect 3 happened the way it did because EA didn't want to give Drew Karpyshyn the time to finish writing the story.
It was a gradual shift for sure, I would just consider ME:A and DA:I the point at which Bioware became pretty much completely assimilated and had lost a large portion of their original talent. They were the first games by them I played that didn't feel or look like Bioware games.

IIRC Mass Effect 2 was mostly finished by the time EA took over and multiplayer with microtransactions got tacked on but it too late to make major changes. DA 2 wasn't as far along and suffered more, they forced Bioware to cut corners and change gameplay in an attempt to appeal to a larger audience which resulted in a lackluster game. From what I've heard they took a more hands off approach with ME 3 and gave it a big budget so it only suffered a little from the talent they were already starting to lose but I would consider it the last gasp of the old Bioware.
It was a gradual shift for sure, I would just consider ME:A and DA:I the point at which Bioware became pretty much completely assimilated and had lost a large portion of their original talent.

ME:A was done by a new studio, they helped with ME3 but ME:A was their first full game. Bioware Montreal, which was merged into EA Motive if I recall. So yes it was a different team. As of now Bioware has a studio in Calgary, probably the original one with different employees, and one in Austin Texas.
in regards to EA/BioWare...I'll never understand when a studio/publisher acquires another developer but doesn't let them do the things that made them successful in the first place
I don't blame anyone who has zero expectations as a result of Andromeda, I am almost finished it and the game ranges from being mediocre to outright trash, especially in relation to character art, model animation, team/enemy AI, inventory management and plot/character development. The game is also still laughably buggy with noticeable graphical artifacts and NPC pop in everywhere. All the apologists defending the game at the time were nothing but retarded fanboys, because there are very few redeeming features for this pile of turd squeezed out by Bioware and EA.
TBF, those issues were due largely to EA forcing the devs to use Frostbite as their engine, causing a ton of work to be thrown out and re-done under tight deadlines.
TBF, those issues were due largely to EA forcing the devs to use Frostbite as their engine, causing a ton of work to be thrown out and re-done under tight deadlines.
Andromeda was made on Frostbite from the start. Either way, nobody was still making games on UE3 in the mid-10s. UE3 was effectively EOL in 2013, and UE4 wouldn't be released until 2014, or a year after Andromeda started production in earnest.
Andromeda was made on Frostbite from the start. Either way, nobody was still making games on UE3 in the mid-10s. UE3 was effectively EOL in 2013, and UE4 wouldn't be released until 2014, or a year after Andromeda started production in earnest.

UE3 was nice but had a good bit of technical issues like texture pop in that few games got around. So I see why a lot of developers during that era went back to in house engines after the success of UE2.5 and the initial success of UE3. For what it is worth, ME1/2/3 were some of the best UE3 games in terms of technical performance.

Frostbite worked great for the Battlefield games but didn't have much of the systems in place for a single player action RPG. So those tools were being added in while the development was ongoing. If I recall it was rushed, they were learning a new engine, making new tools for it, and have a short time to deliver a full game. The result wasn't good.
Well I am glad to see that the discussion of Exodus has devolved into a "ME:A" sucks thread. I am personally looking forward to this game.
It depends on what you consider acceptable. Too many games are released in buggy states. The launch was fairly bad, but it did get fixed into an "average" state fairly quickly that is certainly very common among AAA games.
I don't consider it acceptable to experience these types of bugs in every play session, for any game.

Lots of games are highly rated despite having bugs. Witcher 3, Elden Ring, Hogwarts Legacy, Assassin's Creed Odyssey, GTA4 etc. When it comes to levels of bugs I experienced, it was on par or better than Witcher 3 (a few years post release), Assassin's Creed Odyssey, Cyberpunk Phantom Liberty 2.0, etc. While not too buggy, The Last of Us and Spiderman had more noteworthy performance issues than Andromeda (again, after some patches released during my playthrough).
I did not experience bugs in every play session in either Witcher 3 or GTA 4, and I can't speak to the other games because I am yet to play them.

It should have been better, but I can think of plenty of high profile games released in similar states.
I don't consider what-about-ism as a satisfactory excuse, especially as I am not talking about release states.....I am specifically calling out the fact that EA, being the dumpster fire company that it is, still has not properly fixed Andromeda 6 years after release.

And it was still funner than most open ended games.
Your personal mileage will vary, but it doesn't help that most open ended games are garbage.
TBF, those issues were due largely to EA forcing the devs to use Frostbite as their engine, causing a ton of work to be thrown out and re-done under tight deadlines.
I don't see how Frostbite had anything to do with the terrible character art, cringe voice acting, subpar plot, horribly designed menus, tedious meta games, etc.
Well I am glad to see that the discussion of Exodus has devolved into a "ME:A" sucks thread. I am personally looking forward to this game.
For the avoidance of doubt, ME:A doesn't just suck.....its a half baked turd squirted out by EA and Bioware.
I don't consider it acceptable to experience these types of bugs in every play session, for any game.

Fair enough, but then 70-80% of all PC games are off limits to you. Which is certainly fine if that is what you prefer.

I did not experience bugs in every play session in either Witcher 3 or GTA 4, and I can't speak to the other games because I am yet to play them.

Both those games were more buggy than ME:A. GTA 4 required a mod to complete or you have to use some type of frame rate limiter. Nothing worked for me except FRAPS. <--- Last time I ever used it.

I don't consider what-about-ism as a satisfactory excuse, especially as I am not talking about release states.....I am specifically calling out the fact that EA, being the dumpster fire company that it is, still has not properly fixed Andromeda 6 years after release.

You're entitled to your own opinion, but after a few patches it was less buggy than Witcher 3, GTA 4, Assassin's Creed Odyssey, Valhalla, etc. Wticher 3 I played 3-4 or so years post release.

Your personal mileage will vary, but it doesn't help that most open ended games are garbage.

I don't disagree. I don't mind open ended games, but open world often isn't good. ME:A made very poor use of some planets as an example. Some developers need to realize open world sucks unless you can make a good open world. Very few can.
Fair enough, but then 70-80% of all PC games are off limits to you. Which is certainly fine if that is what you prefer.
Cool story bro, I don't know what games you play or what shitty hardware you have but I do not experience noticeable bugs in every play session across 70 to 80% of games I play.

Both those games were more buggy than ME:A. GTA 4 required a mod to complete or you have to use some type of frame rate limiter. Nothing worked for me except FRAPS. <--- Last time I ever used it.
Seriously? I honestly don't know what you are talking about because I finished GTA 4 without needing any mod, and have never read of any such complaints from anyone else.

You're entitled to your own opinion, but after a few patches it was less buggy than Witcher 3, GTA 4, Assassin's Creed Odyssey, Valhalla, etc. Wticher 3 I played 3-4 or so years post release.
Not opinion, observable facts....but keep telling yourself that Witcher 3 and GTA 4 were more buggy, its not going to convince me otherwise.