
Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
Welcome to the For Sale/For Trade Forum.

The FSFT forum has its own set of specific rules and has a required 100 post minimum to participate. FSFT is for contributing members of HardForum.

PMs have also been TURNED OFF for new members to prevent scamming of our community members.

WARNING: Do not spam the forums to reach the required minimum, your posts will be deleted or your account banned outright.

Please read the rules before posting in this forum. [H]ard|Forum is NOT RESPONSIBLE for any loss due to any sale or exchange of any item in the For Sale / Trade forum. Caveat Emptor!!

You can now edit your own thread titles and close your own threads after your sale has ended. Do NOT post in your thread to note "Sold." Update the OP and close your thread.

~~~~~~~~~~ Rules: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

All General Forum Rules Are To Be Followed as Well as Those Specific to FSFT.

0) In the instance that we are contacted about any member here being a "bad trader" or a "troll," we reserve the right to turn any and all IP and personal information we have on that member over to any law enforcement authorities and/or any other group or individuals we desire. If we think you are a troll or a scammer, we reserve the right to turn over any and all personal information we have on you. If you do not agree with this rule, do not trade on our forums.

(1) The SUBJECT of your thread should reflect the type of transaction FS (For Sale), FT (For Trade), WTB (Want to Buy) or WTTF (Want to Trade For)

(2) No MISLEADING Titles or item descriptions.

(3) No Price or "interest" CHECKS

(4) CONSOLIDATE Threads. Do not post multiple threads, keep all your FS/FT deals in one thread, and all WTB/WTTF deals in a different thread. You should only have one FS/FT and one WTB/WTTF thread active at any one time. When making a new thread, include items from the old thread.

(5) No excessive BUMPING of your thread. Excessive bumping using Bump, TTT, ^^^, or other multiple wording to place your thread at the top is limited to 6 hours apart.


Repeated bumping by another member within the 6 hour minimum will not be tolerated. Repeated long term bumping of a thread will not be allowed. Any abuse of the bumping rules is to be determined at the discretion of the moderators and administrators over and beyond the stated rules on a case by case basis.

DO NOT BUMP your FS/T thread(s) simply to tell people the item has sold or you have found what you were looking for... all you accomplish is to knock someone else's thread off the front page.

This is a busy forum and threads move quickly enough. When your item(s) have sold or you've found what you're looking for, simply close the thread. If you do feel the need to mark your item sold, just edit the OP to indicate that.

Likewise, do not bump your thread to say that you've added pics or other items or lowered your price or responded to a PM unless it has been 6 hours since your last post.

(6) You must Post a PRICE unless the item is purely FT. (Trading for cash still means FS.)

(7) No THREAD CRAPPING. It is rude and will not be tolerated. If you have an issue with the price, the seller or the conditions of the sale, contact the seller directly, do not post it in the thread. FSFT threads are NOT discussion threads. Should you wish to discuss the product and its attributes, make your own thread in the appropriate subforum.

(8) Selling or Trading of CD-KEY(s) without the original disks is strictly prohibited unless the software was originally sold by the publisher without physical media.

(9) No AUCTION style posts.

(10) No multi-level marketing schemes. (PYRAMID Schemes)

(11) No linkage to sales on EBAY or other auction boards. eBay forum is here.

(12) No sales of COUPONS or any other freely distributed items such as free beta keys, discount codes, or anything else obtained free from a public source. etc.

(13) No PANHANDLING (Requests for money, paypal, or goods and services for free)

(14) No trading MONEY for money. (Borrowing money with higher payback)

(15) No LINKING to other sites except for image hosting. You can host images on our site by dragging and dropping your pictures into our editor.

(16) No SHOUTING. If you don't know..THIS IS SHOUTING. This applies to thread titles also. No posting titles with things like this, "Things like L@@K!" or ">>>>>> <<<<<<."

(17) No FLAMING or in-before-the-lock posts.

(18) No pirated software sales or trades. No sale of NFR or Academic software. OEM software must be sold/traded in accordance with the terms of that software, usually with a piece of hardware.

(19) No CONTEST threads

(20) No ALCOHOL, tobacco, firearms, weapons of any kind or pornography (anything that can be classified "Adult Material") are to be sold here..... nothing that is governed by the Federal Government as interstate trade. Likewise, no pharmaceuticals, legal or otherwise, can be sold here.

(21) GROUP buys are not allowed. Steam "4-Pack" type of Group Buys are allowed.

(22) The buying, selling, trading or solicitation of SERVICES is prohibited.

(23) Types of payment are fully up to the seller and the buyer.

(24) No Dealers or Vendors allowed. Rule Exception: If you have a great deal to bring to hardforum members, please email [email protected] with your product and deal and it will be decided on a case by case basis. If it is a good deal for the forum members, it will be allowed. You must be legitimate.

(25) FSFT is for HardForum community members and contributors. If you are viewed as running a business, or using our forums for a personal storefront, your account will be closed.

(26) No selling of items that are not 100% LEGALLY OWNED and possessed by the seller. This includes items leased, rented, financed, stolen, or that have any sort of lien against them.

(27) Contacting members via PM unsolicited about selling will result in your account being terminated.

*The above rules are made for the protection of all. Failure to comply with the rules will result in suspension of your privileges to post in this forum, or forfeiture of your forum membership according to the severity of the infraction. The moderators and administrators of this board reserve the right to modify, edit, move or delete any part or all of a post or thread for any reason stated above. [H]ard|Forum also reserves the right to ban any user, at any time, and for any reason.

If you have any problems or questions, feel free to address your inquiries to the listed forum Moderators or Administrators by PM.

Regarding Trading Tips and Dealing with Trolls

~~~~~~~~~~~~ Quick Tips for trading ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

(1) Always use delivery confirmation, and always keep the proof that you shipped.

(2) Always ask for a real name, home address, and telephone number. Verify it with a call or a search in the white pages.

(3) If the seller is suspicious, please search for info about him or contact a mod. If deal sounds too good to be true, chances are that it is.

(4) Don’t jump to conclusions, email the seller if you have problems, if you have their phone number, give them a call.

(5) If you feel that you’ve been scammed, you can file complaints about internet fraud directly with the FBI at their Internet Fraud Complaint Center (IFFC) Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) | Home You can also go to www.usps.com and file a complaint for postal fraud, and most state Attorney Generals have an online internet fraud complaint form.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Avoiding Trolls~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

(1) No matter what, get a name, address and phone number and then confirm the information by:

a. Phoning the telephone number and checking if it is actually them.

b. Going to www.switchboard.com or a similar site and check out if the last name matches the address. If it does not match, find out why from the trader before selling (the telephone may be listed to another party in the house) Chances are if they won't provide a phone number, something is up.

(2) Don't ship first without getting good references. You can get money back through different means if your money is taken, but your SOL if you ship before receiving payment.

(3) Use a credit card with paypal when at all possible. You're only liable for 50$ in damages if someone rips you off.

(4) If you cannot use a credit card, use a check since they are traceable and can prove your case if it comes down to contacting the police.

(5) Don't accept a cell phone for the phone number. It's much easier to change or cancel than a home phone number.

(6) Keep a record of all conversation with the person pertaining to the trade. It provides backup when having to deal with the police.

(7) Be wary of anyone with a recent forum registration date. Post count means little, date of registration does.

(8) If a deal seems too good to be true, chances are that it is......so be wary.

~~~~~~~~~ OUTING A TROLL ~~~~~~~~~~~

(1) If you have a problem with a buyer or seller and believe them to be a Troll, do NOT post a thread or comment about said user unless you have PROOF that the person is indeed a troll. Posting a suspicion without proper backup only makes you look bad on the forum.

(2) Claiming someone is a troll because they are selling something "too good to be true" or any other suspicious reason is not allowed.

(3) When "outing" a troll you must provide PROOF that the troll did indeed rip you off. This means that you started a trade, either with money or merchandise and you did not receive the item promised. Hearsay or rumor are NOT grounds for crying troll on this forum.

(4) In lots of cases items are sent out, but maybe not as quickly as hoped. Give the trade sufficient time to pan out before claiming someone is a troll. I suggest at least waiting 2-4 weeks before even thinking about claiming someone as a troll.

(5) Believe it or not, things do happen that cause people delay in shipping on a promised date. This does not make them a troll. They should provide a satisfactory explanation for such activity, but it's not necessary as long as the trade is completed.

(6) If you have a problem with the speed at which someone trades, leave them negative feedback on their preferred feedback site.

(7) The key here is to remember that EVERYONE is innocent until proven guilty!!!

(8) Remember and make use of these tips and no one will get hurt.

~~~~~~~~~~~Regarding Troll Threads~~~~~~~~~~~

We really do not want Troll threads on this forum unless there is adequate proof that there has actually been an instance of trolling. What we have had in the past has been rumor and suspicion which only harms innocent dealers. If you have proof that you have been a victim of a scam, report it to the moderator of this forum. The facts will be checked out and if there has been an instance of a scam, an official warning thread will be created. The operative word here is proof. Present all of the needed trade parameters, contact information and logs of communication when contacting a moderator about a troll instance. If you followed the tips and warnings listed above, you should have no problems in providing the needed proof.
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(11) No linkage to sales on EBAY or other auction boards. eBay forum is here. <------link missing

thanks for posting this up this is my fave place to buy/trade
I agree, it should be higher. People should contribute to something they want to personally gain from, weird concept eh?

Agreed, not to mention someone could get 10 posts easily within an hour and then scam people. It'll take a bit longer to get to 100 at least.

Personally, I'd raise it even higher. I've already seen people who post completely worthless replies just to get to that 100 post count quick so they can sell something and then never return. Hopefully if they saw an even higher post count requirement then they wouldn't litter the forums with useless posts anymore.
I agree, it should be higher. People should contribute to something they want to personally gain from, weird concept eh?
Agreed. I like knowing these people are here to stay before dealing with them. Even then you can still get screwed over.
So we can edit our thread title only after the sale ends? Who do we contact to edit the title while the sale is still active?
So is charging a different price for fee sites vs non-fee sites allowed now? I didnt see it in the rules.

IE: X video card is 380 for google wallet or 395 for paypal
Yeah, also curious about the above, I mean, i charge less for Google Wallet simply because i fucking hate dealing with PayPal and their horseshit lol.
I think it's only asking for extra to cover PayPal fees that isn't allowed.
So is charging a different price for fee sites vs non-fee sites allowed now? I didnt see it in the rules.

IE: X video card is 380 for google wallet or 395 for paypal

I'd like to know this too... this used to be an explicit rule in the list. Has this changed?
I must be blind or something, but when I go to edit my FS thread, even within the full editor I cannot see how to edit my thread title. Any help here?

edit: nevermind found it.
Is selling Steam accounts allowed?
According to Steam TOS, it's not allowed, but sites like Ebay and many others let you sell Steam accounts. Besides, I used my money to buy these games :)
Is selling Steam accounts allowed?
According to Steam TOS, it's not allowed, but sites like Ebay and many others let you sell Steam accounts. Besides, I used my money to buy these games :)
It is not my job to police Steam's TOS, that is up to Valve.
Is there a give-away section?

I might do a give away for the Hitman game that will be bundled with the RX 470.
Hey Kyle/Admins, any chance we can visit the subject of "sold lists." I'm not sure I get the point of some sellers listing items that they've sold, especially since it adds a hit for the search function. It's kind of like excessive bumping, but in the search results, and just annoying IMO. Perhaps I'm missing a legitimate use for it?
Hey Kyle/Admins, any chance we can visit the subject of "sold lists." I'm not sure I get the point of some sellers listing items that they've sold, especially since it adds a hit for the search function. It's kind of like excessive bumping, but in the search results, and just annoying IMO. Perhaps I'm missing a legitimate use for it?
I have no idea what you are asking for. As for searches, we have plenty of CPU and IO for that.
I think he’s referring to when people don’t remove sold items from their FS threads, and then when he later does a search for that item in FS/T to see what’s currently available he gets extra search results because the item is still contained in the threads where it was previously available.

Would require a “Remove sold items from your threads so that they don’t clog up search results” rule. But some people wouldn’t do that and it would add work for the mods to clean up FS threads.
It's more of a best practice, not necessarily a rule, and I don't want to take any more consideration than it's worth.

But I've noticed that folks will keep a tally of items they've sold in the past as a footnote to their FS/FT thread. With the adoption of heatware, I don't understand why someone would list off all the items they sold in the past, but I know that it does result in additional clutter in search results.

Take for example if I list my GTX 1071 for sale like this:

For sale GTX 1071 8GB, includes box and original accessories - $500 shipped obo
It's been used for a little over a year for only gaming and is in excellent working condition.

Sold items:
- GTX 971
- GTX 771
- GTX 461
- HD 6971

Now every time someone searches GTX 971, 771, etc. they're going to encounter my irrelevant (to them) FS thread. No, I don't expect people/mods to go back and delete stuff that they've sold. I just don't get the idea of ADDING a list of sold items every time some people open new threads.
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Would require a “Remove sold items from your threads so that they don’t clog up search results” rule. But some people wouldn’t do that and it would add work for the mods to clean up FS threads.

Maybe not a rule but a "best practices" suggestion? Enforceable at the discretion of forum moderators.
I like having the results show when I search for '8350'
It gives me a ballpark of what others sold it for, so I can price accordingly (usually lower)
I agree dbwillis, but that's not what I was getting at.

Having a FS thread where someone sold a 8350 at $xyz price is indeed helpful. But say for example someone opens a new thread to sell a case, and they have a list of past items sold without pricing data, among them is a 8350. Not helpful, and just leaves me scratching my head why someone would drag along a list like that from thread to thread.

Anyhow, I think 'best practices' is probably the way to go about it. I really don't want to make a mountain out of a mole hill on a subject that very briefly bothers me. :D
I like having the results show when I search for '8350'
It gives me a ballpark of what others sold it for, so I can price accordingly (usually lower)

People tend to remove the prices for sold items, so it's kind of useless for that purpose.
I agree, it should be higher. People should contribute to something they want to personally gain from, weird concept eh?

Nonsense. You are missing the point. Bullshit posts just to get to that magic number of hundred don't qualify as "contributing" to anything. Even if they were not bullshit posts, still, having a hundred, or even a thousand posts doesn't prove anyone is trustworthy, just makes entry extremely difficult.

If you want to check people for trustworthiness, ask them to link to their ebay feedback, heatware, or even introduce small fees for some sort of middleman service. 100 posts to get into the FS/FT is just frustrating. I remember how it was for me, and I didn't deserve that "torture".
I remember how it was for me, and I didn't deserve that "torture".
I don't think it's a torture - it's just a balance between determining whether if you're a contributing member of the community here in addition to the external factors such as heatware, ebay feedback... Reputation matters here sometimes more than ebay feedback, heatware, etc...

Be a contributing member and usually the issue goes away on its own.
Hey Kyle/Admins, any chance we can visit the subject of "sold lists." I'm not sure I get the point of some sellers listing items that they've sold, especially since it adds a hit for the search function. It's kind of like excessive bumping, but in the search results, and just annoying IMO. Perhaps I'm missing a legitimate use for it?

I remove them when I see them....nothing is more annoying than searching for an item only to come across one that was sold 6 months ago

people who use these lists do so only to get you to their thread via the search engine.

I've seen sold lists that were ridiculously long...if the item was not sold in that thread, then it has no business being listed in that thread.

if it was sold in that thread,once the deal is over, ,mark is sold and move on..

this also happens when people use the same sale thread for weeks on end like a favorite pair of pants...25 pages of bumps almost guarantees people can't see what you selling and at this point, probably dont care anymore.
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Basically the OP posted at 5:33PM on Sunday. We then get "watching closely" @ 7:18PM Sunday. A pseudo bump not even two hours later.

Then you get "You are killing me with this deal. Must resist. Bump for you..." which wasn't an early bump, but still not the OP bumping his own thread.

If these were people posting a question or claiming the item, we wouldn't be having this discussion. This thread in particular isn't severe but there have been some where people are bumping because they are either groupies of the seller or just bored trying to get their post count up or something.

I've reported a few, but no idea if action was taken or if I should just STFU and ignore it.
If these were people posting a question or claiming the item, we wouldn't be having this discussion. This thread in particular isn't severe but there have been some where people are bumping because they are either groupies of the seller or just bored trying to get their post count up or something.

Speaking strictly for myself, occasionally I will bump the thread containing an item that I'm interested in so that I become subbed to the thread and it remains on my radar. That way, it gets added to my list of "Watched Threads" and I can easily keep tabs on it in case there's a price drop or the item that I'm potentially interested in sells. It's more convenient for me than trying to flip back through pages of FS/T trying to find the thread that caught my interest.


Speaking strictly for myself, occasionally I will bump the thread containing an item that I'm interested in so that I become subbed to the thread and it remains on my radar. That way, it gets added to my list of "Watched Threads" and I can easily keep tabs on it in case there's a price drop or the item that I'm potentially interested in sells. It's more convenient for me than trying to flip back through pages of FS/T trying to find the thread that caught my interest.


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You can sub a thread without posting to it.
You can sub a thread without posting to it.

Noted, but I just don't see this as being as big of a problem as cato was making it out to be. Then again, I don't post much in FS/T anymore because I don't buy or sell as much these days, so maybe I'm not the most qualified person to comment on the matter. I have faith that if it becomes an issue, the mods will address it.