Plague Inc. Anyone ever play this?


Supreme [H]ardness
Feb 3, 2004
Anyone ever play this?
My God I'm hooked!
It's pretty sadistic, but whatever, it's a good strategy game.

For those who don't know what this game is, it's basically an all click game over a view of the entire world.
Your mission is to infect the entire world population by spreading your own customized strain/bacteria/mutgen.
Tons of options as far as customizing.
It's a mobile game that makes you think more than just point and click crap. The difficulty is actually pretty challenging.

It's a great way to "kill" time.
It got really easy after a while got tired of replaying diseases a few were difficult but still...

I like how the devs update the population with current census data.
Its a good time burner. Not great for battery life, but better than kandy krush.

I own it on Android and Windows Phone. Totally worth the price, twice!
Ya for 99 cents it's a steal.
I'm stuck on Fungus right now. This shit just does not move quick enough and it seems I'm always down to one last country not getting hit and I run out of DNA points.

Anyone have a good strategy for Fungus?
Ya for 99 cents it's a steal.
I'm stuck on Fungus right now. This shit just does not move quick enough and it seems I'm always down to one last country not getting hit and I run out of DNA points.

Anyone have a good strategy for Fungus?

Concentrate on transmission vectors first save spore bursts for late I like to start in China or India. The spore bursts will hit those stubborn countries. Insects and birds make good carriers but nothing beats the airborne extreme bioairisol both levels of air and water this shows up