XP-90C worth it?


Aug 6, 2004
I just recently purchased DFI's NF3-Ultra for 939's and need a new hsf. I have been reading that the xp-90's are an excellent choice. I was just wondering if the 90c is worth the extra 25-30 dollars versus the normal. Does it cool that much better? I have read where people have seen 8-9C difference between the two, but I have also read the reviews where it was only 1-2C difference.

I am also hoping that this hsf will fit :D. By the looks of it, it should.

Thermalright has a list on their site of compatibility with lots of motherboards. The new XP-120 for instance blocks a pci-e slot on the DFI-SLI boards due to it's enormous wingspan, but works fine on the Asus SLI boards. If its in the list as interfering with a capacitor or something else on your board, then temps are a moot point. But for 30 bux I think they're good lookin' enough to have just sitting on the desk.....:)
I think it will fit just fine. I just need to know if it is going to cool that much better than the regular xp-90. I know it will definitely cool better, but by how much?

Trust me I would love to have one of the copper ones, but I just can't justify that much of a cost difference just based on looks. ;)

PS. It says they are rated for 3200+ and up. Don't know why they didn't include 3000+ in there. I have a 3000+ Venice.
KevinO said:
PS. It says they are rated for 3200+ and up. Don't know why they didn't include 3000+ in there. I have a 3000+ Venice.

uhh...wouldn't logic tell you that since a 3200+ (not to mention 'and up' ) is faster and thus produces more heat, and your 3000+ is under that threshold that it would of course be included?.......but maybe logic doesn't tell you anything... :rolleyes:
Could be... don't know.... I know it is safe for a 3000+, mainly just curious about the specs. I wouldn't think a 3200+ would produce that much more heat that it would put it "in spec" vs the 3000+, but what do I know.. :rolleyes:
From what i've read there's only a few degrees difference between the xp-90 & 90c. I'd save the money and go for the xp-90!

Here's a review:



As you can see, with high speed fans the XP-90C offers only a small improvement over the XP-90, however when we use slower fans like the Panaflo and Papst the difference becomes bigger. To sum it up:

Difference: XP-90 vs XP-90C

High Speed: ~2°C

Medium Speed: ~3°C

Slow Speed: ~4°C
Toonage said:
uhh...wouldn't logic tell you that since a 3200+ (not to mention 'and up' ) is faster and thus produces more heat, and your 3000+ is under that threshold that it would of course be included?.......but maybe logic doesn't tell you anything... :rolleyes:

wouldnt logic tell you its not necessary to be a cocksucker just because someone asked a question?

i wouldnt spring for the copper version myself, id rather get the 120.