WTB: Budget Video Card (found)

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Apr 9, 2002
I am looking for a budget video card ($50ish) for my son’s pc that I am working on putting together. The one that’s currently in there ( Radeon HD 6670) is over a decade old and is having issues playing games smoothly. Thanks!
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I am looking for a budget video card for my son’s pc that I am working on putting together. The one that’s currently in there ( Radeon HD 6670) is over a decade old and is having issues playing games smoothly. Thanks!
What is your budget?
Where are you located? May have something if your close, otherwise shipping might just make it not worth while.
GL OP!.... a $50 budget makes it a little tricky tho

I'm sure you could find a GTX 970 for just a littlllllle bit more here on the forum (or maybe an RX 470/570)
GL OP!.... a $50 budget makes it a little tricky tho

I'm sure you could find a GTX 970 for just a littlllllle bit more here on the forum (or maybe an RX 470/570)

Yeah it definitely doesn’t have to be anything fancy. Even a rx570 is loads faster than a 6770. Like 332% faster according to user benchmark!
I've got an AMD 7970 if you're interested. It's old, but if your PSU is up to it, still a lot faster than the 6670.
I have an RX550 that I don't especially like, but am not in a rush to get rid of; if you don't find any other avenues, maybe we can come up with something. (unlike my other parts, this one is in use, so I'd have to replace it ... which I've been thinking about doing, but it's not as trivial as pulling bits out of the parts box.)
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