WoW - Multiple Executables Causes Computer Hault - Help


May 8, 2009
Ever since I have built this new computer ( see sig ) I have had this problem. Basically, opening a second WoW executable on this machine will cause my computer to come to a hault almost. It nearly locks up to the point where I have to wait about 10-15 seconds before I can move the mouse a couple of inches or close something. It does this as soon as I start the second WoW executable and as soon as it reaches the login screen.

My computer is more then capable of handling two WoWs at once. I also have tried it with Aero disabled. I have the latest nvidia drivers - 197.45. This used to happen on a friends machine as well, with a somewhat similar machine (intel cpu, nvidia video card) but once he upgraded to 197.45 drivers his problem was fixed. Mine on the other hand still remains.

Anyone have any suggestions or advice? Thanks
Run with windowed/borderless and lower resolution helps, start the game with all minimal settings and work your way up little by little till you see what you can handle. There's also a great program out there for multi-boxers called Keyclone.
Shot in the dark but try disabling SLI and seeing if it works. Could possibly be an SLI problem.
So the culprit is Triple Buffering. Regardless of SLI, max video settings, high resolution, etc it still does it if Triple Buffering is checked. It obviously does not do it if I turn off vertical sync altogether. It also does not do it if I turn off windowed mode. I am assuming that is because having it in fullscreen overwrites the need for vertical sync on two version's of WoW.

Any ideas on how to get this working for multiple WoWs without having to uncheck Triple Buffering each time?