World of Warships Enters Open Beta!

Business, can you list exactly which Aslains options you have installed ?

I want to match most of what you have, but there are so damn many I can't find them.
Nice bonus's this weekend:

Starts March 18 at 04:20 PT / 07:20 ET
Ends March 21 at 04:20 PT / 07:20 ET

x2 First-Win Bonus
40% XP Conversion Bonus

Changed from 1 Doubloon = 25 Free XP to 1 Doubloon = 35 Free XP

Of course they will sell a shitload of Dablooms because of it. These guys are really, really smart when it comes to their marketing :)
So, I bought the Marblehead. If for no other reason than to have a way to make upping my US captains faster.

Only other choice is the Atlanta, which is way too damn expensive for what it is.

Tried it once. Sold it. Didn't like burning the candle at both ends. LOL.

nvm.. looks like it sucks compared to the murmansk... 12.7km range
Marblehead seems for the collectors--isn't it basically a B-hull Omaha but worse? Actually, I don't even really know (outside of the spotter plane) what advantage the Murmansk has over the C-hull. Thought they were essentially the same? (Edit: different torps) And, obviously, premium $$.
Nice bonus's this weekend:

Starts March 18 at 04:20 PT / 07:20 ET
Ends March 21 at 04:20 PT / 07:20 ET

x2 First-Win Bonus
40% XP Conversion Bonus

Changed from 1 Doubloon = 25 Free XP to 1 Doubloon = 35 Free XP

Of course they will sell a shitload of Dablooms because of it. These guys are really, really smart when it comes to their marketing :)

2x makes people fucking retarded. I hate 2x
Had a lot of underdog games that were won today. Some pretty serious. Goes to show to not give up!
Marblehead seems for the collectors--isn't it basically a B-hull Omaha but worse? Actually, I don't even really know (outside of the spotter plane) what advantage the Murmansk has over the C-hull. Thought they were essentially the same? (Edit: different torps) And, obviously, premium $$.

It plays exactly like you think it should.

It is a B hull Omaha with slightly faster guns (and I mean slightly). It still has that "shutter lag" as I like to call it that the Omaha and Murmansk does.

It has 6 guns pointing forward making for nice slight-angle shooting, but you are fucked when you eventually have to turn around LOL You damn sight want to do it behind a mountain or something because this thing is a Citidel waiting to happen.

Don't expect a lot from the AA either.

It is what it is. A very slightly warmed up B hull Omaha.

It's strength lies in being an affordable USA ship to use to help build up your US captains. We didn't have that until now (the Atlanta is too damn expensive for what it is). Like the Murmansk, for $16 or whatever it is it's a no brainer really even if you do nothing but use it to buff up captains.

Personally, I think it hits a tad harder than the Omaha too.
2x makes people fucking retarded. I hate 2x

Not me. I still want the Zao after B6's last video :)

However I fully expect it to get neutered before I ever build up the 260k XP for it. That is one of the things I am starting to really fucking hate about this game. They fuck with your investment AFTER you've spent the money on it.
All variants of the Omaha are glass cannons. With stupid awesome rudders.

I haven't played since around the new year. Was curious about the German cruisers, so played up until I got a Nurnberg upgraded. AFT was never much of my game (had it on my Omaha B for a little bit and it sure was OP being able to snipe and out rudder BB shots), but am probably not going to be thrilled with losing the BFT and marksman bonuses. The latter two do make it a lot harder to counter DD's.

How is the imbalance now in the game? Seems like the game is now World of Destroyers (and Yamato/Zao at upper tier)
All variants of the Omaha are glass cannons. With stupid awesome rudders.

I haven't played since around the new year. Was curious about the German cruisers, so played up until I got a Nurnberg upgraded. AFT was never much of my game (had it on my Omaha B for a little bit and it sure was OP being able to snipe and out rudder BB shots), but am probably not going to be thrilled with losing the BFT and marksman bonuses. The latter two do make it a lot harder to counter DD's.

How is the imbalance now in the game? Seems like the game is now World of Destroyers (and Yamato/Zao at upper tier)

it's pretty much world of destroyers from T8-T10 and world of carriers from T4-T7.

Marblehead seems for the collectors--isn't it basically a B-hull Omaha but worse? Actually, I don't even really know (outside of the spotter plane) what advantage the Murmansk has over the C-hull. Thought they were essentially the same? (Edit: different torps) And, obviously, premium $$.

it's the omaha A hull i believe and it's a piece of junk.

murmansk uses the omaha C hull but has more base range, spotter plane, better AP penetration.
Yeah but the CVs are due to the incentives mainly and can be countered pretty easy. DDs are more annoying... but team play can take those out quickly.

I got to play with Business today and we had some great games. A lot of underdog games (T6 vs T8 BBs, ect) and won most of them. It was fun / rewarding.

Seems like the idiots were out. I had a guy that popped out from an island in a minekaze and I deleted him in my Atlanta in three slavos from full health (13 seconds total) He then bitched for ten minutes how I was a pussy... Even though I was taking on a CO and Myoko (probably the worst ships an Atlanta can go against) to save our CV and I did!

Right after that game I hopped on Business's stream and he had a guy telling him wasn't doing anything. I missed most of the match but ... I didn't need to see it. The guy got 2nd lowest exp. They were out in force.

I'd say it's decently balanced. So much revolves around the player. Yamato has weaknesses. Not actually sure what the Zaos is though....
I just had to post these to piss off chibe & droc...This game absolutely should have been a loss, because A) I'm playing against chibe, kami, slap (in a division) & droc on the other team, and my team was kind of out of it from the start. The division rolls up on one side almost unopposed and is at our cap like 5 minutes into the game. I don't want to face them, because they all take a certain amount of joy in crushing my mikhail kutuzov, so I head up the channel on two brothers, because I know there is a DD in there, I figured I'll at least get a kill in there before I die and we lose, as there are like 3 ships protecting their cap, including droc. I eat 3 torps from the farragut, but kill him with secondaries to get the close quarters expert, and then our ognevoi comes with me and heads out into the cap area(I'm beached trying to avoid the torps and just chilling in my smoke). Put a few shots & a citadel on droc, and someone else back in their cap, just kind of waiting on the inevitable to hit. My team is basically melting away trying to keep the division of doom from capping us, just resetting the cap counter regularly. Our ognevoi dies (I think droc killed him), so I sail on into their cap, droc gets wiped out by our north carolina that was over near our cap, and I start capping. So it's just me in their cap and and the enemy mahan who is out at the edge of it, who has just sent torps at me. I get some shots on him, he still has 50% health or so, but he isn't firing to try and get hidden again. Ok, I figure he's just waiting for the cap counter to ratchet up higher, then he's going to hit me and reset it, once the bad guys on our cap finish off our team up there and can complete the cap. The rest of my team dies (I wasn't even aware of this at the time), so the bad guys are capping us as well, but I have a decent cap timer lead at this point. The mahan is invisible to me, but is detecting me, so he can hit me any time he wants, he's like 7k away from me, so probably 6km out from the edge of the cap. He then pulls the pro move, instead of just hitting me 1 time to reset the cap and preserve their win, he fires torps that miss badly, and then really ups the ante by popping smoke (I never detected him so he was still perfectly safe). That obviously causes him to loses sight of me at that point, I turn and haul ass back to the furthest part of cap from him (my concealment is down to 11.1 in the MK with mod and captain skill), hide and cap for the solo-warrior win. So much salt on the TS towards that mahan...


I just had to post these to piss off chibe & droc...This game absolutely should have been a loss, because A) I'm playing against chibe, kami, slap (in a division) & droc on the other team, and my team was kind of out of it from the start. The division rolls up on one side almost unopposed and is at our cap like 5 minutes into the game. I don't want to face them, because they all take a certain amount of joy in crushing my mikhail kutuzov, so I head up the channel on two brothers, because I know there is a DD in there, I figured I'll at least get a kill in there before I die and we lose, as there are like 3 ships protecting their cap, including droc. I eat 3 torps from the farragut, but kill him with secondaries to get the close quarters expert, and then our ognevoi comes with me and heads out into the cap area(I'm beached trying to avoid the torps and just chilling in my smoke). Put a few shots & a citadel on droc, and someone else back in their cap, just kind of waiting on the inevitable to hit. My team is basically melting away trying to keep the division of doom from capping us, just resetting the cap counter regularly. Our ognevoi dies (I think droc killed him), so I sail on into their cap, droc gets wiped out by our north carolina that was over near our cap, and I start capping. So it's just me in their cap and and the enemy mahan who is out at the edge of it, who has just sent torps at me. I get some shots on him, he still has 50% health or so, but he isn't firing to try and get hidden again. Ok, I figure he's just waiting for the cap counter to ratchet up higher, then he's going to hit me and reset it, once the bad guys on our cap finish off our team up there and can complete the cap. The rest of my team dies (I wasn't even aware of this at the time), so the bad guys are capping us as well, but I have a decent cap timer lead at this point. The mahan is invisible to me, but is detecting me, so he can hit me any time he wants, he's like 7k away from me, so probably 6km out from the edge of the cap. He then pulls the pro move, instead of just hitting me 1 time to reset the cap and preserve their win, he fires torps that miss badly, and then really ups the ante by popping smoke (I never detected him so he was still perfectly safe). That obviously causes him to loses sight of me at that point, I turn and haul ass back to the furthest part of cap from him (my concealment is down to 11.1 in the MK with mod and captain skill), hide and cap for the solo-warrior win. So much salt on the TS towards that mahan...



Yea, that mahan really fucked up. I can undestand not wanting to die, but if you die to ensure a win, then die with glory. Also, Slap detonated from a single torp hit for 32k damage.

Needless to say, gratz on your solo warrior. May I never been on the enemey team again when you win your next one or my blood pressure will become an issue.
New user replay video is up. There are a lot of excellent examples of how you should play in here along with a lot of unfortunate examples of how you should not

Just a suggestion, though: stop using shell cam as it promotes a singular focus and reduces your ability to respond to changes.

Business, can you list exactly which Aslains options you have installed ?

I want to match most of what you have, but there are so damn many I can't find them.

Ship HP panels by Monstrofil (with ship icons instead of class icons)
Ship contour icons by Colt87 (even though it's outdated and doesn't work with the HP panels)
Historical Naval Ensigns in 2k HD
I use different log in and loading screens because I'm like that
Colored tracer mod by atmaxx (first option)

Then in "Various Mods" I use Training Room, Clear Vision (NOT the fog remover!), Base Capture Timer, Damage Counter and display damage in battle results. I won't use the smoke ring mod and don't recommend the big wave mod as it can make you think that you need to aim higher.

Also, nice work, Dave!
to add to the last part of business's post, do not use the smoke ring mod, it's currently bugged in the latest version of the game and causes weird glitches and games failing to load. i'm also not a fan of it really existing, so i'm kinda glad it's bugged.
New user replay video is up. There are a lot of excellent examples of how you should play in here along with a lot of unfortunate examples of how you should not

Just a suggestion, though: stop using shell cam as it promotes a singular focus and reduces your ability to respond to changes.

Ship HP panels by Monstrofil (with ship icons instead of class icons)
Ship contour icons by Colt87 (even though it's outdated and doesn't work with the HP panels)
Historical Naval Ensigns in 2k HD
I use different log in and loading screens because I'm like that
Colored tracer mod by atmaxx (first option)

Then in "Various Mods" I use Training Room, Clear Vision (NOT the fog remover!), Base Capture Timer, Damage Counter and display damage in battle results. I won't use the smoke ring mod and don't recommend the big wave mod as it can make you think that you need to aim higher.

Also, nice work, Dave!

Thanks :)
None of us expected that match to go that way, and I think most of us had to use a pancake flipper to remove our jaws from our desks. We had that in the bag and you walked in and took it like it was nothing. That DD....played against you so bad that Kami msged him after the game.
Well played Dave, a solo-warrior well deserved.

I just had to post these to piss off chibe & droc...This game absolutely should have been a loss, because A) I'm playing against chibe, kami, slap (in a division) & droc on the other team, and my team was kind of out of it from the start. The division rolls up on one side almost unopposed and is at our cap like 5 minutes into the game. I don't want to face them, because they all take a certain amount of joy in crushing my mikhail kutuzov, so I head up the channel on two brothers, because I know there is a DD in there, I figured I'll at least get a kill in there before I die and we lose, as there are like 3 ships protecting their cap, including droc. I eat 3 torps from the farragut, but kill him with secondaries to get the close quarters expert, and then our ognevoi comes with me and heads out into the cap area(I'm beached trying to avoid the torps and just chilling in my smoke). Put a few shots & a citadel on droc, and someone else back in their cap, just kind of waiting on the inevitable to hit. My team is basically melting away trying to keep the division of doom from capping us, just resetting the cap counter regularly. Our ognevoi dies (I think droc killed him), so I sail on into their cap, droc gets wiped out by our north carolina that was over near our cap, and I start capping. So it's just me in their cap and and the enemy mahan who is out at the edge of it, who has just sent torps at me. I get some shots on him, he still has 50% health or so, but he isn't firing to try and get hidden again. Ok, I figure he's just waiting for the cap counter to ratchet up higher, then he's going to hit me and reset it, once the bad guys on our cap finish off our team up there and can complete the cap. The rest of my team dies (I wasn't even aware of this at the time), so the bad guys are capping us as well, but I have a decent cap timer lead at this point. The mahan is invisible to me, but is detecting me, so he can hit me any time he wants, he's like 7k away from me, so probably 6km out from the edge of the cap. He then pulls the pro move, instead of just hitting me 1 time to reset the cap and preserve their win, he fires torps that miss badly, and then really ups the ante by popping smoke (I never detected him so he was still perfectly safe). That obviously causes him to loses sight of me at that point, I turn and haul ass back to the furthest part of cap from him (my concealment is down to 11.1 in the MK with mod and captain skill), hide and cap for the solo-warrior win. So much salt on the TS towards that mahan...


finally a good kagero game that was profitable, only took 40 attempts.. still doesn't cover all the silver i've lost with this ship so far. T9/10's so damn expensive to play without premium, it's kinda sad.

also the quick reload consumable on the kagero is awesome as hell yet very stressful not being able to use the smoke screen consumable to defend yourself. having 16 torps in the water at the same time is funny as hell since most people don't expect it since 2x4 torps walls automatically means it's a kagero so they don't expect a second set to come 30 seconds later.




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40% bonus let me say bye to the hat and pickup the fubuki.

I made 100k up in free XP yesterday. Fully upgraded my New Orleans and had 50k left.

DAMN those were expensive upgrades though ! It was meelions and meelions !
finally a good kagero game that was profitable, only took 40 attempts.. still doesn't cover all the silver i've lost with this ship so far. T9/10's so damn expensive to play without premium, it's kinda sad.

also the quick reload consumable on the kagero is awesome as hell yet very stressful not being able to use the smoke screen consumable to defend yourself. having 16 torps in the water at the same time is funny as hell since most people don't expect it since 2x4 torps walls automatically means it's a kagero so they don't expect a second set to come 30 seconds later.





Where is this option ? I don't see it on my Fletcher or Shimikazi.

Imagine, 30 torps coming at you from 16 to 20k away !
I made 100k up in free XP yesterday. Fully upgraded my New Orleans and had 50k left.

DAMN those were expensive upgrades though ! It was meelions and meelions !

I ended up converting all my left over gold for around 310,000 free xp.

I havent used my murmansk since I got the Atago back in December and I forgot just how good its AP was.
2 score cards. 30 citadels in 2 matches. I had a friend in division who managed to snake most of the kills.
I encourage everyone to buy the marbelhead.....and sail broadside to me.



The guy who killed me int he karl in the first card was screaming hacks the entire match as I chewed his team he sailed at ahead of me raining AP at my bow from +10km and saying I had an armor hack.
If it wasn't for the TurdPutz, it would have been a pretty good night out on the big Pond...


I earned/exchanged right around 175k in Free XP this weekend. Used about 75k to upgrade the New Orleans and some other stuff, and banked 100k towards.... I dunno. ZAO is at the top of the list.
Finally got the Yamato this weekend, only played two matches so far and was pretty underwhelmed. Maybe its the high tier game play, it seems like each match the other team had at least 2 Shimas, and 5-6 DDs per side. Sucks being in a Yamato, not being able to see anything to shoot at but there are 50 torps coming your direction. Of course our DDs and CLs wouldn't push to kill the DDs. I had a friendly Benson just sit and circle behind me and not scout anything.... was so frustrating.

Also, lately I have been on a down turn. I don't know if I just started sucking or players are getting worse. Nobody wants to CAP, they will just chase a BB to the edge of the map while getting 3 point capped in the process. My win rate went from %56 to %55 and dropping. I mainly play tier 6-8, but it has been terrible lately.
You definitely want to be in a good div playing high tier. I play my Benson at T8 and I purposely screen for the BBs, at least I damn well try.
Finally got the Yamato this weekend, only played two matches so far and was pretty underwhelmed. Maybe its the high tier game play, it seems like each match the other team had at least 2 Shimas, and 5-6 DDs per side. Sucks being in a Yamato, not being able to see anything to shoot at but there are 50 torps coming your direction. Of course our DDs and CLs wouldn't push to kill the DDs. I had a friendly Benson just sit and circle behind me and not scout anything.... was so frustrating.

Also, lately I have been on a down turn. I don't know if I just started sucking or players are getting worse. Nobody wants to CAP, they will just chase a BB to the edge of the map while getting 3 point capped in the process. My win rate went from %56 to %55 and dropping. I mainly play tier 6-8, but it has been terrible lately.

Yeah, wtf is this lack of cap thing going on? I've lost SO many matches lately because our ships zig around playing with themselves all around the cap zone, but won't enter the damn thing. You can yell "Get in the fucking circle!" all you want, and it does no good.

I'm so fed up with having them beat ship wise 2 to 1, and losing due to the stupid cap system.
DDs at higher levels (a lot of them) seem to not want to cap or spot, just want to sit back and torp . Happpened many times that I had to go in as a BB to cap.
DDs at higher levels (a lot of them) seem to not want to cap or spot, just want to sit back and torp . Happpened many times that I had to go in as a BB to cap.

I almost always boost speed to the closest cap and try to get it. Just tuck in a cove or something. One that's done, the hunt is on.

I love hunting for the carriers and I spot a ton of space in the process. I'm up on boost damn near the entire game covering as much space as I can.

I will admit, I do stand off a bit more in the Shima. It's very simple. A seen Shima is a DEAD Shima.

I got no trouble getting in someone's face with the Fletcher though :)
When I finally get my Level 15 captain in my ShimaKazi, ya know what I'm gonna do?

I'm gonna move him to my IsoKazi, get that 10% reduction in visibility, and bring him down to 5.4. Then I'm going to go out and wreak fucking havok like a Poltergiest!

40 sec reloads. 5.4 detection range. Bitches be mine!

All you'll see in chat will be "WTF was that?" "I dunno. It came, shoved a torp up my ass, and was then gone !".

LOL GD I love this little ship :)
DDs at higher levels (a lot of them) seem to not want to cap or spot, just want to sit back and torp . Happpened many times that I had to go in as a BB to cap.

it really depends.. shima can at least fight other DD's, the kagero on the other hand can't unless the persons really bad.. usually i'll skirt the edge of caps trying to detect the enemy DD so my cruisers can pick em off then i'll go in and cap but i won't fight another DD in my kagero unless i have no other choice. torps and DD's in general are just too important in high tier matches to accidentally suicide for a cap.

Finally got the Yamato this weekend, only played two matches so far and was pretty underwhelmed. Maybe its the high tier game play, it seems like each match the other team had at least 2 Shimas, and 5-6 DDs per side. Sucks being in a Yamato, not being able to see anything to shoot at but there are 50 torps coming your direction. Of course our DDs and CLs wouldn't push to kill the DDs. I had a friendly Benson just sit and circle behind me and not scout anything.... was so frustrating.

Also, lately I have been on a down turn. I don't know if I just started sucking or players are getting worse. Nobody wants to CAP, they will just chase a BB to the edge of the map while getting 3 point capped in the process. My win rate went from %56 to %55 and dropping. I mainly play tier 6-8, but it has been terrible lately.

welcome to the problem we call T9/10.. the amount of DD's per game is just retarded because high tier CV game play is abysmal to play. they need to have a hard limit of no more than 3 DD's per team in T9/10 matches.

so the biggest issue with high tier gameplay is that it's to god damn expensive to play.. if you're in a T10 ship, XP means absolutely dick to you so capping a point is the last thing you want to do. the only way to make significant enough silver to make playing T10 worth it is doing damage and getting kills, thus you end up with people chasing shit around instead of playing the objective.. i mean hell even my kagero unless i do at least 60k damage and get a kill just queuing for the game is unprofitable for me.

taking 0 damage costs me 30k in fuel/wear and tear costs + on average about 50k for torps + 22k for the camo + 22k for premium consumable.. so i'm basically -74k silver the second i go into queue before i even fire a single torp. the shima's even worse. now think about that for a cruiser or a BB or USN/RU DD's(who make way less silver).. you start to see why people play like idiots in high tier games.

but to answer your question, yes the gameplay and the people playing have gotten far worse and some of it has to do with the game being sorta stale, hopefully the RU cruisers fix some of that for a period of time until the german BB's come out.
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so the biggest issue with high tier gameplay is that it's to god damn expensive to play.. if you're in a T10 ship, XP means absolutely dick to you so capping a point is the last thing you want to do. the only way to make significant enough silver to make playing T10 worth it is doing damage and getting kills, thus you end up with people chasing shit around instead of playing the objective.. i mean hell even my kagero unless i do at least 60k damage and get a kill just queuing for the game is unprofitable for me.

taking 0 damage costs me 30k in fuel/wear and tear costs + on average about 50k for torps + 22k for the camo + 22k for premium consumable.. so i'm basically -74k silver the second i go into queue before i even fire a single torp. the shima's even worse. now think about that for a cruiser or a BB or USN/RU DD's(who make way less silver).. you start to see why people play like idiots in high tier games.

You know, that's a damn fine point and something that hadn't really struck home with me until you just said it. Makes total sense.
it really depends.. shima can at least fight other DD's, the kagero on the other hand can't unless the persons really bad.. usually i'll skirt the edge of caps trying to detect the enemy DD so my cruisers can pick em off then i'll go in and cap but i won't fight another DD in my kagero unless i have no other choice. torps and DD's in general are just too important in high tier matches to accidentally suicide for a cap.

welcome to the problem we call T9/10.. the amount of DD's per game is just retarded because high tier CV game play is abysmal to play. they need to have a hard limit of no more than 3 DD's per team in T9/10 matches.

so the biggest issue with high tier gameplay is that it's to god damn expensive to play.. if you're in a T10 ship, XP means absolutely dick to you so capping a point is the last thing you want to do. the only way to make significant enough silver to make playing T10 worth it is doing damage and getting kills, thus you end up with people chasing shit around instead of playing the objective.. i mean hell even my kagero unless i do at least 60k damage and get a kill just queuing for the game is unprofitable for me.

taking 0 damage costs me 30k in fuel/wear and tear costs + on average about 50k for torps + 22k for the camo + 22k for premium consumable.. so i'm basically -74k silver the second i go into queue before i even fire a single torp. the shima's even worse. now think about that for a cruiser or a BB or USN/RU DD's(who make way less silver).. you start to see why people play like idiots in high tier games.

but to answer your question, yes the gameplay and the people playing have gotten far worse and some of it has to do with the game being sorta stale, hopefully the RU cruisers fix some of that for a period of time until the german BB's come out.

you had no problem taking out that shima yesterday :D
I've never had a problem where I needed silver but I also have a premium account. I also tend to play a lot of T6-T8. I do avoid T9/T10 because I can't stand the pussying around. So I guess your points are pretty valid there. I think there should at least be a CV in the game when there are lots of DDs. I've seen up to 15 DDs in a game... I remember war gaming said they expected 10-15%. I like killing the buggers though. I have a Fletcher for T9 and a Hindenburg for T10. Actually a lot of selections are aimed at it... T6 Cleveland, T7 Atlanta or Nagato w/ secondary build, T8 Atago/Lexi/Benson.

I played one game between the gym and my training this morning and got a double citadel on an Iowa from 20km in my Nagato. I was pretty surprised!! I am getting pretty decent at that spotter view.
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I've never had a problem where I needed silver but I also have a premium account. I also tend to play a lot of T6-T8. I do avoid T9/T10 because I can't stand the pussying around. So I guess your points are pretty valid there. I think there should at least be a CV in the game when there are lots of DDs. I've seen up to 15 DDs in a game... I remember war gaming said they expected 10-15%. I like killing the buggers though. I have a Fletcher for T9 and a Hindenburg for T10. Actually a lot of selections are aimed at it... T6 Cleveland, T7 Atlanta or Nagato w/ secondary build, T8 Atago/Lexi/Benson.

I played one game between the gym and my training this morning and got a double citadel on an Iowa from 20km in my Nagato. I was pretty surprised!! I am getting pretty decent at that spotter view.

you need to get on more :D