windows 8 media center - email?

can you use the same key on multiple pc's? They only ask for an email address, so I'm guessing yes.
can you use the same key on multiple pc's? They only ask for an email address, so I'm guessing yes.

No, I've tried that and while the key will activate Media Center it will end up telling you that the key is already in use. I've submit a few more requests with the same and different emails to see how many keys they'll send me.
I've tried for 4 or 5 keys have not received a single one yet (it's been 30+ hours)...
You'll get it eventually don't sweat it. They must just be backlogged.
Few questions about this:

  1. If I get a key now, will it work 2 years from now on a fresh install? (same box, same Win8 product key)
  2. Will it be tied to my MS account, or tied to the PC or Win8 license I first use it on?
  3. If it is tied to your PC or Win8 license, is there any way to transfer it - stop using it on one computer, start using it on another?
A thing I'd like to know as well.

They say you have to activate it by 2013-01, but what about additional activations afterwards if you reinstall or change hardware?
What version of windows are you guys running?

Since the title of the thread is windows 8 media center one might guess windows 8.
With the knowledge that media center is offered as a download with windows 8 instead of built in it might further that guess.
Or judging from your other posts you are inquiring what version of windows 8 they are running.
Sorry. I was just curious as my Widows 8 pro had it installed.

my media player
It took close to 48 hours for me... As it turns out, MediaBrowser seems to be a wash in Win8 anyhow... so I have some considerations before I upgrade my HTPC to windows 8 since that's pretty much all I use media center for... Darn, I'd say media center is about to die off. Microsoft just bought everyone (and the hardware vendors) time to get something in to replace the functionality required for TV tuners/DVR functionality...
48 hours and counting, weird because I received the discount code to purchase immediately
yeah I used about 6 e-mail addresses lol and haven't got any of them yet (I tried about 2pm or 3pm yesterday). Also interested to see if they put a Key up on Technet or MSDN as those are the editions I am using.
Can the MC key be used on different Win8 Pro machines? I assume no. I got an email this morning for one MC key but I sent two requests using the same email as I have two registered Win 8 Pro's with the account...

Try another email or hang tight?
I put in my email address last night and just got the email right now.
Used my second email addy and got the key in less than an hour. They must be caught up.