Windows 8.1 RTM Could Go Gold 'Any Day'

But, you rather tell your client to return a system that they probably already have setup the way they need it, they just hate one thing about it instead of telling them to get Start8 or Classic Shell or similar. Oh I get it, you get another service fee when they want you to set it all up again...

No I'm just doing my part to destroy metro. Sorry you ass quivers ever time metro is offended but I personally hate it and don't want to support it just yet and doing my best so MS brings back the traditional UI for desktops.
But, you rather tell your client to return a system that they probably already have setup the way they need it, they just hate one thing about it instead of telling them to get Start8 or Classic Shell or similar. Oh I get it, you get another service fee when they want you to set it all up again...
I agree on the 3rd party programs to see if it made the OS acceptable then.

I don't get why people think MS should give a choice to the users..... /sarcasm
Ok, but then, Microsoft should not be required to support that at all. It would be like me buying my Dart, modding it up, having it crap out on me and then expecting Dodge to take care of it under warranty. You can already use third party stuff anyways, so what is the problem again?

The problem... again... and why does this need to be repeatedly stated... is that MS explicitly removed that and other choices from the user, and effectively made it a pain (if not impossible) to restore said choices. Show me the 3rd party application that gives Glass back to the Win8 UI.
No I'm just doing my part to destroy metro. Sorry you ass quivers ever time metro is offended but I personally hate it and don't want to support it just yet and doing my best so MS brings back the traditional UI for desktops.

It had nothing to do with metro, it was providing a solution that benefits you more than your client. You just completely confirmed what I was implying.
But, you rather tell your client to return a system that they probably already have setup the way they need it, they just hate one thing about it instead of telling them to get Start8 or Classic Shell or similar. Oh I get it, you get another service fee when they want you to set it all up again...

I agree on the 3rd party programs to see if it made the OS acceptable then.

I don't get why people think MS should give a choice to the users..... /sarcasm

Windowblinds 8 is one. There's also other projects like Project Glass.

FFS people, does it NOT click with you that most clients, especially those in a business environment, do not have authorization to install and use 3rd party shitware? The fact that there are so many of these 3rd party apps for polishing the Win8 desktop should be providing the message loud and clear that Metro (and the standard W8 DT) without a touchscreen sucks a bag of dicks and MS should have built in an option for Win8 to default to a fully functioning Win7 style desktop. Are there any Win7 users begging for a way to add Metro to Win7? I have come up with an extensive list of zero.
FFS people, does it NOT click with you that most clients, especially those in a business environment, do not have authorization to install and use 3rd party shitware? The fact that there are so many of these 3rd party apps for polishing the Win8 desktop should be providing the message loud and clear that Metro (and the standard W8 DT) without a touchscreen sucks a bag of dicks and MS should have built in an option for Win8 to default to a fully functioning Win7 style desktop. Are there any Win7 users begging for a way to add Metro to Win7? I have come up with an extensive list of zero.

Its ok, enhance the calm! :)
Yes, not all business's allow it.

From a coding standpoint I assume MS cant give users the choice to have metro or not because its too difficult? One day I might use W8! Until then W7 works just fine and dandy.
Windowblinds 8 is one. There's also other projects like Project Glass.

WindowBlinds does not fully skin Explorer so you still have lots of ugly white. I don't know about ProjectGlass.

The fact that so many people have to download a bucket full of third party software in order to make Windows 8 usable is a damning indictment. I mean, for crying out loud, they don't even let you change the fonts anymore.
WindowBlinds does not fully skin Explorer so you still have lots of ugly white. I don't know about ProjectGlass.

The fact that so many people have to download a bucket full of third party software in order to make Windows 8 usable is a damning indictment. I mean, for crying out loud, they don't even let you change the fonts anymore.

Windows 8 is usable as it. People not liking it and it not working are two different things. I use Windows 8 on a touch screen laptop and a none touch screen desktop. works just fine on both of those. I have no issues with anything on either system.
I was given a Win 8 laptop to troubleshoot why it wouldn't allow Chrome to be installed. After wasting an hour or so I just installed Win 7. BTW this was a brand new out of the box laptop. I found Win 8 utterly unimpressive and glad I didn't pay any money to upgrade.
WindowBlinds does not fully skin Explorer so you still have lots of ugly white. I don't know about ProjectGlass.

The fact that so many people have to download a bucket full of third party software in order to make Windows 8 usable is a damning indictment. I mean, for crying out loud, they don't even let you change the fonts anymore.

Why would it be a damning indictment against Win 8? It took me an hour to figure out the nuances of the os and taught my wife and mother in law in the same amount of time how to use it.

Every os has a learning curve to some degree and while windows 8 was vastly more difficult than previous iterations of windows it is still far easier to teach than osx and or linux.

If you don't need to switch os then don't. Windows 8 isn't the holy grail of an os. It works fine as a daily os, works great as a touchscreen interface with metro, and it kicks all sorts of ass as a htpc interface.
Took me all of what 30 seconds on my Windows 8 machine. You should find a new job??

I was given a Win 8 laptop to troubleshoot why it wouldn't allow Chrome to be installed. After wasting an hour or so I just installed Win 7. BTW this was a brand new out of the box laptop. I found Win 8 utterly unimpressive and glad I didn't pay any money to upgrade.
Took me all of what 30 seconds on my Windows 8 machine. You should find a new job??

Tell that to the millions of seasoned <= Win7 users (home and business) that have had trouble with and developed distaste for W8. :rolleyes:

Instead of taking the elitist approach which sounds like it roughly translates to "I can do it, so fuck you!", why don't you help by offering some tips or even step-by-step instructions on how to resolve the issue? If it took you all of 30 seconds, then it should take you about that long to type out the solution, right? Surely you learn things by watching others, asking questions, or reading, as we all do and will at some point in the past, present, and future.
Tell that to the millions of seasoned <= Win7 users (home and business) that have had trouble with and developed distaste for W8. :rolleyes:

Instead of taking the elitist approach which sounds like it roughly translates to "I can do it, so fuck you!", why don't you help by offering some tips or even step-by-step instructions on how to resolve the issue? If it took you all of 30 seconds, then it should take you about that long to type out the solution, right? Surely you learn things by watching others, asking questions, or reading, as we all do and will at some point in the past, present, and future.

I would agree that there's far to little about discussing technical issues in these Windows 8 threads and too much personal stuff. I've installed Chrome on all of my Windows 8/8.1 devices without any issues, both from running the installer over the web or from a saved local version. What exactly is the issue that you are experiencing?
I'm amazed at how many people actually liked Windows 7's gaudy AeroGlass aesthetic. Is this really how you want your operating system to look?
It had nothing to do with metro, it was providing a solution that benefits you more than your client. You just completely confirmed what I was implying.

As already stated here, I should not have to install an unsupported modification to the operating system on a clients computer to meet their needs. MS could at any time push out a update that will kill the modification and I will end up eating the cost of a return visit due to the client not liking to pay another fee for the same issue I "fixed".

The client already purchased the computer with Windows 8 on it without telling me and asked my advice post purchase and after many weeks to "get used to it". That was the original premise. If she uses my advice and gets a new computer and wants me to help her with it then of course I am going to charge a service fee.
I'm amazed at how many people actually liked Windows 7's gaudy AeroGlass aesthetic. Is this really how you want your operating system to look?


Yes better than this :D
Why would it be a damning indictment against Win 8? It took me an hour to figure out the nuances of the os and taught my wife and mother in law in the same amount of time how to use it.

Every os has a learning curve to some degree and while windows 8 was vastly more difficult than previous iterations of windows it is still far easier to teach than osx and or linux.

If you don't need to switch os then don't. Windows 8 isn't the holy grail of an os. It works fine as a daily os, works great as a touchscreen interface with metro, and it kicks all sorts of ass as a htpc interface.

I think nobody here including myself will argue that on touch screens its great but on non touch interfaces especially on desktops its horrible. MS should have simply given users the ability to boot directly into a desktop with a Start button.
And lets not forget this one:[/IM][/QUOTE]
[quote="Revdarian, post: 1040116281"]better than [url=]this[/url][/QUOTE]
And people accuse Apple and Microsoft of being uninnovative.
I don't even remember what Windows 8.1 is supposed to bring.

A start button that trolls users by bringing up Metro instead of the start menu.

"Oh look the start button is ba..... Oh shit"
Wow she actually predicted 8.1 as a possible name for an update to Windows 8, that's some downright clarevoyant shit right there.

That article was written a year ago, before 8 even went general release. I'm just pointing out that she gets a lot of insider information from Microsoft and it's often spot on. I have no idea why something that's so obvious is a problem with some folks.
A start button that trolls users by bringing up Metro instead of the start menu.

"Oh look the start button is ba..... Oh shit"

haha that shit was an insult. "oh we brought the start button back..." Wtf is this shit!!! METR-NOOOOOO!!!

Yes better than this :D

LMAO. the things you could learn from a start menu...

"..and in other news... after a full investigation of 40 year old virgin Louie who was found guilty of killing his boss and moving to Canada more facts have surfaced. It has now been confirmed that on the day of his arrest he was found naked in the corner of his garage on the coldest day of the year, windchills were nearing -20 degrees. He was a fan of violent video games, movies, food and aliens. He loved pictures of dogs and maps. He kept all the records from his former employer on a 3.5" floppy disk which was also retrieved at the crime scene. When arrested he kept shouting "they are fucking watching me man, they are watching me..."
Windows 8.1 (2013)


Started playing with the build that leaked yesterday and it has the animated Start Screen backgrounds unlike the Preview. The new tile sizes and the ability of apps designed for it to use the extra space is pretty cool and the smaller size for static tiles allows for a lot more to be put in the same amount of space.

There are a LOT of little fit and finish details in this release that aren't in the Preview and it's a lot faster and more stable than the Preview though, still a few little things I saw with some of the apps but they were still marked preview. There's also now some getting started cues and a tutorial. 8.1 isn't going to make people who want a Metro off switch happy but this is looking to be a much better release than 8 and I think that for those who aren't dead set against the new UI can get up to speed on it much easier than 8.
Still an ugly mess of a desktop. Cluttered and useless.

But this isn't the desktop, there's nothing on my desktop. I've not set this up extensively, it's a leaked build I will be blowing away soon but I've been playing with the Preview for a while and this is sort of what works for me. Virtually all of the apps I use routinely can be pinned at the beginning of the Start Screen along with notifications that I want like email, weather, news. This is a lot more customizable that the short cuts in the Start Menu.
I'm amazed at how many people actually liked Windows 7's gaudy AeroGlass aesthetic. Is this really how you want your operating system to look?

I like Windows 8, but I really did like Aero Glass. It was a great theme, and I do notice that it's not there with 8 quite often. Am I butthurt about it? Nah, of course not. But, I did like it. It'd be nice for it to be an option within Windows. I don't see why it was removed and not available as an option for the desktop. It's just a simple theme, really...