Which Version of Vista on your gaming box

Which Version of Vista

  • Vista 64

    Votes: 48 28.2%
  • Vista 32

    Votes: 62 36.5%
  • Plan on upgrading to Vista 64

    Votes: 13 7.6%
  • Plan on upgrading to Vista 32

    Votes: 12 7.1%
  • What is Vista?

    Votes: 35 20.6%

  • Total voters
32 here, only went vista because I did a new build, and didn't want to buy XP, then vista again next year when it'll be presumably better
I went 32bit Vista. I want to learn it sooner than later, as we'll most likely have to support it in the coming months @ work.
dual boot XP pro and vista home premium 32 bit. I havn't noticed any slow down between XP and vista and have also had no issues with the install or installing all of my hardware, including an X-Fi and a saitek X45. Aside from having to use alchemy, which has worked flawless, I really have had a decent time with vista. I'm sure a e6600 and a 640MB 8800GTS help though.
Vista Home Premium here. Desktop itself doesn't seem to run any slower than XP did (even with Aero on) but I've had a ton of other issues related to games and other apps.

Probably going to switch to dual booting XP Pro and Home Premium soon. Too many games I can't get to work under Vista or at least work well. (Rise and Fall isn't the greatest RTS game out there but I couldn't even get it to install under Vista)
Currently no must play "Vista only" titles out yet imho..
I don't yet have a DX10 gpu..
No DX10 only games yet..

I'll switch from Xp to Vista full time when all of the above statements become false..
Current: XP Pro SP2
Plan on upgrading to: Vista 32bit sometime next year (or when gaming and 3ds Max run better then XP).
Vista 32bit since February.

Works miles better and smoother than XP ever did. No problems in games or apps either so far.
I'll run XP for until there is a compelling reason for me to upgrade.
Have Vista Home Premium x32 on all 4 of my machines

May switch one to x64 when I get my Q6600 in a couple of weeks and converting one PC to a server (Linux or maybe Windows Home Server)
x64 for me...

i gotta play CoH with all textures and stuff on ultra, since you cant do that with the memory addressing error in x86, i went to x64 ^^
Vista 64 here.

Performance was crappy until the last drivers I upgraded to, and found out the hardway that my Soundblaster was making me bluescreen (f'ing creative, will I never learn) now haven't got a complaint with it at all.
Vista 32 for about a month now. I would go 64, but the school doesnt give that to me for free ... yet! My only real issue is that BF2142 and Vista do NOT play well together :mad: I recently threw on a dual boot xp-pro to try to remedy this issue.
I'm running BF2142 on vista just fine. I am running the 1.40 beta though and haven't tried the 1.25 patch. I've also played BF2 1.41 patch with no issues. I'm using 158.24 nvidia driver. I may just have to reinstall 2142 and use the 1.25 patch to see if that's an issue.
Vista 32. No problems with gaming. TR - Anniversary, CoH, C&C TW all work flawlessly. Initial driver support was poor but the issues have been ironed out. Vista is superb, I could not go back to XP now.
Windows XP. No reason to switch to Vista right now. No advantages by switching to Vista, the Vista interface sucks, the hardware requirements are higher than they should be, and I just don't like being ripped off.
Vista Home Premium 32. I'm loving the new Windows interface and organizational structure. Took me a couple days to get everything setup the way I like... but now it's pretty slick.

All my games run just fine. The only issue I'm having is with my X-fi soundcard, since Vista dropped DirectSound3D support. So now some older games, such as HL2 stuff (CS:S, Insurgency), have pretty crappy sound.

I'm using 3GB of RAM for Vista.
Vista 64bit Ultimate for the simple reason that it can detect and use all 4Gb of my system RAM, where as 32bit operating systems can only see approx. 2.5Gb

Windows XP. No reason to switch to Vista right now. No advantages by switching to Vista, the Vista interface sucks, the hardware requirements are higher than they should be, and I just don't like being ripped off.

There's plenty of reasons, maybe you don't know them all, or none are especially significant for you, but they definately do exist.
Vista 32 for about a month now. I would go 64, but the school doesnt give that to me for free ... yet! My only real issue is that BF2142 and Vista do NOT play well together :mad: I recently threw on a dual boot xp-pro to try to remedy this issue.

order the 64-bit dvd from microsoft for $10 using your cd-key. that's what I did :)