Which of these MMO's should I resub for summer?


Feb 4, 2010
I apologize for another MMO thread. Now that summer is here I wanna do what I do every summer, rugby/work/mmo's. Which of these MMO's has improved the most since launch *exception is WoW I played that last year*.

Age of Conan
Lord of the Rings Online
Warhammer Online
World of Warcraft

I've played all these MMO's and enjoyed the time I spent in them (WoW kinda got stale). I'm just unsure what to play this summer.
If your exception is WoW, and you also say it got kinda stale, then why is it even on your list?
I just went back to AoC with the release of the new expansion. I'm loving it. I've still got my LOTRO sub going, but I found myself getting tired of it rapidly at the end game. WAR...well, it's still WAR. I signed up for the 10 day free trial recently and it just seemed to be the same game it was a year ago when I quit to deploy to Iraq. :(
I'd say AoC or LOTRO - but that's just because I play them both. I'm not unbiased. I won't lie.
You liked WoW, so I would suggest trying Allods Online.

The graphics are pretty good, it's Free, there's two different factions to join, many different races, large worlds, PvP, skills, etc.

I would watch, "The Astral" video, it's pretty BA.

Let me know if you try it.
Could I get more thoughts on the new AoC expansion? This is the one that seems to interest me the most
There is a similar thread over this subject, but I've always enjoyed LOTRO. I have gotten somewhat bored with it however as my character is maxed and I have done most of the quests/instances etc in the game playing it off an on over the past 3 years.
I just picked up a copy of World of Warcraft because some of my old friends play it, as does my roommate. I'm not really an MMO person normally, but I'm really enjoying it. Cataclysm comes out soon too and it's supposed to shake things up a lot.
eve online :p other that that, lotro or aoc would be my pick, both of those games have improved dramtically.

I have all of the mmos except for star trek online and resub to them at random points in time while bored. war never fails to disappoint, aion is still too 'bleh', and wow just pisses me off now. champions can be pretty fun however the developers do not seem very tuned in to what anyone wants.
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I just picked up a copy of World of Warcraft because some of my old friends play it, as does my roommate. I'm not really an MMO person normally, but I'm really enjoying it. Cataclysm comes out soon too and it's supposed to shake things up a lot.

Good for you, the low level quests might be tedious but it's "old" school WoW. Just be glad that you get to do the quests before they change them in Cataclysm. I am trying to finish up the old quests before experiencing the new quests in Cataclysm. I decided not to try the beta, and be pleasantly surprise.

I would wait on WoW, and maybe try AoC with the expansion if you need a 6 month break.
I'm subbed to WoW even though I don't play much lately but I just resubbed to Age of Conan and I'm really liking it. It's definitely a big change since I played in beginning and I can even run the game with the graphics to the max on my GTX 480 SLIs.

They have an unlimited trial of it that restricts you to Tortage but I just created an account with my other email address, tried that out a bit to make sure I wanted to play it again and then resubbed on my old account when I realized I liked it.
I just resubbed to Age of Conan and I'm really liking it. It's definitely a big change since I played in beginning and I can even run the game with the graphics to the max on my GTX 480 SLIs.

They have an unlimited trial of it that restricts you to Tortage but I just created an account with my other email address, tried that out a bit to make sure I wanted to play it again and then resubbed on my old account when I realized I liked it.

What exactly did they change? I got it on launch day and that was a HUGE mistake. The game was dreadful. Probably 1/2 the talents didn't even work :eek:

Free trail sounds interesting, but would I see much of the new stuff in Tortage? Before that was really the only decent content. It was after that it all went to meh.

My vote would be for WoW at the moment. I would have to see what all they did with AoC to be sure, but I am having fun with WoW. I quit when ToC came out. Resubbed after ICC. I am really liking the changes with the LFD tool and ICC is an excellent raid. Much better than the 'raid in a box' that was ToC.
You liked WoW, so I would suggest trying Allods Online.

The graphics are pretty good, it's Free, there's two different factions to join, many different races, large worlds, PvP, skills, etc.

I would watch, "The Astral" video, it's pretty BA.

Let me know if you try it.

I'm playing Allods as well and between WoW and this, I'd prefer Allods. They have had a few "hiccups" recently with their cash shop and questionable updates, but regardless the game is pretty damn good for a "free-to-play" MMO. It may look like WoW, act like WoW, feels like WoW, but it is still a very different game in a lot of ways.

It is still very playable without the cash shop and the music and graphics are very good. It isn't as cartoony as WoW even though it looks that way.

I'd say give it a try.

US version: http://allods.gpotato.com/
EU version: http://en.allods.gpotato.eu/

Since I play Dragonica on the EU servers (I like the NPC voices better), I don't think they region locked US players from the EU version of Allods.

Like someone said above, probably don't re-sub WoW until Cataclysm is released. I'm going to do the same.
Well AoC and WAR are still crap and will always be crap, regardless of how much content they throw at them. I checked out the free trials within the last month to see if any improvement had been made.
WoW is just as braindead and grindy as it ever was.
Aion is just WoW with smaller production values. I don't need to resub to know it's going to be every bit as dull as it was at release.
LOTRO I can't comment on. Didn't like it much at release and only played for an evening. Even that was a struggle.

The only MMOs with really good playability that are still alive have ancient game engines. As much as I loved Dark Age of Camelot and think it's the finest online game ever made, it's almost 10 years old. It looks awful and the GUI is far too clunky by today's standards.

Not sure how City of Heroes is faring. That was an excellent min/maxer. You could have endless fun going from lvls 1-30 over and over with a few friends and working out crazy combos of powers and making themed groups of heroes. I hear they had a new engine revamp, or are about to have one soon. Maybe give that a shot?

Don't bother with Champions Online or Star Trek, they were both garbage.
I'm playing Allods as well and between WoW and this, I'd prefer Allods. They have had a few "hiccups" recently with their cash shop and questionable updates, but regardless the game is pretty damn good for a "free-to-play" MMO. It may look like WoW, act like WoW, feels like WoW, but it is still a very different game in a lot of ways.

It is still very playable without the cash shop and the music and graphics are very good. It isn't as cartoony as WoW even though it looks that way.

I'd say give it a try.

US version: http://allods.gpotato.com/
EU version: http://en.allods.gpotato.eu/

Since I play Dragonica on the EU servers (I like the NPC voices better), I don't think they region locked US players from the EU version of Allods.

Like someone said above, probably don't re-sub WoW until Cataclysm is released. I'm going to do the same.

WoW = Great if you take a vacation from it and let the content build up. I made the mistake of using the wow leveling guide to get caught up to 80 in a couple days and now I'm bored again waiting for Cataclysm. :p

Warhaimer = Too close to wow, you'll constantly be saying "this is just like.. " or worse "this is almost as good as.." when you could be in WoW

Aion = destin hotels Played more of this than Warhaimer. Kept expecting the grind to stop, kept expecting more people to sign on, but eventually I gave up.

AoC/LoTRO/Conan/Etc.. Didn't try em. Not enough interest.

Allods? How'd this fly under the radar? I may go take a look at this one.. Free is always in my price range. ;)
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The issue with Allod's is that you HAVE to use the item store to be competitive and do much of the content. Which as somebody worked out on an "average player schedule" would be 3 times a wow subscription.
The issue with Allod's is that you HAVE to use the item store to be competitive and do much of the content. Which as somebody worked out on an "average player schedule" would be 3 times a wow subscription.

Nah. Last time I looked at the store, which is was about a month ago, there wasn't really anything worth the money.

You don't have to buy anything, but if you want a little extra you can.
What exactly did they change? I got it on launch day and that was a HUGE mistake. The game was dreadful. Probably 1/2 the talents didn't even work :eek:

Free trail sounds interesting, but would I see much of the new stuff in Tortage? Before that was really the only decent content. It was after that it all went to meh.

It's talked about a lot in the thread about the expansion that just came out:

Basically they fixed things up and added a lot of meat to it. I don't think you'd see much of the new changes in tortage because they added a lot to the zones after it.
LOTRO is good, especially if you like the backdrop and a fan of Middle-Earth. Other than that, not much different in terms of feel form any other MMO out there. There's a 10-day free trial period.

My fav right now is Dungeons & Dragons Online (www.ddo.com) which is also put out there by Turbine. I enjoy the combat much better than your traditional MMO consisting of: "Select Target and spam specials, rinse and repeat".

That and DDO is FREE for the most part. You can sub ($15/mo) and get all the content, more character slots, shared bank, and better use of the Auctioneer. Or you can pay per dungeon and keep them forever.

Graphics are excellent if you download the hi-res pack and use DX10.
I'm gonna give Star Trek online a try .. I know you don't need to say it but I'm a ST fan boy so I figured I would give it one go.

I WILL FUCKING NOT restart my WoW sub or atleast resist as long as possible.
Allods online does not look better than WoW imo. Can't say it is much different either. Just started it though so yeah. Still, I am not going to play it much further. Just hate the combat system.

I hear DDo has massive lag?

conan looks interesting. combat any good?
You liked WoW, so I would suggest trying Allods Online.

The graphics are pretty good, it's Free, there's two different factions to join, many different races, large worlds, PvP, skills, etc.

I would watch, "The Astral" video, it's pretty BA.

Let me know if you try it.

Downloading this now, will give it a try, the psionicist looks interesting though I was mildly disappointed to find that it does not play how my dream class would play

(fantasy style force wielding telekinetic powerhouse using their mind to toss mine enemies about like rag dolls)
LoTRO gets my vote..

AION is complete trash beside graphic imo, entirely grind fest nothing else. and most people that I know all quit..

If you just want some casual Online RPG, get Guild Wars....
Allods? How'd this fly under the radar? I may go take a look at this one.. Free is always in my price range. ;)

I keep thinking I tried Allods, but I mix it up with all the others like Runes of Magic and the newest one Battle of the Immortals.
You can probably find Guild Wars Trilogy and/or Eyes of the North for less than subbing any of those for 3 months, and it's free to play without restrictions. That should keep you pretty busy.
So is Conan 20 bucks and free to play or ?

Same as most MMO's. $15/month, cheaper the longer you subscribe.

I've been going trial crazy lately, played Conan, warhammer, lotro and star trek. I'm enjoying conan now. Star Trek isn't a great game at all but it's different enough that I may buy it.

Never played DDO. What is that game like?
I just wanna pop in here and defend Aion. Every negative comment about it in this thread is obviously by people who didn't invest any time into this game. It's a grind, but it never billed itself as anything other than a grind MMO.