Weird Graphic Issue


Limp Gawd
Apr 16, 2008
Ok here is my situation. As you can see in the picture below something odd is going on here. This graphical error is happening in all games.(I tried Crysis as well with the same results)

Any ideas what is causing this? I am running Windows 7 64-bit Pro RTM with a 9800GT, Q6600, & 4GB of RAM with all settings on high. I don't think it is an overheating issue because it does it even whenever I first start playing. I have tried turning on triple buffer and V-Sync to no avail as well.

Yah that big wall in the sky is not supposed to be there!

Any ideas on what might be causing this?

Also I have tried running it with 100% fan as well as rolling back the driver to 186.18 to no avail. Speedfan reports the GPU at about 78-83C under a load.
That's artifacting. Since overheating is not an issue, and assuming you're definitely downloading the Windows 7 64-bit drivers from, I would say the video card has gone bad.
Gfx card looks to be running too hot.
Maybe the heatsink paste has gone off or the heatsink / fan has dust blocking air flow.
Yeah, usually the kind of thing you'd see from overheating or an unstable overclock. Since it's at stock speeds and safe temps, I think it's time for an RMA...
RMA maybe, possibly power supply.
Posted via [H] Mobile Device
Just put me out of my misery! It is an HP computer and I don't think I have ever come closer to stabbing a pencil through my head than when talking to HP support. It took me probably about 8 hours on the phone just to get them to replace a faulty DVD drive!
Every time i have seen that, it's been either overheating or a card failure. Sorry :( It might possibly be something else, but I would figure chances are probably under 20% for that.
Every time i have seen that, it's been either overheating or a card failure. Sorry :( It might possibly be something else, but I would figure chances are probably under 20% for that.

I did a test on ATI tool and it ran for quite a while with no errors. Does this mean anything at all? Is there any test out there that can tell me for sure if the card is bad or not? Also is possible at all that my Windows 7 driver is causing this?

Basically I want to be sure before I deal with getting an RMA from HP because that it just torture! lol
I did a test on ATI tool and it ran for quite a while with no errors. Does this mean anything at all?

Nope. Not necessarily. Looks like burned out RAM. Try to underclock the core and RAM of the video card independently...see if either makes a difference.
Nope. Not necessarily. Looks like burned out RAM. Try to underclock the core and RAM of the video card independently...see if either makes a difference.

:eek: I don't know the first thing about over/underclocking.
Ok now the problem has just mysteriously disappeared...I have been playing on and off all day without a single graphic glitch. The only thing that I have done is take the EVGA precision program and turn the fan to 100%. Then I let it sit and cool for a while and then played. There was never a glitch, so I decided to put the fan back on auto and try it again several hours later. After trying it again it has worked flawlessly even without the fan at 100%.
Perhaps the fan had gotten itself into a position where it couldn't spin up until more power than usual was applied. Was the fan definitely working before you tried the 100%?
Perhaps the fan had gotten itself into a position where it couldn't spin up until more power than usual was applied. Was the fan definitely working before you tried the 100%?

I think it was. I put the fan to 100% with a different program and it was going fine then. Also the temperatures where maybe slightly higher than I would have liked(about 78C at idle and about 83C under load), but they were not high enough to reflect it being completely inoperable. It is still going strong and I don't know why. Fingers crossed that it stays that way!
Ok I spoke to soon. It went fine for quite a while and now it has mysteriously came back. This time with a new problem. I am getting red lines/dots on my title bar at the top and on the start bar. They show up on a screenshot, so it is not an issue with the monitor.

Edit: Just bumped driver back up to 190.62 and the red lines/dots immediately disappeared.
Edit2: The graphics problem on the other hand got WAY worse. *face palm*

So does this still sound like a hardware issue? If it is I will bite the bullet and call HP's horrid support. I am past a year though, so they probably won't do anything for me. If I need to just replace it what would be a good card to replace it with that will require the same PSU.
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*face palm*

Ok I finally decided to talk to HP.

Rep : Colby, for the 9800 GT grphics card the power supply required is 450W, but only 350W is installed on your computer.
Me : Why is that...
Me: I ordered the 9800GT when I customized the PC, so whatever is in there is what HP put
Rep : While playing games, it requires high graphics so to produce high graphics it requires high power supply.
Me: So why did HP not put a powerful enough power supply to go with the card when they built it?
Rep : Colby, you have customised the pc, HP gives you the base configuration and recommended configuration, you might have not selected any one of them.
Me : I assumed when I ordered a 9800GT card that a powerful enough power supply would be included with it...
Rep : May I know how did you update the drivers for graphics for windows 7?
(I have already answered this question at least 3 times!!!!!!!!!)

*Bangs head on desk repeatedly*

Anyway this rep gave me the run around and then give me a number to "high tech support" which was just regular support that wanted to charge me $49 since my computer was out of warranty.

Anyway so I went back to tech chat for round 2.

Rep2 : Colby I have searched the specification for you and since the Power supply is not matching and that is the reason why you are facing this issue.
Me : I realize this.
Me : What I want to know is why HP did not put a powerful enough power supply in to begin with...
Rep2 : Since this is a CTO product standard Power supply was shipped with your computer.
Me : Yes but what is the point of a graphics card upgrade if you are not going to put in a power supply that can support it?
Rep2 : May I know when you first faced this issue did you contact HP?
Me : No...I did not use the computer for games at fist therefore this issue was not apparent
Rep2 : Okay.
Rep2 : You need to upgrade the Power Supply to resolve your issue.
Me : HP should have upgraded it when they built it
Me : Otherwise the graphics card upgrade is useless
Rep2 : Since you are Out of Warranty you need to purchase the power supply.
Me : Why should I haft to fix something that was HP's fault in the first place?
Rep2 : I understand your concern but you should have contacted HP when you first faced this issue. If you want you can call 1-800-474-6836.
Me : I did contact HP when I first faced the issue
Me : If I haft to I can send this through the BBB
Me : I am not going to let this go
Me : I am not going to pay $49 to have someone tell me what you are telling me over the phone either
Rep2 : Okay.
Rep2 : Since you are Out of Warranty you need to purchase the Power Supply.
Me : Not the answer im looking for
Rep2 : Since you are Out of Warranty you need to purchase the Power supply.
Me : Well that is BS
Rep2 : Is there anything else I may help you with?
Me : Nope I guess I will just take this up through the Better Business Bureau

If this was just faulty hardware I could see them denying this, but this is just HP blatantly building a computer under spec'd to support the hardware I paid them to put in it. I am not the most pleased HP customer right now needless to say.
For business use, the warranty can be useful (and allows you to have a certain SLA for your employees) as they have more respect for business.
For home use, unless you like paying extra for a lower spec and enjoy aggravation when you need support, I never recommend any computer mfrs.
Build your own or get a friend to, its cheaper, faster and works :)

Sorry thats of little help now, good luck with the BBB.
*face palm*

Ok I finally decided to talk to HP.

Rep : Colby, for the 9800 GT grphics card the power supply required is 450W, but only 350W is installed on your computer.
Me : Why is that...
Me: I ordered the 9800GT when I customized the PC, so whatever is in there is what HP put
Rep : While playing games, it requires high graphics so to produce high graphics it requires high power supply.
Me: So why did HP not put a powerful enough power supply to go with the card when they built it?
Rep : Colby, you have customised the pc, HP gives you the base configuration and recommended configuration, you might have not selected any one of them.
Me : I assumed when I ordered a 9800GT card that a powerful enough power supply would be included with it...
Rep : May I know how did you update the drivers for graphics for windows 7?
(I have already answered this question at least 3 times!!!!!!!!!)

*Bangs head on desk repeatedly*

Anyway this rep gave me the run around and then give me a number to "high tech support" which was just regular support that wanted to charge me $49 since my computer was out of warranty.

Anyway so I went back to tech chat for round 2.

Rep2 : Colby I have searched the specification for you and since the Power supply is not matching and that is the reason why you are facing this issue.
Me : I realize this.
Me : What I want to know is why HP did not put a powerful enough power supply in to begin with...
Rep2 : Since this is a CTO product standard Power supply was shipped with your computer.
Me : Yes but what is the point of a graphics card upgrade if you are not going to put in a power supply that can support it?
Rep2 : May I know when you first faced this issue did you contact HP?
Me : No...I did not use the computer for games at fist therefore this issue was not apparent
Rep2 : Okay.
Rep2 : You need to upgrade the Power Supply to resolve your issue.
Me : HP should have upgraded it when they built it
Me : Otherwise the graphics card upgrade is useless
Rep2 : Since you are Out of Warranty you need to purchase the power supply.
Me : Why should I haft to fix something that was HP's fault in the first place?
Rep2 : I understand your concern but you should have contacted HP when you first faced this issue. If you want you can call 1-800-474-6836.
Me : I did contact HP when I first faced the issue
Me : If I haft to I can send this through the BBB
Me : I am not going to let this go
Me : I am not going to pay $49 to have someone tell me what you are telling me over the phone either
Rep2 : Okay.
Rep2 : Since you are Out of Warranty you need to purchase the Power Supply.
Me : Not the answer im looking for
Rep2 : Since you are Out of Warranty you need to purchase the Power supply.
Me : Well that is BS
Rep2 : Is there anything else I may help you with?
Me : Nope I guess I will just take this up through the Better Business Bureau

If this was just faulty hardware I could see them denying this, but this is just HP blatantly building a computer under spec'd to support the hardware I paid them to put in it. I am not the most pleased HP customer right now needless to say.

Welcome to the wonderful world of "trying to save a buck and getting a bigger headache as a result", this is why I build my own, always have done since '99.

I've seen worse, at least your HP didn't melt (customer added the card himself), I have steered so many customers away from going down the same road you just traveled (when I worked at Fry's hardware service desk, and customers wanted my advice), or at least warned them that they will need a heavier Watt PSU, than the 180-230 Watt that comes with it.

HP are pretty much famous for supplying a PSU that barely covers what the system draws, they are trying to save money, bigger return of profit (in theory), crap load of physical returns (in reality).
Well on the bright side, a decent PSU to meet your needs shouldn't be all that expensive. Especially if you check the FS/FT threads for a used one.
Next time build your PC and run far from HP. They are complete idiots. If you add the higher end video card it should jump to the required power supply during the build specs. Talk to a manager and dont let it go. Trust me I fought them for 3 months on a screen replacement for my laptop and I ended up with a new machine. They are complete assholes. Also screw getting a PSU from HP. Get a good one used here or from newegg. The Corsair 400W would carry that setup just fine and they are under 50$ after rebate.
Next time build your PC and run far from HP. They are complete idiots. If you add the higher end video card it should jump to the required power supply during the build specs. Talk to a manager and dont let it go. Trust me I fought them for 3 months on a screen replacement for my laptop and I ended up with a new machine. They are complete assholes. Also screw getting a PSU from HP. Get a good one used here or from newegg. The Corsair 400W would carry that setup just fine and they are under 50$ after rebate.

I agree with this. Don't be rude or anything, but don't let up at all. Let them know that they screwed up by putting non compatible parts with each other and you deserve either a refund or an upgraded power supply.
I agree with this. Don't be rude or anything, but don't let up at all. Let them know that they screwed up by putting non compatible parts with each other and you deserve either a refund or an upgraded power supply.

I actually am usually NEVER rude to tech support. My family actually makes fun of me because of it because I am usually just nice and persistent. This on the other hand just really pushed my buttons. I was a little irked after the first rep. Then I got more angry after they wanted to charge me $49 just to talk to them. Then this second rep just pushed me over the edge lol.

Anyway I can assure you I won't go down this road again. When I want my next computer I am going to suck it up and build it myself!
I actually am usually NEVER rude to tech support. My family actually makes fun of me because of it because I am usually just nice and persistent. This on the other hand just really pushed my buttons. I was a little irked after the first rep. Then I got more angry after they wanted to charge me $49 just to talk to them. Then this second rep just pushed me over the edge lol.

Anyway I can assure you I won't go down this road again. When I want my next computer I am going to suck it up and build it myself!

If you can read, plug things in and use Google you will have no issues building your own. It's quite enjoyable and getting RMA's for defective products, whether from Newegg or the part manufacturer, is 100x's easier.
yeah also tell them your gpu is broke and make them give you new one. i agree dont let them give you a psu. maybe you can get some cash or they can buy you what you want. make sure you know the system requirements for your cards. just in case they want to give you a psu. make sure it has the appropriate amps on the 12volt rails. if you dont know what that means good it. make sure you are well prepared to fight them. there are many forums that can help you out. they should have properly supplied you with a good power supply not those cheapy no name on the psu ones.
yeah also tell them your gpu is broke and make them give you new one. i agree dont let them give you a psu. maybe you can get some cash or they can buy you what you want. make sure you know the system requirements for your cards. just in case they want to give you a psu. make sure it has the appropriate amps on the 12volt rails. if you dont know what that means good it. make sure you are well prepared to fight them. there are many forums that can help you out. they should have properly supplied you with a good power supply not those cheapy no name on the psu ones.

If I do end up picking out the PSU myself what would be a good one to match up with a 9800GT?(Or if it is faulty maybe an ATI card that is close to it in performance)

Also I have never dealt with a PSU exchange, so I am not sure what to look for to make sure it matches up with my components.
The corsair PSU's have a good price and are well built. If you ever build your own machine dont forget the forums are here to help. The 400W corsair will carry your setup but if you plan on upgrading the video card you might want the 550W model. Keep hittng up HP though. Tell them the long term use with to small of a power supply has messed up your video card and you want to talk to management. Keep pushing higher.. if the person your talking to cant or wont help.. tell them I want to talk to someone above you. Go to the CEO's house and shove that machine up his ass. Call them on the phone too. Typing doesnt get across how pissed you are. I really hate dealing with HP.. I worked for them for like 7 years too :)
The corsair PSU's have a good price and are well built. If you ever build your own machine dont forget the forums are here to help. The 400W corsair will carry your setup but if you plan on upgrading the video card you might want the 550W model. Keep hittng up HP though. Tell them the long term use with to small of a power supply has messed up your video card and you want to talk to management. Keep pushing higher.. if the person your talking to cant or wont help.. tell them I want to talk to someone above you. Go to the CEO's house and shove that machine up his ass. Call them on the phone too. Typing doesnt get across how pissed you are. I really hate dealing with HP.. I worked for them for like 7 years too :)

Unfortunately since the PC is out of warranty they will not even talk to me on the phone without me paying $49. Which is why I am having to go through the BBB. I don't plan on letting up. But the easiest solution is probably to just get them to give me money and fix it myself, which is why I am trying to figure out what I would replace it with.
I have ran into this problem a few times myself from overclocking, and everytime, it was the memory that was bad.I was able to put high heatsinks on the memory chips and a fan blowing stright across the heatsinks to keep the ram cool enough to run at stock speeds. You must also keep the card cool enough so it don't spread the heat back across the memory.

I have had this to work one time out of many, but who knows. It may just work for you.
][F][U][2][;1034863940 said:
I have ran into this problem a few times myself from overclocking, and everytime, it was the memory that was bad.I was able to put high heatsinks on the memory chips and a fan blowing stright across the heatsinks to keep the ram cool enough to run at stock speeds. You must also keep the card cool enough so it don't spread the heat back across the memory.

I have had this to work one time out of many, but who knows. It may just work for you.

The graphic issue can pop up as soon as the game starts, so I am guessing I would not be able to prevent the issue since it is happening before the card has time to heat up.(Which actually the game that I test it with is BF2, so it doesn't really heat up at all)

Corsair, Seasonic, Enermax, or Antec 500w or better for the PSU.

Thanks for the info. Is there any specific connectors or are PSU's a one size fits all kind of thing?
Thanks for the info. Is there any specific connectors or are PSU's a one size fits all kind of thing?

One size fits all. Make sure it has at least one 8 pin PCIe power connector, but really, any quality modern 500w+ will have one.

If you intend to go dual-GPU at any point look at 750w+ models... but given this is a pre-built machine chances are you have only one 16x PCIe slot and that isn't an option anyway. 500-550w should be fine for anything you care to put in short of a ATI Radeon HD 5890 (effectively two HD 5870s on a card).
One size fits all. Make sure it has at least one 8 pin PCIe power connector, but really, any quality modern 500w+ will have one.

If you intend to go dual-GPU at any point look at 750w+ models... but given this is a pre-built machine chances are you have only one 16x PCIe slot and that isn't an option anyway. 500-550w should be fine for anything you care to put in short of a ATI Radeon HD 5890 (effectively two HD 5870s on a card).

Why would he need an 8pin PCIe power plug? 88/9800GT's only use a 6pin.
That's the case managers number I got last time I had to deal with how stupid HP is. I was on the phone literally *all* day because they sell garbage laptops and refuse to do anything about it.
I had ext. 8 for a guy named Matt. So just call and see if they can help you out.

I think this number is the corporate number for customer relations.

I actually may have transposed those numbers, but if you're calling to complain and try and get something done, here's hoping.