Using Mutt To Read Email


Loves the juice
Sep 25, 2002
When I use mutt to read my email, every time I use the mutt command, I get the following message in CLI that say's:

/home/user/Mail does not exist. Create it? ([yes]/no):

I always select "No" but why does it constantly ask me to create this directory to use Mutt? Is there a Mutt config file that I can tell it to stop doing this or resolve this annoyance?
Have you considered reading the mutt man page? :) .muttrc is the file you're looking for. You also might consider the 'set folder' option.

C'mon. Five minutes of digging would have found this for you.

If you're running a mail server and not just reading e-mail, consider having Mutt talk to your mail server instead of editing mail spools directly. There's a small chance you can chunk a mailbox if mutt and your mail server decide to do things to the same mailbox at the same time. I've found this out...The hard way...Twice.
OK - I will start be noting the man page gives zero assistance in the form of muttrc.

When I reviewed the man page before posting for longer than 5 minutes, I found it to note the system config file is located at /etc/muttrc:

[root@mail ~]# vim /etc/m
mail/               mail.rc             maven/              mime-magic.dat      modprobe.conf       motd                mtools.conf         
mailcap             makedev.d/          mgetty+sendfax/     mime.types          modprobe.conf~      mrtg/               my.cnf              
mailman/            man.config          mime-magic          minicom.users       modprobe.conf.dist  mtab

Then I find the section that notes a file called ~/.muttrc however I don't want each user on the email server to have or need a ~/muttrc file in their home dir. I use this as an administrative tool on my email server to check message delivery and other tasks.

As for your suggestion of having Mutt speak with my email server, do you mean an installation of Mutt on a remote machine connecting to my email server?