Ubisoft CEO: 95% Of Our Customers Are Pirates

Whatever. I purchase my games and I have a freaking backlog. Heh, I don't have any recent Ubisoft titles in my collection. Ubisoft can suck it.

Hey Ubisoft, over the past few years you have spent a considerable effort strapping DRM onto your games and you are still able to maintain a ridiculously high piracy rate of 95%. How's that DRM strategy working out for ya?

ElGuapo242, not one or two, how about strapped to a chair and force-fed a bag full.
This is kind of funny. I'm a huge pirate. But they only 2 UbiSoft Games I have played I bought.

Ape Escape on PS2 and Grandia 2 on DreamCast......Great games......But looking at their product listing I'd say these are the exception to the rule and that rule is their games fucking suck ass.
There is a 95% chance that they pulled that percentage out of their backside.

They tried to pull it out of their ass, they ended up doing a reach around to the government to take over the internet like the RIAA and MPAA :rolleyes:
May I make a suggestion to Ubisoft? Go free to play and and sell hats. Seriously.

Let's see....

Assassin's Creed
Prince of Persia
Tom Clancy's never ending shitstorm

and a bunch of dancing or mini puzzle games

The few that I have played of those over the last few years have all been on console and I got them USED, for which they received ZERO dollars. Does that make me a pirate?
I can understand the anger over the DRM.. but I don't see all the hatred saying they have shitty games. I know taste is relative to each person, but my whole household has an Ubisoft game or two we enjoy:

Youngest brother: Petz Dogs
Middle brother: Speed Devils, Driver
Girlfriend and mother: Rayman Raving Rabbids series
Myself: Splinter Cell series
I'd REALLY like to know where this guy is getting his numbers from. I mean, 95%? That's simply impossible!

Having said that, if this is what Ubisoft's CEO believes then all of us might as well pirate their games! That is if they work at all (hello Future Soldier with your 4 patches and STILL broken ass game!).

And to add to it all, we are getting Sam Fisher in the new Splinter Cell game that not only looks younger but sounds completely different and obviously isn't Sam Fisher...so not only is Ubisoft a bunch of idiots, but now they've ruined my most beloved series of all time.

Thanks Ubi! I look forward to getting your games for free! Oh, and suck it!
Now that I look at their list, I just plunked down some money on used Ubi games... I picked up 85% of the Armored Core games recently as I love that series.
I bought the tin can collectors edition of Splinter Cell. I also bought SC for the old xbox. Then I bought the whole collection on steam so I didn't have deal with discs. Also have a copy of SC that came "free" with a video card.

Bought the gf Ass Creed because she liked it. Bought Rayman in various iterations over the years.

So GFY Ubisoft.
Wrong, their ports are usually so bad even people won't bother pirating them. Or they do so just to see if they are as bad as history supports.

Fix your company instead of making excuses. Thanks.

And btw, it seems like the free-to-play numbers and the piracy numbers coincide. Is he calling all those who play the "free-to-play" and don't pay-to-upgrade pirates?
May I make a suggestion to Ubisoft? Go free to play and and sell hats. Seriously.

Seriously don't. Free to play games are all boring and grindy, without single player or much fun. Usually one trick borefests that get old within a few hours with absolutely shitty communities. Not that Ubisoft games are great anyway. Free to play wouldn't help.
Man, if this isn't a prime example of a company destroying itself from the inside out, I don't know what is.

The boardroom meetings must be interesting.

"Hey, I know how we can increase sales. Let's piss off every one of our customers in one way or another. Whether it be draconian DRM (that took out most of them), unsubstantiated statements calling them criminals, or whatever. That should bring them right to the cash register !"
wow...they are really big fools thinking we are duped about this shit pulled from their behind.
Yeah, I don't believe this 95% BS.
Sounds like they are just trying to make excuses for why they aren't more profitable, when in fact they just don't make good games.
I honestly don't remember the last Ubi game I bought. Was Far Cry 1 UBI?
I'm glad that they haven't received a penny from me, and I have never pirated games. I have never played any of their games, if this list is anything to go by. Nor will I ever.

I just went through that list.

I haven't played a single one of their games, And while I did pirate some stuff while younger in the early 90s (I haven't in over 15 years), since I never played any of their stuff, I never pirated it.

I did - however - play some games in series they later published. For instance, I played the first two games in Blue Byte's Settlers series, but back then they weren't published by Ubisoft. I also played the original Prince of Persia(1989) but they had no involvement in that, just the remakes.

I don't even know how they'd go about quantifying the percentages that are pirated. To me it just seems like another effort to blame poor sales of shitty games on something other than themselves.
How would a pirate be their customer? Doesn't a customer need to be one that does business with them? That'd be like saying the guy who stole a candy bar from a store was one of their customers.
So, which part of that 95% were users who purchased a copy but had to also pirate a copy to play the game they purchased bc of restrictive DRM? Now how many of that 95% are people who would purchase a legal copy if not for the restrictive DRM? My ass is saying that only 1%/0 are actually pirates.
Not spending money in a F2P game may make you cheap, but I didn't realize it also made you a pirate.
Not spending money in a F2P game may make you cheap, but I didn't realize it also made you a pirate.

I don't think they claimed that.

Either way, I won't play F2P games that include DLC, unless it is done very well.

If success in the game is in any way linked to who can pay more for "items" rather than who is the best at the game, then I am uninterested.
i call bullshit if that was true then they would just exit the pc market. but they seem to keep making pc games. so i call bullshit
Lets just all start a petition to tell Ubisoft to leave the PC and never come back because honestly if they want a rebellion they can have it.

Fuck em
Lets just all start a petition to tell Ubisoft to leave the PC and never come back because honestly if they want a rebellion they can have it.

I think I would prefer it for them to just remove their ridiculous DRM rather than leave the PC entirely. I do still enjoy some of their games.
Anno 2070 is fun!

It's a shame that people/company views end up like this. I've never had anywhere close to as many problems with their DRM solutions as I have with GFWL. Holy, crap. I hate GFWL.. haha.
I think I would prefer it for them to just remove their ridiculous DRM rather than leave the PC entirely. I do still enjoy some of their games.


and luckily when Steam has their sales it allows me to get those Ubisoft games cheap so I can't really complain too much about the DRM but their recent rootkit issue was a big problem.
Just wanted to share a bit of my experience with Ubisoft.

For one, I don't pirate anything - no games, software, music, TV. I pay for my content or I don't consume it.

I bought HOMM6 a few months ago on Steam. It worked for awhile but was super buggy and there was a lot of problems with their ridiculous DRM schem. A few weeks ago, they released a "patch" that completely broke the game on my computer (and on many other people's computers). The game simply won't start. I've uninstalled and reinstalled, updated my drivers, tried a few things that other players have suggested, nothing works. Same story for many others.

Ubisoft has not addressed the problem publicly or indicated if there will be a patch. There's no way to reinstall the game without the patch. I contacted Ubisoft and said (paraphrase) "My game has been broken for weeks and never worked properly to begin with. I would like you to tell me when you're going to fix the game, and if you can't do that, I'd like to request a refund."

I received a response from Ubisoft two days later, "Ubisoft does not issue refunds."

That was it. No apology. No indication of whether a patch was in the works. Nothing. Just "No you can't have your money back even though our product is completely useless and broken".

I replied and said "This is unacceptable customer service. You need to fix your damn game or offer some kind of restitution for your customers who can't use the product they paid for".

That was two weeks ago. I've heard nothing since then.

I will never buy another Ubisoft product, and I strongly encourage everyone to avoid their wares. (Don't pirate them - have principles and simply boycott).
Anyone who pirates the latest Splinter Cell game should be embarrass of themself for touching that game at all. :p
I'll echo the sentiments expressed before. Fuck Ubisoft. Fuck them for shitting on PC gamers. Looking at the list of Ubisoft titles, I see that I've only bought games they've released on consoles...I wonder why?

(Armored Core 2, No More Heroes, No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle, for the record)
Didn't he spout this crap months ago too? I swear he has done this before.

You're 100% correct. This is the second time that this ass hat said this nonsense. I guess all tr backlash he got the first time wasn't enough for him to shut his mouth. Does UBIsoft have a PR firm?
Who cares what Ubisoft thinks , honestly? This is the same corporation that's been blaming pirates for years for just about everything.

If 95 percent of their product for the PC is being stolen then you simply wouldn't be in business on that platform. The plain truth is that the CEO is puff "piecing" his own quote , he's been doing this just about every opportunity he can. He obviously wants out of the PC end of Ubisoft's business model but it looks like not everyone on high agree's with that idea. Or they are simply making profit regardless.

We should all boycott Ubisoft and see how they react when that "5" percent supposedly stops buying their shitty products.
so based on this, and the "Illegal Download = Scumbag Theft thread".....95% of Ubisoft customers are scumbags? BRILLIANT!
I got GRFS with Samsung SSD purchase. Are they counting all those that got that kind of crap game for free? I'm glad it was free...would have regretted it otherwise.
Not going to read through the thread, so its probably been covered. How can you be a customer if you stole the product? Shouldn't it be "95% of our users are savvy techno-nerds hating our out-dated DRM model?"
Ubisoft hasn't published a game worth pirating since Morrowind. That was in 2002, when there were still game demos before publishers like ubi decided letting players know how shitty a game is before they buy it is something to avoid.

I wish I had 5 mins of talk time with this guy, just so I could verbally tear him a new ass and really let him know how much of a toolbag everyone thinks he and his company is.
I'm guessing the number is so high due to the lack of players. A lot of people wrote Ubisoft a long time ago. I can't even remember the last PC game I've bought of theirs that one of their studios they owned at the time or even published was. I think it was Shadowbane.