The Void


Jun 5, 2008
Have any of you heard about this game? Reading the article on bit-tech this morning was the first I had heard of it, and searching the forums did not turn up anything.

"The relentlessly bleak aesthetic that the world is covered in slowly livens up as you progress and start painting tattoos of Colour across the plant-life, while the architecture and design geometry is like something from an acid trip sponsored by Salvador Dali. The Void is full of staircases that twist back on themselves, of trees standing in limitless oceans and of towers with no tops or bottoms. It’s really quite breathtaking."





Wow, I do not think I have ever heard of a game that could be more up my alley.
Any one else excited? Know where I can pick up a copy/ when it will be released in the US?

I suppose I should mention - there are lots of boobs for those enticed by such things
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That looks like an interesting game. Unfortunately, I probably won't get around to playing it considering my huge backlog.
Actually this looks pretty relaxing I look forward to trying it out.
As a PC exclusive w/ some pretty innovative twists I felt that more people would be interested.
Maybe just a slow day?
I am just curious if anyone else is intrested in this game, and if anyone knows when it will hit US shelves.
I investigated it. It's interesting, but you don't really paint anything as far as I can tell.It's just kinda this point and click color management game.
I investigated it. It's interesting, but you don't really paint anything as far as I can tell.It's just kinda this point and click color management game.

I thought I saw screenshots or a video where you did "paint" your enemy/ colored around them? Maybe this is what you meant.

Either way I think the game looks like an Oblivion acid trip, which is cool by me ;P
I thought I saw screenshots or a video where you did "paint" your enemy/ colored around them? Maybe this is what you meant.

Either way I think the game looks like an Oblivion acid trip, which is cool by me ;P

You get paint by going around and collecting bits of it. You fill up these baubles like the iablo health bar. you then activate things by "Painting" them which means runnning your mouse in like a circle over whatever it is with your selected paint color, but then whatever it is activates in whatever form it wants. You don't seem to have any control over the end product.
Looks like an interesting game, might make it onto the wish list, although Mass Effect 2 is already there and Dragon Age is taking up my time, then SWTOR is out next year as well.
You get paint by going around and collecting bits of it. You fill up these baubles like the iablo health bar. you then activate things by "Painting" them which means runnning your mouse in like a circle over whatever it is with your selected paint color, but then whatever it is activates in whatever form it wants. You don't seem to have any control over the end product.

Sorta. The color you collect has two forms; The initial form, and that of "nerva". Basically, you have hearts(yes, more than one) in your body, and they have capacities. As you collect color it fills up the right side of your palette, where you can't use it. You can move the color from the right side into any one of your hearts, and then when you're in "the void"(the map screen), this color will convert through your heart into Nerva that you can use in the levels. If you run out of color in your hearts or on the right(color on the right is called Lympha, I think), you die. This aspect makes the game a bit tricky.

As for what you *do* with it? Lots of things, including battle with it later on in the game. At the beginning, you mostly fight off little creatures, revive trees(so they produce whatever color you used to revive them, giving you more to collect), mine, and feed your "Sister".

I haven't gotten very far, and I'm a little worried that this game is going to be bad for painting yourself into a corner(running out of color to convert and dying). I'm sticking with it though, it's very interesting and just...strange, lol