The new LED teck for printers


Sep 28, 2008
What manufactures besides Okidata are making this type of printer?
Just for clarification this is not the old Laser teck.
This has no moving parts like the old Laser teck but scans the entire
line at one time.
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Okidata has had LED printers since at least the mid-90's. I remember them from back when I worked at a Computer City and Okidata was a name people were actually familiar with from the dot-matrix days. I was recently surprised when I discovered they're actually still in business.

AFAIK in that time no on else has ever used LEDs in place of a laser. Not sure if it's because Okidata has a patent on the idea that they won't license, or just that no one else cares. My bet is on the latter.

(Pedantic: "tech", not "teck".)
Thanks BlueLineSwinger.
Yep, I can't spell worth beans:(
I care because I think it's a better tech than Laser.
Less moving parts means less trouble IMHO.