Still possible to get Windows 7?

I'm sure everyone on this forum has a few ISO's, I know I do. Even burned them to DVD's for safe keeping. I can give you a login to my FTP server if you want.

Seriously though.. all that time and you wait till now to get it?
Actually, what version are you looking for? I no longer have the RC, only the RTM's.
IDk what version im lookign for, TBH, i bought a dell comp, changed everything besides the motherboard and the OS, so im not very OS oriented..
If it is the machine in your sig, you would be looking at 7 Home Premium x64 unless you feel you need some of the features in Pro. (Google them).
right, thats what i figured, and is it cheaper if i upgrade to windows 7, then buy full retail, or upgrade to windows 7 NOW, reinstall vista, to upgrade to windows 7..

im just wondering the costs, i cant seem to find something definite.. is x64 more expensive than x32?

edit: i saw thats its 200 for home premium, and 120 for upgrade from vista BUT you keep the same thing, so no x64 i guess :/

last questions.. where should i install/download from?

will there be any compatibility problems with either PB or my hardware..
Do what you want cause a p!rate is free.
You are a P!rate!

Yar har diddly dee
I think you can still download the release candidate and use it til March or whatever. It's equivalent to ultimate afaik. A little birdie told me that you can also do certain things to prevent it from deactivating, or so I hear.
right, thats what i figured, and is it cheaper if i upgrade to windows 7, then buy full retail, or upgrade to windows 7 NOW, reinstall vista, to upgrade to windows 7..

im just wondering the costs, i cant seem to find something definite.. is x64 more expensive than x32?

edit: i saw thats its 200 for home premium, and 120 for upgrade from vista BUT you keep the same thing, so no x64 i guess :/

last questions.. where should i install/download from?

will there be any compatibility problems with either PB or my hardware..

Looking at your sig your hardware, both desktop and laptop look pretty standard. The only problems you're going to have are with more esoteric or older stuff.
You should be able to upgrade from x86 vista to x64 Win7 I think, it'll just end up doing a clean install for you but you should be able to do it... I don't think anyone is completely clear on what the upgrade process will entail (even if going from x64 Vista to x64 Win7) since Technet ISO's and the RC are all full versions, there's nobody playing around with an Upgrade ISO out there AFAIK. Maybe I'm mistaken and the Upgrade process has been fully fleshed out somewhere. Anyway, all Win7 discs contain both x86 and x64 versions anyway, so there's no cost difference as there's no difference at all.

If you're a student there's some really sweet deals you could opt for... Otherwise the Family Pack ($150) for three Home Upgrade licenses is pretty nice too if you have multiple systems, same price as the pre-order offer basically (which was $50 for Home Upgrade back in July). RTM = Release To Manufacturing, basically the retail version. A lot of people already have access to it (same thing you can buy at a store on Oct 22) due to Technet or MSDNAA student subscriptions. Obviously you'd need such a subscription in order to have a key to activate it (should check out the Hot Deals forum if you're a student), altho I think you can run it for something like 90 days w/o activation.

RC = Release Candidate, the last test version that MS released... That expires on July of next year and can no longer be downloaded directly off MS but you can easily find it around, and you can still get a key from MS tho it's really just a big pool of shared keys by all testers. Hope that clears some things up...
IDk what version im lookign for, TBH, i bought a dell comp, changed everything besides the motherboard and the OS, so im not very OS oriented..
You aren't very News or Search oriented, either. :D

You can get a 90 day trial of Windows 7 Enterprise, for free, from Microsoft.
Kinda in the same situation for me. I have a legit key, but no software. I am on a Macbook Pro and I would like Win7 for my desktop.

Long story, I don't have internet at home (for the next couple of weeks). I would like to download Win7 as an ISO to my Mac and burn a disk. So when I have internet access, I'll be good to go.

Either way I'll need to download it with my MBP and burn a copy. To download via MSDN, I first have to download an EXE file, which does not work with OSX.
is the rc1 win7 version too different than the rtm version? if i get the rtm, will it be exactly the same as the yet to be released retail version? where can i buy or get a retail key? (can someone give a key??:) please)
Its not exactly the same by any means underneath. That being said, you probably won't notice an apparent difference.
No, one is considered not final...where as one is final...meaning it's been cleaned up and optimized for final use. There's no reason to be running an RC build right now, considering you can get a 90 day trial of W7 Enterprise.
Can someone please provide a link to the 90 day trial of W7 Enterprise? I can't seem to find it on their website. Thanks
The download links are right on the bottom of the page. Sure you're ready for a new OS? ;)
RTM IS the version that you will see on store shelves on Oct 22, RC was the last phase before RTM and is thus, not final... It will also expire in July and it'll give you warnings and have a two-hour shutdown limit a few months before that.
Yep, RC, as the RTM version is only available with an MSDN or TechNet subscription at this time (meaning the full real deal).

The Windows 7 Enterprise edition trial version is the actual RTM code sooo... that's 90 days of usage if you're so inclined. Enterprise is pretty much Windows 7 Ultimate with a few more Administrative goodies and other features tossed in.
Nice. My Vista install committed seppuku the other day, and I was really wishing I had a win 7 ISO. This Enterprise trial will last me until I can get the real thing.
Yep, RC, as the RTM version is only available with an MSDN or TechNet subscription at this time (meaning the full real deal).

The Windows 7 Enterprise edition trial version is the actual RTM code sooo... that's 90 days of usage if you're so inclined. Enterprise is pretty much Windows 7 Ultimate with a few more Administrative goodies and other features tossed in.

Thanks. Any recommendations on downloading the ISO from MSDN AA (academic alliance) to an OSX computer? Basically would like to download the ISO and make a disk. Currently I have to download an EXE file, then run that which starts the download.

I already have paid for and received the software key.

EXE no go on OSX. I don't have dual boot and never intend on it.
Thanks. Any recommendations on downloading the ISO from MSDN AA (academic alliance) to an OSX computer? Basically would like to download the ISO and make a disk. Currently I have to download an EXE file, then run that which starts the download.

I already have paid for and received the software key.

EXE no go on OSX. I don't have dual boot and never intend on it.

They don't allow you to just download an ISO?
*sorry. buying it online!
will win7 also be available for download?
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when i get the paid version, where can i download the retail copy and the key?

What do you mean "when I get the paid version"? Do you mean when you buy it in a store? If so, why would you need to download it?

Me = :confused:
Thanks. Any recommendations on downloading the ISO from MSDN AA (academic alliance) to an OSX computer? Basically would like to download the ISO and make a disk. Currently I have to download an EXE file, then run that which starts the download.

I already have paid for and received the software key.

EXE no go on OSX. I don't have dual boot and never intend on it.

MSDNAA downloads work the same way. You get a downloader .exe file that then downloads the ISO.
If you absolutely don't have access to any other system besides your Mac, why not just run WinXP or w/e in a VM in order to run the .exe and get the DL from wherever you've gotten your key?
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If you absolutely don't have access to any other system besides your MAC, why not just run WinXP or w/e in a VM in order to run the .exe and get the DL from wherever you've gotten your key?

Short version (the long version is in GenMay).

I don't have internet access except for 3G Verizon MiFi at home. I use my work wireless to download updates and such through my laptop which is a Macbook Pro.

Never intended to, or need to ever have a dual boot. I suppose until now.
Running a VM isn't the same as dual-booting... And it shouldn't be as complex or time consuming for the purpose of a simple download while at work.
is the rc1 win7 version too different than the rtm version? if i get the rtm, will it be exactly the same as the yet to be released retail version? where can i buy or get a retail key? (can someone give a key??:) please)

RTM is basically the same as RC but with bug fixes. There's a lot of bugs in the RC which may or may not affect you.
Hah, it reads pretty tongue-in-cheek to me ('specially the last line), but ya never know w/Newegg reviews. I try to post some when I buy something that's not very common (headphones, small accessories, etc.) thinking maybe on balance it helps out, but with more common stuff I don't even bother. :p Wonder what the review page for Win7 will look like, or what the Vista one looks like... <shudder>