Starcraft 2 Ends in 5 Days?

There has been no official statement from Blizzard, and according to TL that is the expiration date of the key. If you do not activate the key by then then it will not work. There will probably be no more invites after May 17th, according to an interview with Dustin Browder beta will go up until 2-3 weeks before the release the date...
There has been no official statement from Blizzard, and according to TL that is the expiration date of the key. If you do not activate the key by then then it will not work. There will probably be no more invites after May 17th, according to an interview with Dustin Browder beta will go up until 2-3 weeks before the release the date...

Yea. This seems to be the assessment that I get from that link as well. This beta is too big of a deal for Blizzard to shut it off 2 months before launch with little to no word to it's fan base. I'm sure "Well it was posted on" would be so unprofessional even an indie developer wouldn't troll their fan base that hard.
There has been no official statement from Blizzard, and according to TL that is the expiration date of the key. If you do not activate the key by then then it will not work. There will probably be no more invites after May 17th, according to an interview with Dustin Browder beta will go up until 2-3 weeks before the release the date...

This ^

There is still plenty more beta testing to be had. From what I remember with the WC3 beta I think it was active till about 1 month before release. Rumor is 3v3 and 4v4 are to be released soon and that will surely cause more bugs to be found.

Not to mention the very annoying crash bug when exiting right now so I'm betting at least 2 more patches before code freeze and RTM.
I seriously doubt beta will end at this point. Release is not for another 2 months so they will want to continue with balance patches. I would expect beta to end about 1-2 weeks before release.
6 years for basically a couple of new units and gfx overhaul should have no bugs
You seem to think the game runs on the same engine as the original Starcraft. I like hating on Blizzard as much as anyone else, but I doubt even 5% of SC2's code is directly analogous to something in SC1.