Starcraft 2 Custom Maps


May 8, 2009
Anyone have any suggestions?

I suck for the most part at the actual game so I dont really play it. The only thing I have really gotten into is "A Standard TD", since I used to love playing Elemental TD in Warcraft 3. It is actually pretty hard - I have only gotten to level 47 on very easy after multiple tries.
The trick for "A Standard TD" is to use the cannons , build as many as you can, then sell them all and abuse the income counter (cannons sell for 100%). you can do that trick up to lv 20 or maybe a bit earlier. after you "pool" your money build two Hydras (lv 1 hydra and lv 2 hydra) their debuffs stack.
upgrades are usually: Hydra Dmg Buff, Storm tower 25%->40% slow, are two of the most important ones. resulting in a significant advantage for you ...which will probably boost you to lv 50. :)

its not a popular map, but if you liked the run kitty run maps in WC3 theres Runling Run ... not too many of the SC2 custom maps are really that refined yet (and that's expected)
A standard TD has the same strategy as ele TD. It's actually a lot simpler. As mentioned before just make nothing but the normal cannons and sell them for interest (of course you have to time that, don't want to sell too early). It's actually easier with other players since in SP the next wave timer (10s) starts immediately after you kill your wave, but in MP it waits for the last player.

Even if you don't sell for interest just get a storm tower (the equivalent of the tornado tower guy in ele TD that slows / does DPS in an area) then get hydra(s) and eventually get the ultimate cannons. That's pretty much standard. The upgraded chain lightning cannon is very good later on since it's % based. Keep in mind that you might have to control it so it doesn't keep hitting the same target (or place it in a way that it has no choice but to keep hitting different targets - i.e. barely in range of the lane).
I intend to buy it for basically single player and the custom maps. I can't stand playing RTS games online "the real way", but I do get a kick out of the custom games. Blood pressure marathon with a lot of people can be great fun as long as you don't take it too seriously.
I intend to buy it for basically single player and the custom maps. I can't stand playing RTS games online "the real way", but I do get a kick out of the custom games. Blood pressure marathon with a lot of people can be great fun as long as you don't take it too seriously.

Yup. The Use Map Settings games in SC1 were the only reason I really played. SC2's custom map editor is so much greater, I can't wait to play some of the great ones.
Well, not sure if we have it uploaded yet, but me and some friends have made a pretty wicked zergling blood map : P
I'm hoping for a dota port. O god I would get sc2 in a heartbeat.
There are some great maps ! Overrun is very cool but hard. Composition wars is like nexus wars but faster
A friend and I are pretty much buying SC2 mainly for the SP campaign and then for making custom TD maps. I could care less about the competitive online, the beta proved to me that some people are just far too good for me to even enjoy online play. I play to have fun :)

edit. Wait there are custom maps for the beta now? WTF? WHERE! (off to google)
When you click on Multiplayer, on the right side of the screen you will see a Custom Maps box. Inside this box you will see Join Game & Create Game. Just click join game and you get the list of custom games.