Small question about newer motherboards and SATA


Limp Gawd
Oct 15, 2003
I have an older abit nForce 2 motherboard and when I install windows xp I've had to install the drivers for my SATA controller. Now I always found this to be an annoyance but one that I can easily deal with since I don't reinstall windows every day.

However, I was curious if that would still be the case with newer motherboards. In other words, if the southbridge has the SATA controller contained within and it's not a separate controller, like the silicon image one that is soldered to my motherboard, would I still require drivers to be loaded via floppy, or would the southbridge make it so I dont need to install drivers for windows to see my non-raided sata drives?

I'd like to ditch the need for a floppy drive completely and permanently.
with more modern boards/chipsets they usually have native support for single SATA drives so you don't need a floppy/driver for that.
If you want to run RAID then you usually still do.
I think anything in LGA775 and any of the A64 boards should be able to run single SATA drives without a floppy.