
Extremely [H]
Jan 28, 2014
Dropped by Konami 12 years ago, this first-person tactical shooter is set to release this year with a new developer and publisher. Former Bungie developers at Highwire Games set about finishing the game, retelling the experiences of those soldiers in Operation Phantom Fury during the Iraq War. Former president of the original developer Atomic Games has stuck with the project all these years. Unfortunately there is a new push to prevent the game from seeing the light of day.

I thought this game was just another FPS trying to get a piece of the CoD marketshare, however about a month ago it blew up on social media that the people making this game were/are being funded by the CIA and FBI, and have been working with the military and federal government for years in making training simulators for troops. (these two articles (link1, link2) mention some of the links the devs have with the military, FBI and CIA)

I think the reason it started trending was this article (link) that hints at the game being a propaganda tool for the military, leaving out most of what actually happened in those warzones only telling one side of the story. There were quite a few leaks on twitter about the game's controversial development but I see they were deleted.

Even if the game isn't cancelled the release will be a blip on the radar for a week and then quickly forgotten. The FPS market is completely saturated right now, you need to have something really really special to capture any portion of the playerbase long term.
I thought this game was just another FPS trying to get a piece of the CoD marketshare, however about a month ago it blew up on social media that the people making this game were/are being funded by the CIA and FBI, and have been working with the military and federal government for years in making training simulators for troops. (these two articles (link1, link2) mention some of the links the devs have with the military, FBI and CIA)

I think the reason it started trending was this article (link) that hints at the game being a propaganda tool for the military, leaving out most of what actually happened in those warzones only telling one side of the story. There were quite a few leaks on twitter about the game's controversial development but I see they were deleted.

Even if the game isn't cancelled the release will be a blip on the radar for a week and then quickly forgotten. The FPS market is completely saturated right now, you need to have something really really special to capture any portion of the playerbase long term.
Variety and Polygon, the bastions of video game journalism.

I'm somewhat excited for this. This looked to be a middle of the road tactical shooter, along the lines of the Brothers in Arms series. And maybe just a notch below Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 1/2 PC. Not a full Rainbow Six/SWAT experience, but a middle ground between an action FPS and a tactical shooter. Which sounds good to me. There is at least basic room clearing but it does look a bit simple. Movement and shooting are not that great, but that is to be expected. Konami isn't known for great shooters and I hope they polish it up before released. Animations look bad and there is certainly little to no attention to detail, like the reload mechanics.

I think this will be more of a middle of the road shooter with some semi realistic story commentary and visuals and extremely basic commands. Not quite the realism or high level of tactics you found in the best tactical shooters of yesteryear, but better than nothing. I can't even think of the last moderately decent single player military shooter I've played was, so that alone is exciting. BF/CoD SP campaigns are "meh". The only good CoD one was a future game in space.

As for Polygon, they're SJWs and it is best to ignore them.
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Victura have doubled the size of the development team as the game is now targeting a Q4 2022 release date.

They talk about how the game was made dynamic and procedural to recreate the feeling soldiers had of not knowing what would greet them around every corner. That feeling of uncertainty was important to recreate in telling the stories for the game.

Global dynamic lighting demonstration:

game might be too ambitious in terms of technology...expect a graphics downgrade
After several delays, the game is finally releasing in Early Access on June 22.

Finally, not really interested in early access though. Still waiting for Ready or Not to finish. But if the price is right I might do it.