Recommend me a budget card for BF2


Limp Gawd
Jun 25, 2005
I have a Barton 2800+, a gig of ram and a geforce 4 MX 440. I really want to play battlefield 2 at 1280x1024 at maybe...medium settings. My budget is 100-150 bucks. Im not a hardcore gamer by any means (warcraft 3 runs fine on this IMO). So, Is this possible?
gwai lo said:

dead links...but yeh a 6600gt should be fine
a 6800nu will be close to your budget, i have it but only the demo of BF2 so i can't play at 1280x1024, so i can't tell you the performance you'll see. It'll be close though... i bet you can go 1280x1024 but maybe at low to sub-medium settings.

hopefully someone else with the game and a similiar card can chime in for you.
yeh..if your strapped for cash look in the hardforum in the real life stuff section
I play BF2 on 1280 x 960 all medium with 40+ fps,and thats without my card unlocked.So you should be fine if you overclock your cpu a lil.
I started off playing BF2 on a 9600SE in my old Dell. I was able to turn everything to low and turn the view distance to 100% and it played fine, but there was obviously a nticeable difference jumping to my 6800GT.
budget & BF2 don't play together.

You need a mid to high end videocard..... 6800GS or better
mid to high end processor.... A64 or 3+Ghz P4
& high end (amount of ) ram.... 2Gb for best results

You can get by with less.... but I don't want to here your whining.... "stupid lag kill" b/c your computer randomly hangs b/c you "only" have 1Gb of ram, etc...