Quick MCE question: multiple inputs at once?


[H]F Junkie
Oct 23, 2000
Howdy, people ... quick MCE2005 question: my Radeon X800 Pro has VIVO. If I hook, say, a PS2 up to the Radeon so I can play games, will the thing still record TV shows properly through the tuner card?
yuo should be able to do this but I hope your recording to a different HDD then the one your game is on, otherwise you could notice some big lags
It's not going to work, unless your TV Tuner card has dual tuners, as far as I know. That would be the equivalent of watching one channel while recording the other.
I dont understand that.. dual tuners would be for watching one channel and recording another, which makes sense,,but on the card he has he can record via the inputs and still play games... I have the original radeon 64 vivo and can do this so I dont see why media center would make a difference.. i just minimise the the program
I'm assuming when you say tuner card you mean you have a tv tuner card in addition to your video card, right? If so, I don't see why this wouldn't work. And your PS2 will just be shot right back out of your video card(it wouldn't be recorded to disk; that would cause a very noticeable lag between input and output).
That's true, I wasn't thinking about it. If it's something like my MCE150, it treats the coax as a separate entity altogether from the RCA inputs. I've never tried watching on and using the other....but if the software allows for it, then it should work.
My specs are in my sig ... the tuner card I'm using is indeed a dual tuner (and the reason why I don't have update rollup 2 for MCE2005 installed, unless they've fixed that issue already) and, as I said, my video card has VIVO. I don't really want to record my gameplay to the hard drive, I just want to be able to hook my PS2 up to my computer to play on my montor (i.e. connect PS2 to X800 card), while not disturbing my ability to record 2 shows at once..
Hmm ... from what I see, it kind of sucks ass.

I connected the PS2 to the video input on my X800, but I'm not sure where to select this video input as the current one in MCE. So, I loaded DScaler, which kind of sucks because, even though I turned off all the filters, it still takes a second or two to process the video signal. This leads to video that's one or two seconds slower than sound which, as we all know, blows for games.

The TV tuner also has two S-Video inputs for set-top boxes, but I'm also not sure where to select these for fullscreen video. DScaler can't initialize these and, if it did, I'd assume it would run into the same problem as the X800's video input.

Does MCE2005 allow me to use one of the set-top box inputs of my tuner card without killing off my record schedule/program guide? If so, how do I go about switching between the various inputs of the tuner card from within MCE? I'd like to be able to use my computer, watch TV, and play PS2 games on my monitor.