Question about case for new system


Limp Gawd
Apr 10, 2008
I'm looking for some advice about a case for a new system I am about to try and put together (my first :)

I'm planning to use a Asus P6T motherboard, and GTX 260 video card (probably an MSI one) in it. Also, I don't want to spend too much on a case if I can avoid it (preferably less than $100US).

I am considering the Antec Three Hundred case, but I am a bit concerned about whether the MB and Video card will fit ok in that case. Some reviews on newegg seem to indicate that with the larger cards, even if you can fit it in, it overlaps into the HD bay area effectively rendering two slots useless. Can anyone confirm this?

Some other cases I am considering:
- Antec Nine hundred (its a bit of a beast though)
- Noble NOB28A
- Valuewave Kuroko

I really like the Lian-Li cases, especially the P50R, but they are a bit out of my budget :(

Any suggestions/ideas/advice?
I think you should go with the Cooler Master Storm Scout because it looks pretty cool and you don't have to worry about long cards interfering with hard drives because the hard drives are mounted differently. Here's a review:

There are probably other cases that are good too, it's just that I recently saw this one and thought it looked good.

I'm also unfamiliar with the second two cases that you posted, but that Noble case looks bad-ass. However, there doesn't seem to be any holes for cable management.
Thanks nightfawn, that looks like a good case too. I'll check it out.
Although reading the reviews for the Scout there seems to be very mixed opinions about HDs and graphic cards having plenty of room or not enough..
How about a Lian Li Lancool K58? It is new and designed for latest hardware.
+1 On the Lancool series. The cases are very big and roomy for a mid-tower and cable management is very good on this case. I have about 2 inches from the edge of the motherboard to the 5.25" drive cage.
Thanks a lot for the input. I came close to getting the scout, but in the end I went with a Lancool PC-K62.
I'm in the process of putting stuff in it now :)

Just one small issue has come up. This case has for chassis fans, and I am using an Asus P6T motherboard which only seems to have 3 chassis fan connectors. Is there any way to get all four fans hooked up or do I have to leave one turned off?
You can get 3 pin to molex adapters. They will allow you to plug the extra fan into the power supply instead of the motherboard. As an alternative you can get a fan controller and be able to manually control all the fan speeds.

And much better choice with the Lancool case. The 900 does not give you any more space than the 300, and actually has worse wire management, it just looks more "aggressive". Not that you need it now, but I can confirm longer cards interfering with the hard drive bays.
Thanks nightrain, I actually found a little adapter cable thing in the parts that came with the case. I had no idea what it was for, but then realized I could plug the fan into it and then into the power supply :)

Its all wired up, now I just have to turn it on... scary! lol
I just took a look at the Lancool cases and damn, I seriously want one now. It's just that shipping adds another $20-30 at every place I can find it. =\
I got mine locally from a store, so no shipping. But the prices here in Japan are a bit higher I think.
Its a pretty heavy case though, so I can understand it being expensive to ship.
Very heavy case indeed. Thicker steel than most mid-towers but it also helps keep things quiet.