q9450 OC - Stabilizing 3.6Ghz - need advice


Jun 5, 2008
I have a q9450 that is clocked to 3.6 (cooled by a H50.)
It is stable for games/aps and has never crashed/blue-screened, however is not stable for prime95/Intel Burn Test.

My specs are in my sig. q9450|Asus Rampage Formula|8gb G.Skill 1000 @900

I took some shots of my bios/CPUZ/Hardware monitor and was hoping I could get some advice on what to adjust to stabilize settings. I feel I have read nearly everything I could to help myself out, and am still coming up short.

I would really appreciate any feedback/advice I can get. Let me know if I forgot anything, you need more info, something is wrong w/ pics, ect...


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Might be +0.1V or so above default FSB termination voltages... need to check my BIOS profile for getting my proc to 3.6GHz later, haven't fiddled with them for half a year at least.
That actually seemed to work, setting the FSB term voltage from 1.2 to 1.3 allows stable passes of IBT now :D

Thanks for the help, I really appreciate it.

Although I would not mind further critiques of my voltages/settings/ect