PS3 Sales Jump After Price Cut, Slim Introduction

So, because I utilize all 4 of my USB ports...I think I'm all..."that"?
YLOD. Please, give me a break.

yeah that's why there is a huse thread about it on lol get a freaking hub if you need more ports with a slim model......
I know I read an article recently (but conveniently can't find it right now :p) about how the PS3 has outsold the 360 in that it has a higher ratio of total units sold over time in the market. Though I'm not saying that the PS3 is currently, or is on it's way to, destroying the 360 in sales, I think that some people need to believe that the PS3 is doing just fine and not omg pS3 ne3ds to haz cAtCh uP 4 to haz nOt tOtArZ destRuctorz!

It wasn't doing good, and their management is the biggest problem... New units sold is not even important when you take into considering the amount of copies each multi-platform sells per system.

Not that I have been following sales numbers on games lately (so I do not know if this applies or not), but either way it has a big impact on developers interest in the system. Creating an exclusive AAA title that has an immensely large and rigorous development process that stands above the rest and not being able to recouperate the costs is truly what hurts the PS3... Yea I know, their are still many exclusives in the works, but didn't Killzone 2 not recuperate the costs for that long in development monster (and long anticipated) title?
yeah that's why there is a huse thread about it on lol get a freaking hub if you need more ports with a slim model......

But that adds to the base cost of the unit..... I thought PS3 was all that and a bag of chips all included in one box and one price?

Seriously, how cheap did Sony have to be to exclude those USB ports? USB components are super cheap now and yea I know, the same goes back to it being cheap to purchase a HUB...

It was in the system up until now, it's a cheap component, why exclude it? It's like McDonald's handing a drink and when you notice the straw is missing, you then ask and they say "Well they are cheap, get freaking pack of your own."

It's annoying all around and if he is using all 4 ports then more power to him, he has a legitimate complaint. "PS3 GHETTO err I mean SLIM edition, we be slimming down those prices and the look, it's now like a $5 ho! You be wanting those USB thing-a-jigs, well fuck that! My man you need to go out and buy your own, hear is a roll of duct tape to keep it connected to the system, it will fit right in!" :p
we dont' we just like to bitch about it. How come no one is whining about 360 backwards feature?

Who plays the old XBox games anyway, PS2 on the other hand, still have a lot of games that people want to play before playing their sequels on the PS3, like the MGS and GT series. :p
MS XBox 360 also recently had a price cut, so I'm sure it'll get a nice bump in sales as well.

I don't know why Nintendo isn't cutting the price of the Wii. Their sales will start suffering.
Sorry that I whine about it, I just figured it would be cool to have. Neverless its now a toss up if you are out shopping for a new system and don't have any specifics.
I've worked at gamestop for over 4 years I'm well aware of what the library looks like and I own the system. The only really good games in my opinion that are on the system are Uncharted, MGS4, LBP and the F1 game. There are other decent games like Sigma and Ratchet but on the whole the system's share of great games is slim to none.

Then you don't know what a good game is.
Sorry that I whine about it, I just figured it would be cool to have. Neverless its now a toss up if you are out shopping for a new system and don't have any specifics.

Bingo. Though the majority of gamers are "some what" in the know, a large number of parents don't have a clue and will buy whatever is cheapest and what they thought their kids wanted...

This holiday season should be great for Sony, my major issue is over censorship that both Sony and Microsoft impose on the Japanese region of dating games... Not that I play them but some of the censorship issues are really a long stretch in comparison to violence in many games now.
for the $100 reduction in price I would gladly give up media card readers and 2 usb ports......
Kinda feel shafted, but that's the way the market goes, got a 40GB version just over a year ago and paid what they are asking for the 120GB version, going to upgrade the drive to a 320GB in the next week or two.
how many of you laddies actually play PS1,2 games on your PS3???

I totally would, I have a ton of PS2 games and a few PS1 classics still that I'd love to drop in and play once in a while. I'd rather not have to keep my PS2 around to do so.
Hey look, someone who has never looked at the ps3 library!

Hey look, someone that never played good games. Maybe he needs a console chart to see what he's missing?

I don't know their reasons (maybe they were sick of hearing it), for not allowing the software emulation on the latest FAT models let alone the SLIM...

The software emulation was never pure software. The PS3s that had full backwards compatibility had two chips (the emotion engine from the PS2 and another PS2 chip). When they did partial backwards compatibility, they removed one chip and used software to emulate the missing chip. When they wanted to save further cost they removed both chips but they couldn't fully emulate PS2 games, thus no backwards compatibility.
PS3 has a great library. Not as big as the 360's but still a great library nonetheless.

It could use a few more multiplayer action games, but hey this year and next are looking good for both systems. I plan on picking up a 360 if I ever stop worrying about which chipset I'll get or when the new rumored 250gb 360's will get released.
You can never have a console thread without the fanbois coming in and flaming each other.

Can't we all just agree that each damn console is good. Each has their own merits. Sorry if they are a clone of your favorite console but whatever.
360's BC is useless to me. the one time i wanted to play a xbox game and it was Beyond good and evil. then i found out it wasn't supported.

how many of you laddies actually play PS1,2 games on your PS3???

I do. Some (many) of the games I play are PS2 and won't be re-released for PS3. (DDR and ITG definitely).

Luckily I was able to grab a 20GB PS3 for around $200 and for my needs 20 is enough - at least for now and the combo reader/PS2 adapter works perfectly.

PS1? Only own 1 game, and no it doesn't play even close to well on the PS3 but I rarely play it on my PS2 so no big loss.

Don't like the slimline tbh. My only kinda gripe about the big PS3 is one of the things I at the same time like about it - the shiny surface. Looks great until there's a few fingerprints on it and it can scratch easily.
It always amazed me how people wasted $300+ on three year old products. I guess maybe that's why I don't play consoles.
It always amazed me how people wasted $300+ on three year old products. I guess maybe that's why I don't play consoles.

For the few exclusives that are worth playing, I bite the bullet, take the plunge, whatever you want to call it. I don't regret it, I just wish the PC Gaming world got more loving from developers.
Don't like the slimline tbh. My only kinda gripe about the big PS3 is one of the things I at the same time like about it - the shiny surface. Looks great until there's a few fingerprints on it and it can scratch easily.

I never understood this complaint. Who constantly man handles their PS3? Mine is an original 60gb and an 80gb mgs4 bundle I bought as an alternate blu-ray player and media center. In the 3 years i have owned, I have dusted them a few times, used canned air a few times. Neither activity required me to touch them with my fingers or threatened to scratch it. I mean i agree the surface does lend itself to getting fingerprinted, I am just saying the point is sorta moot because there is no reason to ever touch it.

It always amazed me how people wasted $300+ on three year old products. I guess maybe that's why I don't play consoles.

So since I wanted a gaming platform in addition to my PC which remains my primary game system, and a blu-ray player. I also did not want to have any more AV devices in my entertainment center then absolutely necessary. What then pray tell should I have spend my money on instead? Oh and I "wasted" $1000 since I paid $600 for the 60gb and another $400 for the 80Gb.
For the few exclusives that are worth playing, I bite the bullet, take the plunge, whatever you want to call it. I don't regret it, I just wish the PC Gaming world got more loving from developers.
OK, I can understand a cost/benefit proof if the games mean that much to you.
Oh and I "wasted" $1000 since I paid $600 for the 60gb and another $400 for the 80Gb.
Yup, that was my point.
OK, I can understand a cost/benefit proof if the games mean that much to you.
Yup, that was my point.

I was being sarcastic, hence the "wasted" being in quotes. I don't think that was your point, unless your sense of humor is rather cryptic.
Yeah you are right I don't know what a good game is. :rolleyes: What are these good games you are referring to?

InFamous for one that is a must play. Awesome story, great visuals, great replayability, and some awesome trophies if that is your thing.

Resistance 1 & 2, Killzone 2, Pixeljunk Monsters, FF7, Heavenly Sword, WipeoutHD, are all excellent games.
Mine from Dell was to the dollar what I sold my 'fat' ps3 80gb for on ebay. Feel good about that one. I never used the memory slots/os installs, etc. I do like the quiet understated looks now.

It's not PS3 Fat. It's PS3 Horizontally Challenged. :p :D