Phenom II X4 955 BE + Ultra 120 high temps...


Mar 24, 2008
I installed my Thermalright Ultra 120 with the same yate loon 120mm medium speed I was using on my buddies 955BE (C3) yesterday and we're still getting high temps for some reason. The chip is running at the stock 3.2ghz and stock volts, but it's idling around 42C and when stress testing it'll get up to 60C. I quit the stress test once it hit 61C. Now, I don't understand why it's doing this. I forget which thermal grease I'm using but I've used it on several of my own builds and there's not really a cure time for it. Same day temps are pretty much what I get a week or two later, so I'm ruling that out for now. We've tried a single fan push going both ways, push/pull with another fan, single pull going both ways, nothing seems to be working. We even setup a vornado desk fan blowing into the heatsink and we're not getting <40C... Ambient is probably around 27C. Is this chip just hot or is there some rookie mistake I'm blindly making...
thats the temps I see with a 965 black @ 4.0GHz on a Xigmatek s1283 which is not as good as your setup... so you should be doing much better than that

my only concern is your room temp is somewhat high

my guess is that your heatsink is not properly mounted, that is all that comes to mind right now
sounds to me like its not spreading the thermal grease correctly or its not tight enough on the processor.. see if you can wiggle it around on the processor while its mounted and locked in.. a single fan on a ultra 120 should be more then enough for stock clocks/voltages..
Yeah, I've installed TRUE's quite a few times (at least 10 off the top of my head) so it's not like this is a new thing to me. Screws were tightened all the way down with my usual criss-cross pattern, and there is no play whatsoever with the heatsink. No wiggle, no jiggle. While it was running I tried gently pushing it from each side thinking maybe it would get better contact but no dice. Retention bracket is sitting on it properly as well. I too am thinking it's something along the lines of bad grease spread, but considering the last 3 installs were amd chips I this on (with multiple installs on each!) I've used roughly the same amount and had far superior temps, so I'm sitting here scratching my head. I suppose tomorrow I'll tear it down and try another application of grease and see if that does it.