OS X Mountain Lion (10.8) Thread

Eh, it plays it beautifully, Im fine with anything over 30fps on native res and not worth the hassle of booting into windows when I want to play games. I just pray to Cthulhu that Guild Wars 2 gets a native OSX client :3

You'd probably get 60fps in Windows. On my rMBP, some games in OS X run at 45fps in OS X but 55+ in Windows.
I'm jealous of everyone who has it. But not jealous enough to pay $19.99 for it.

I'm more pissed. I support apples with work and my home machine was a mac mini that isn't supported. Ended up buying the i7 13 inch mbp so I'd have an up to date mac to learn the new system on. Bought it on the 25th and am still waiting on my code. I mean fuck those idiots at gamestop manage to print an activation code on their receipts when you get dlc with something. I miss the old way apple did this. They use to send upgrade cds to the stores and the stores would just throw one in the box. Apple could have had a card(simular to the itunes gift card) that had a code on it they just give out to people buying new systems. Friend pays 20 bucks on the 25th and gets his os right away. I pay almost 1500 and am told to piss off and wait 3 days before calling back.
You'd probably get 60fps in Windows. On my rMBP, some games in OS X run at 45fps in OS X but 55+ in Windows.

I'm not a super-intense gamer, but...

World of Warcraft runs "average" on my desktop (in my sig) but on my rMBP, it maxes out EVERYTHING and I swear it looks like a Pixar animation! I've never, NEVER played a game this smoothly in my life. I'm currently waiting for SW:TOR to download to see if it runs this well.

I find this bizarre considering the specs on my desktop are all higher, the only differences being (1) rMBP is 100% Solid State and (2) rMBP has an Intel chip instead of AMD
Does it bother anyone that you cannot use the delete/backspace key to navigate backwards in Safari 6? I haven't upgraded, and frankly if that is how it is in Safari 6, I mat have to ditch using the browser altogether, since I use it all the time. What genius thought that removing one of the most basic and universal keyboard shortcuts in web browsers was a good idea?

It doesn't bother me, since I use the trackpad gesture to move forward and back (three finger swipe left or right). If you're use to use the delete key I can see why it'd bother someone. Personally I had more problems hitting delete, thinking I'd start erasing text, only to see my browser leave the page, that I'm glad they've removed it.
Finally got the silly thing downloaded and installed (took 12 hours, Apple store kept resetting my connection.) I don't really see that much of a difference yet, but I suspect most of the changes are underneath. I read a bit on Macworld, but I suppose I should spend more time looking up features.
Finally got the silly thing downloaded and installed (took 12 hours, Apple store kept resetting my connection.) I don't really see that much of a difference yet, but I suspect most of the changes are underneath. I read a bit on Macworld, but I suppose I should spend more time looking up features.

Got my code today and installed it on my '12 Air. Runs great so far, except when I first booted I had no menu bars for a while. Once I finally opened something via the dock they showed up.

My only issue currently is that switching between spaces seems a bit slower. The ease out animation takes longer, so the space overall takes longer to "settle in". Anyone know if there's a way to tweak the duration of that? I've seen a few posts about writing defaults to com.apple.dock but nothing seems to change it.
i got my code today also, but there really is no difference, except when i swipe from right to left, i get the notification center -.-.
Finally got my code and installed it, it seems the same with some new apps is all lol, will report back after a healthy gaming session.
I got mine sometime between 12 and 4 (dont remember wheather my webmail is set to EST or PST) still waiting on the download stupid slow DSL *is eagerly awaiting 25 or 50 mbps fiber*
Got my code today and installed it on my '12 Air. Runs great so far, except when I first booted I had no menu bars for a while. Once I finally opened something via the dock they showed up.

I have that same problem with Snow Leopard every now and then. The first time it sprang up was only a couple days after buying my computer, and even after a clean install, about a year later, it still happens once in a while.
I have that same problem with Snow Leopard every now and then. The first time it sprang up was only a couple days after buying my computer, and even after a clean install, about a year later, it still happens once in a while.

Do you run MenuMeters? I wonder if that has something to do with it.
Still nothing? :/

Yeah I still don't have a code. I called AppleCare and they looked up my Serial Number and payment info and said that I was eligible for a code. I guess I'll be waiting a while longer.
Zarathustra[H];1038975875 said:

I want my phone to be more like my computer, not my computer to be more like my phone.

This and Windows 8 are both disheartening trends :(
So... you want a command line and overlapping windows interface on your phone?
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So, I've been using Mountain Lion for a little while now. In my opinion, it's worth the upgrade. If I had not gotten it free with my Mac, I would have no reservations about paying $20 for it. It's just... smoother? somehow. Don't know how else to describe it.
^^ agreed, After a full battery cycle normal usage time has been restored. Also somehow ML seems to be a tad quicker...even running on an SSD if that's possible. Boot time is quicker and overall it just seems smoother. Overall nice upgrade.
Really? Seems noticeable less smooth to me.

2011 Mac Mini w/ SSD

I suspect it's graphics card related as things like Expose seem to stutter a bit.
While I've seen no problems, I've also seen no major improvements (discounting the promoted "new features") but then I've only had a couple weeks of light useage to compare, so...

Still, well worth the upgrade if you any iOS devices, love the integration/sync options

(and I agree with whoever said they could live without the "fast user switching" enabled by default...)
Mountain Lion still hasn't fixed WPA2 Enterprise drop outs, at least on Broadcom based 2009 MacBook Pros. Reverting to the 10.7.3 kext fixes it, just like Lion.

I've also had nothing but problems with Mountain Lion's CIFS implementation. I have a mount point shared on a Mac Mini via external Firewire drive that I use as a network dump box for uTorrent crap to review before archiving. With Lion, I'd occasionally get an error with a torrent that the network connection is no longer available, but it was pretty rare and only under port saturation situations. With Mountain Lion, I get it frequently and I can't even stream a full FLAC song without it cutting out on me. Clean install, the issues are still there. To resolve the CIFS nonsense, I opted to just compile and install Samba3 which fixed the issue, but got rid of the whole Server.app GUI and Sharing clickiness native to the OS. The lack of the GUI Radius configuration also has me questioning why I bothered paying for Server.app again -- if I wanted to configure FreeRadius the old fashioned way, I'd have just installed FreeBSD or something. Damn you Apple... "just works" my ass! Everything past 10.7.8 has been more of a downgrade for any type of advanced user.
Im still waiting for my Lion Key from Apple. I purchased a left over Later 2011 MBP i7 2.2ghz model and signed up to the "up to date" program. Cant wait for Mountain Lion!
Mountain Lion still hasn't fixed WPA2 Enterprise drop outs, at least on Broadcom based 2009 MacBook Pros. Reverting to the 10.7.3 kext fixes it, just like Lion.

I've also had nothing but problems with Mountain Lion's CIFS implementation.

File a bug.


I already did. I also did it when I experienced the WPA2 Enterprise issues with late Snow Leopard and Lion. I even went to the Genius Bar and their solution was to replace components (logic board) last year. It is not a hardware issue, it is a driver issue that Apple has yet to resolve or care about. I've had Open tickets since August of 2011 in regards to the WiFi issue, with a few closed ones from Snow Leopard that did not resolve the problem. I have doubts that my ticket IDs will ever be anything but Open for the foreseeable future, or until the next release of OS X - which is why I installed Samba3 and reverted to a previous kext to fix the problem. If I wait for Apple to fix their broken software, I might as well closet the systems affected.
Yay, my code came in last night and now I'm running 10.8. Most things seem to work.
Do you run MenuMeters? I wonder if that has something to do with it.

Nope. I have never used MenuMeters. In fact, I haven't installed any system monitoring software on my computer, with the exception of a fan/temp widget, that I haven't even put back on here since formatting and re-installing SL.
Alrighty, I've found a change I don't like, and can't seem to figure out how to turn off.

When my MBP is at my desk, it is plugged into an external monitor. Now, in 10.6 I had it setup so that when I closed the lid, the MBP went to sleep.

Now, when I close the MBP, it just assumes I don't want to use that screen anymore, and transfers everything to the external.

For my tastes that is tremendously annoying. Any idea how to turn that feature off?
I've been having rendering issues with my rMBP and Chrome.
Oddly, if I drag the browser to the external display, no issues what so ever.
*Sigh* for the Chrome bugs.
When my MBP is at my desk, it is plugged into an external monitor. Now, in 10.6 I had it setup so that when I closed the lid, the MBP went to sleep.

Now, when I close the MBP, it just assumes I don't want to use that screen anymore, and transfers everything to the external.

For my tastes that is tremendously annoying. Any idea how to turn that feature off?

try to see if there are more options on display under preference while you're connected to external monitor. if not there try to check it under sharing or acccessibility (as there are options for display there as well)

the problem i've is that the track pad is inverted for up and down drag from 10.6. also when i plug in external HDD or ODD or USP it doesn't show up on desktop as it was before for external hardwares. have early 2011 MBP.
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try to see if there are more options on display under preference while you're connected to external monitor. if not there try to check it under sharing or acccessibility (as there are options for display there as well)

the problem i've is that the track pad is inverted for up and down drag from 10.6. also when i plug in external HDD or ODD or USP it doesn't show up on desktop as it was before for external hardwares. have early 2011 MBP.

Disable natural scrolling.