Older CPU question

Havoc One

Mar 21, 2005
Having a [H]ard time finding good comparisons for these older CPU's.

Basically, I'm sitting on a Semperon 2800 @ 2.2ghz in an NF7-S version 2.

Radeon 9800 pro.

1 gig Kingston Hyper X 3200.

The board can handle one of the XP3000's or possibly even an XP3200. I realize these procs overclock like crap... How much would this proc help me out?

I have about $400 and was going to pair it up with an X800XL.
I'd say you're better off trying to pick up one of the mobile athlon xp's and overclocking it, since you're currently overclocking your current chip

the mobile's can net you a decent performance gain, for less cash

I'm still using my mobile 2400 (35w) it can hit around 2.6 but i keep it at 2.4 for lower temps
$400???? Dont waste your money on K7, go with a Rev E Athlon 3000+ and overclock the crap out of that.

The mobo and proc in my sig cost me 260 bucks and that was 5 months ago! It is faster than any Athlon XP you could throw at me (maybe ;) )
You won't get much, if any, performance increase by upgrading the CPU on that board. You would definitely be better off going the AMD64 route with a new vid card.

opteron 144
epox nf4
whatever money left over, but the best video card you can.
I agree with the Opti and video card on the previous post but the mobo? I personally have an Abit AN8 and have had no problems but I know it's a little pricier. Why not the chaintech nf4? Even the Ultra is still cheaper than the Epox reg.
Well, you guys are missing the problem. I have $400. That's it, won't be getting anymore. The X800XL is $250 and has the lowest specs I'll go on a vid card right now.

Course the X800XL would have to be AGP. ugh. But then again, by the next time I have a few bucks for an upgrade, it'll be obsolete anyway...

All I know is that the newer games are getting unplayable. To get Doom 3 smooth I have to drop to 800x600 for petesakes. HL2 is about the same. Painkiller will do 1024x768 no problem. But any engine more complex than that is a slideshow...

( yea, I'm a little behind. Been busy. =) )
If you can't find the Opti or a bit too pricey then an A64 3k is your next bet.

You're looking at 145
Mobo Chaintech 75
ECS has a mobo for cheaper too.
Reviews have given these mobo's decent ratings. I personally haven't used them.

Save the rest for video card and sell you mobo and processor and the video card you now have. that will help a bit. I personally don't like Socket A. Didn't like AMD xp's. I would but a slightly cheaper video card and you may even be able to get a PCI express instead of AGP.
If you are already going to buy a new GPU, and are wanting to buy a new CPU, honestly the best bet is probably going to be switch to an A64.

Wait a few weeks till you can get an Opteron 144 Sockect 939, those things have hit 3ghz+ and have 1mb of cache. This way, you will only have to buy one mb and one GPU, as opposed to paying $100 for a xp3200 and only getting maybe another year of it before it falls behind again.

I was in the same boat you were in about 2 monthes ago, and so far I"ve done:

Radeon 9800 Pro (from an mx440) $85 > sold for $95, didn't help at all
XFX 6600 GT $100
New Enermax PSU > $50
New 512mb Ram (had a dead stick) > $30
New 2600m Althon Mobile (coming in the mail, from a 1800+ that topped out at 1.9ghz, should be able to hit 2.6ghz) > $60
Gigabyte G-Power CPU Cooler > $45

While doing this, I was somewhat smart about it, picked deals here and there, and with the excetpion of the CPU And GPU, I'll be able to use all this stuff when I switch to A64. At which point I'll sell those for a loss, but not nearly as much as it could have been.

If you go A64 now, get a good MB, so you don't have to buy another one of those later on!
Hey Chickan, those sites are exactly what I was looking for. Thanks.

It's kinda looking like I'm stuck.

Either a screamin' proc and mobo coupled with a vid card whose frames I could draw faster by hand, or a bangin' vid card trying to eat steak through a cocktail straw.....
Wow Fawkes, thanks. I knew you young'uns could figure out what I could not.

I'll just have to take a closer look at that mobo. Never bought a mobo that cheap. It's freaking me out a bit... Last thing I need is a capacitor blowing out in 91 days....
Hey, it's your $ and you do what you'd like but the Chaintech nf4 is a few bux more and has a much better oc capability then the foxconn and it has a ton of reviews from sites and actual buyers on the egg.


This one keeps you ready for future upgrades.

I understand you're on a budget but somethimes a small little stretch can go a looong way. I also sell my stuff when I'm gong to upgrade too. It helps a bit. :p

That is a nice video card. I'm even interested!!!