Nvidia ACE, generative AI dialogue in games


Supreme [H]ardness
Sep 10, 2020

NVIDIA ACE Enhanced with Dynamic Responses for Virtual Characters​

View: https://youtu.be/cSSSn10HgZA

the impact in a game seem more obvious than say raytracing, Imagine in baldur gates 3 if your characther was not the only strangely silent one but would talk in a way that match its custom race-gender-personality, state,

The quality of delivery is not there yet (but a big studio game dev can often make a better job than nvidia making a "quick" demo), but the face-lips reading is already not too far away to think that by 2025 it could be good enough.

If the demo does not cheat in terms of lag between question and answer, that quite impressive speed.

It seems to have free open trained data on huggingface:

And it seems that although if we want to do your own training it requires CUDA, but that using it, the inference can be done on CPU, AMD gpus, Apple silicon, etc...

p.s. did not find the thread about it after searching a bit, could just move it.
Like most LLM-based AIs, it will get to a point where it's somewhat passable for instanced character interactions. It will be a looong time, however, for it to emulate the multi-layered semantics, character development, and overally plot arching only humans can write. For this, you need a multi-modal approach that fits into a narrative structure -- not something we're close to doing programatically or computationally (at least for edge computing).
I think AI is going to take gaming to a whole new place. I suspect there will be AI game development tools that will exponentially streamline game development, and possibly unlock a new gen of AAA title with some genuinely new experiences.
The 2023 demo sound already quite bad and really slow versus the Gpt-4o.

Gpt-4 since launch apparently got 12 times cheaper to run and 6x time faster for the request/first token response time.
I think AI is going to take gaming to a whole new place. I suspect there will be AI game development tools that will exponentially streamline game development, and possibly unlock a new gen of AAA title with some genuinely new experiences.
Probably. Right now AAA games are extremely cost prohibitive to make. If you can have AI fill in a lot of the effort, we might see indie level studios able to output actual AAA level titles, which would hopefully usher in a new age of creativity in the gaming industry, as the intermediate steps can be automated, and people can focus on the type of experience they want to create rather than spending most of the time creating it. I talked about that in another topic some months ago. The idea is you could possibly tell AI "generate assets that are something like this", and pop out comes a fully featured cafe or something. Or possibly even "generate/give me a game engine that gives me a top down strategy game" and out comes all of the interactive layers that one would normally need to painstakingly code and optimize. Years and years later we could probably see a game being designed from nothing but a text prompt, and probably games that fully morph and generate meaningful story and segments by themselves. I brought that part up a while ago, too, but most people are still in denial about it lol.

On the flip side of that, I don't know who is going to be able to afford those games. Many people interested in video gaming are probably at least in some tech sector or technologically related field. Many of which (hell probably me included at some point) are going to (imo) be eventually thrashed by AI operatives coming in and taking most of the simpler jobs (which a lot of scripting falls into--probably at least a drastic downsizing in many of these jobs as AI makes the work much more efficient). So I guess gaming cost of production and prices will move down, while GPU prices go up, and more people will be unemployed (and possibly unemployable) by the things the GPUs enable.

Funny times. Meanwhile boomers are still going to be sitting there bitching about how their kids can't get jobs for some reason, and need to live with them, while their times were simply much easier with regards to employer loyalty and whatnot, and they didn't literally need to deal with robots literally coming to take jobs... but that's absolutely getting into another can of worms.