Need advice where to buy from


Apr 23, 2009
Hello, sorry for slight offtopic, but here is what i would love to hear from you guys.

Long story short, i want to buy HD titanium or Xonar STX from USA. Now problem being, im from EU, and i got friend who will visit me in few days, so i need to give him advice where to buy the sound card from, first i tought newegg, but when i chek the price 2 days ago it was 145 for HD titanium, now its 180! which is huge i would like some of you guys to point me some cheap but reliable company/store where to buy the HD titanium for decent price, i'm sorry for going offtopic but im from EU and i really need help, this is my first international "shopping" thanks guys!
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Newegg is pretty reliable, but if you need it right away, their sale on th epart just ended, so it might be a while until they are available again at that price.

(Camelegg is good for checking price history)

Amazon currently has them for $139.99

Normally, I would recommend that you check at Microcenter, if your friend lives close to one, but for some strange reason they appear not to carry this card.

Best Buy had a great deal on them a while back, but they also do not appear to carry them any longer.

Why don't you just buy it in Europe?
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Thanks alot bud, Amazon price seems amazing!

BTW in EU, where i live the price is like 160 euros for Titanium HD and 175 for Xonar STX, so you get the idea, and ordering from other state result in 30 euros + for shipping + 18% tax etc really shit :(
with that much nearly all positive feedback, seems like a safe bet. Just keep in mind returning/warranty can sometimes be a PITA with ebay sellers. Some have really good customer support, but some have none.
Ok thanks for the input, i'm worried becuse they are from China..ive heard bad things about sellers from there :(