Need a soundcard for the Z5500 from logitech


Limp Gawd
Oct 7, 2006
Hi everyone, I was wondering what a good soundcard would be to accompany this speaker?

I currently have a Creative Audigy 2 "something". I'm guessing these aren't good enough to power this beast. If it can that would be great. Thanks!
You can drive it with anything that has a 5.1 analogue connection, or any digital connection.
So any computer made within the last 3 years.

Your soundcard will be great for that.
Yeah. You do not need power. Just a connection. So if you plug in the surround mini jacks then you will have 5.1 for games.

If you want to upgrade, the Prelude is it.
yup if you stick with xp the one you have would do fine,

but if you want something much much better and are running vista than you can't beat the prelude,
