Moving on


[H]ard|DCer of the Month - October 2008
Dec 13, 2005
Now that my commitment to Kendrak's contest is finished, I think it's time for me to bid my final fair-well. I'm not going to air out any dirty laundry or take a swipe at anyone on my way out. I'll just say that my beliefs and values do not match up at all with a lot of the activity I've seen all over this forum lately.

So long and thanks for having me.
Sad day. :( Sorry to see you go mate.

Edit: Argh! He went to MaxPC! Not so sorry now! :p j/k At least it wasn't OCAU or EVGA. :p Seriously though man, you've always had my utmost respect here and I will miss you. We all tend to move on at some point so I understand completely. Good luck in your future endeavors. :cool:
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Sorry to see you leave alan. Best of luck to you in the future. I've always thought you were a stand up guy. Stop by and say hi once in a while. You will be missed. :(
Don't mean to sound all mushy or anything, but I'm gonna miss you man. You have always been an asset to this team, good humor and I consider you a friend.

Beers and tamales alan, take care.
Im sorry..... what did I miss?

Why you leaving m8?

Either way, well miss ya..... may the [H]orde be with you!
Good luck with your future endeavors and have fun ;)

What really matter is that you still DC for a worthy cause :cool:

Sorry to see you leave, Alan. You will be missed. :(
Thanks for all of your help in the forums. Keep folding for the cure and good luck! :)
Sorry we chased you away, but the doors always open if you want to come back. MPC should be happy to have you, I know we were

Take Care!

Damn, I guess I'm missing something..? I haven't seen anything too out of order in the way of peoples attitudes around here who are Folding for a good cause, with a little competitive spirit to go with it. Even if there are a few select individuals who take it too seriously and/or are folding for the wrong reasons (which is still ultimately irrelevant to the cause), I can't comprehend it making me want to never visit the forum again and keeping me from helping others around here in the DC forum.

Unless you're talking about the trolls in the other [H] forums, that I can somewhat understand. But that still shouldn't keep you from the DC forum.

Regardless, thanks for your prior contributions, it's definitely well appreciated. I really hope you reconsider your position about it, though. :(
You know you will always be welcome here but I understand,
and your right to take a stand on principle.
^ All that and more! Take care Alan, and even if you don't want to pop in around the general DC forum, remember that you'll always be an honorary [H] Commando from the beginning, so come say hi in the Vault thread from time to time!
See ya around buddy.

You will be missed.

No throwing poo from over there..... ok, don't throw that much poo.
take care. sorry to see you go.

i must admit a little confusion. however, i do understand standing on principle. i have had a good time with the contest, and an even better time getting to know you and others who have helped build team 33.

best wishes to you and yours alan :cool:
Thanks for all your contributions to the forum. You have done a lot for the [H]. MaxPC is lucky to get you!