Mouse recommendations

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Supreme [H]ardness
Oct 24, 2005
Any personal recommendations on a normal mouse with bluetooth to use with a MBP?

I am using the Apple Magic Mouse, and its not doing it for me. I’m old with muscle memory, and I need a ”normal” mouse. I need that right click to be right there, I do NOT need a multi touch surface on the mouse.

I would like it to be native bluetooth, just like the Magic Mouse. If it needs a dongle, it needs to be USB C.

Don’t need to game with it.

I can look on Amazon, but I’m hoping one of y’all has already got the best one and can guide me to it.
I bought a Razer Atheris to use on a secondary computer. Comes with a wifi adapter for just that, wifi, but it also has a BT toggle without a dongle.

The mouse isn't big, but it comes with decent DPI and felt comfortable. Purchased locally for $35, but YMMV.
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Logitech G604 has Bluetooth built in and is comfortable for me. $60 at Best Buy and Amazon.
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I had a Logitech M325 ($20) with the USB-A to C adapter ($15) with my MBP. It worked flawlessly and was very convenient. I have smaller hands than most, though, so I wouldn't recommend it if you have very large hands. The adapter is good for other things like flash drives or an external disk drive if you'd need to hook those up for any reason.
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When I used to game, before kids, Logitech treated me well. I’ll stop by BestBuy on the way home today and see what they have in stock.

I made this more complicated than it needed to be.
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