More Alzheimer's News


[H]ard|DCer of the Month - October 2008
Dec 13, 2005

This is very preliminary news, but something I'm very, very excited about, so I'll give some advance news. On Tuesday, we presented our results regarding new possible drugs (small molecule leads) to fight Alzheimer's Disease at a recent meeting at Stanford. This meeting was part of the NIH Roadmap Nanomedicine center ( retreat and was supported by NIH grants to Folding@home.
Very nice. It's always good to see progress when the journey can sometimes be long. Great news Stanford! Even if it is preliminary.
This is great!

Maybe we will have something in testing in a few years.

Fold on brothers!

Now if they would give us a discount on the meds we help develop, I would dance in the street, lol.
so they think they might have a cure or just some good information?

From what I understand, folding has pointed them in the right direction on how to start developing a drug.

Please some one correct me if I'm wrong.
That's great news and excellent ammo against the naysayers ;)
From what I understand, folding has pointed them in the right direction on how to start developing a drug.

Please some one correct me if I'm wrong.

After reading the blog post again, it sounds like they're well past the point of starting to develop a drug:

Also, there is still a long way from an interesting possible drug (where we are now) to something which has passed FDA clinical trials (where we'd love to be), and a lot can go wrong in clinical trials in particular.
Right on, that's a big time heads up, thanks alan2308 :eek: It's fantastic to see the results of our computer folding and the interpretation of the medical people at Stanford University (including Doc V). Contrary to popular belief it does take almost the "whole village" (a lot of freaking people) to make great advances for mankind :D

Welp I guess we'll just have to guess at ET's and R2D2's code :( and we'll just have to be careful about the "collective global warming" (I love that "collective" shite :rolleyes:)

WTF and thanks a bunch [H]orde team members :D

Folding and WCGing to help find a CURE