Leaked GeForce GTX 680 2GB Benchmarks

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Navigating my phone's history seems useless, and the newegg app won't give me links just the item page. I'm still able to viee the galaxy 680 at 499, but they've disabled the specs page now.

EDIT: figured it out, here. You can add to cart once you view it in recent items. Don't know if it'll let you actually checkout. http://www.Newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=14-162-095
I hope HardOCP do not get mad at the app I wrote to refresh the page several times a second and wake me up with an alarm when the number 680 appears.
This is great but whats better between dual AMD 7970 in CFX and dual nVidia 680 in SLI ? in both 60hz 1600p and 120hz 1080p?
I hope HardOCP do not get mad at the app I wrote to refresh the page several times a second and wake me up with an alarm when the number 680 appears.

Lol I so wish I had posting abilities on HardOCP...

*Jumps on several hours before NDA release....Title: GTX 680 Review!!!.........Coming Soon....*troll face* :p :D
Meh...That review was terrible. I can't wait for the HardOCP review!

I agree. From what I can tell there were only canned benchmarks and not real world game play. I give less weight to canned benchmarks because well, frankly I can't play a benchmark. It does look like a very good card and the $500 price point is a great thing. If it means that AMD drops the prices of the 7k series down I am happy. I have been eyeing the MSI Lightening 7970. I may even consider jumping ship to the green side of things if [H]'s review sheds a positive light. I haven't owned an Nvidia card since the debacle of the FX 5800 Ultra.
I agree. From what I can tell there were only canned benchmarks and not real world game play. I give less weight to canned benchmarks because well, frankly I can't play a benchmark. It does look like a very good card and the $500 price point is a great thing. If it means that AMD drops the prices of the 7k series down I am happy. I have been eyeing the MSI Lightening 7970. I may even consider jumping ship to the green side of things if [H]'s review sheds a positive light. I haven't owned an Nvidia card since the debacle of the FX 5800 Ultra.

That review has way too many NVIDIA benchmarks vs AMD benchmarks.

In the neutral benchmarks it seems to be what everyone predicted. The card is quite fast at low resolutions vs AMD, but begins to lose steam at higher resolutions or high AA/AF due to small memory bus width.

It is rather impressive that it can beat a 6990 in some games. Would have been nice to see a 590.

Also what happened to the 580 and 6990 in Just Cause 2?

I would hate to imagine what would happen to AMD if NVIDIA released their 'original' 680, the GK110. That chip must be a beast!
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TweakTown review blows, fuck that site. Anyone posting stuff early is doing it for hits.
TweakTown review blows, fuck that site. Anyone posting stuff early is doing it for hits.

The fuck are you talking about? Read the intro paragraph to their review before you post.
bexamous has a point though, TT probably rush jobbed the review for hits after hw falling into their hands.
bexamous has a point though, TT probably rush jobbed the review for hits after hw falling into their hands.

Which is probably why, with stunts like that, they no longer have a positive working relationship with nVidia?
Waiting for [H] review

Brent/Kyle... don't hit the snooze button please :D
Lol I can see it now...Confirm Purchase...*server crashes* *server comes back online*...*Sold Out*
This is the first time I'm camping out at this site awaiting a review to read it the minute its released :D
Went, and now awoke, 3 hours later, think i'm going to miss this!?!?

I wouldn't be that excited if I already got to play with it. Sorry dog lol. I can hook you up with my address if you need somebody to offload that card on. :D
Just keep in mind, as Kyle as already stated, we put a lot of work into it for what's there, and we have tons more planned in separate articles to flesh out specific features and testing so they get more attention and better focus from us. We can often do more in separate articles, rather than cramming it all into one big article at launch. Much much more to come.
Just keep in mind, as Kyle as already stated, we put a lot of work into it for what's there, and we have tons more planned in separate articles to flesh out specific features and testing so they get more attention and better focus from us. We can often do more in separate articles, rather than cramming it all into one big article at launch. Much much more to come.

What did you get into the first article?
Just keep in mind, as Kyle as already stated, we put a lot of work into it for what's there, and we have tons more planned in separate articles to flesh out specific features and testing so they get more attention and better focus from us. We can often do more in separate articles, rather than cramming it all into one big article at launch. Much much more to come.
In [H] we trust.

*incessantly presses F5 on the HardOCP homepage*
The server better be ready, cause my F5 key can take the abuse, not sure if the server can.
What did you get into the first article?

LOL now that I think about since his article was releasing in 8 minutes from the time I posted this I can almost hear is eyes rolling from here. :D Don't judge me! The suspense is killing me!
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