[Kepler/GTX 680] Info's in... $400-450? + benches + thermals (56k warning)

At $325-$350 everybody would buy this card. nVIDIA wouldn't be able to keep it on the shelves. My further $.02. Out!

I've got news for you - at $550 Nvidia won't be able to keep them on the shelves, at least not for the first few months.
$329 for this puppy and it's a keeper.

if you wait another year and half that will be the price, maybe less depending on what AMD does.

I still hold these rumors with a grain of salt. Waiting for the official [H] review.

Even so who cares about 1080p performance you don't spend 500$+ on a video card to play at 1080p. Lets see the eyefinity resolution benches.
Looks like Kepler is going to win on price, perf/watt, perf, price/perf, die size, power consumption, and drivers...

OMG :eek: 12/21/2012 really is the end of the world, the timer has already started as hell just froze over :eek:

7970s are going to be going for $329.99 after this launches
OMG :eek: 12/21/2012 really is the end of the world, the timer has already started as hell just froze over :eek:

7970s are going to be going for $329.99 after this launches

I said it earlier in another thread. BLAME THE MAYANS!!!

And yes the end of the world is the day after my b-day. At least ill be drunk as fuck come 12/21/2012!
Even at $500, 50 bucks less than the 7970 and is still faster is quite a feat. Even if they come out with the GTX 670, which if it is faster than the 7950 and 50 bucks cheaper at 400 (instead of 450) would be a great thing as well. It would force AMD to lower prices to continue being competitive.

This is exactly what I am saying and hoping for. Nvidia is letting misinformation slip to moles that it will come in at $550, but a few hours before NDA's lift, Nvidia tells review sites it will be the same price as their previous gtxZ80 monikers - $500. If it does end up being >=10% faster than hd7970, that will force AMD to make price cuts on their ENTIRE lineup and FINALLY 28nm pricing will start to look decent.
As many have said, it be hard to initially find a 680. The price will probably be very high due to that. I wont be surprised if it's 600 dollars.
As many have said, it be hard to initially find a 680. The price will probably be very high due to that. I wont be surprised if it's 600 dollars.

odds are they will sell out, faster than u can shake a stick. You will be very lucky to get a next gen gpu from nvidia anytime soon.

Something to think about AMD still hasn't published a non beta driver for their 7XXX series cards. Amd might have a trick up their sleeve. I doubt this is the case, but hey never know. Wonder if they are waiting for nividia to release their product, and then be like bam! with official drivers that increase its performance. Highly unlikey, but hey still interesting.
I've got news for you - at $550 Nvidia won't be able to keep them on the shelves, at least not for the first few months.

This. I can't even believe people are still dreaming about the sub-$500 price on 680, much less the $300 price for which the rumor was started by nV's guerilla marketing. $300 for a nV's top-end card... insanly optimistic. It will be $550 or a bit more. That's that, end of story. Nvidia will never undercut AMD on price if they have a similarly performing product. I don't even know why I deign to respond contrary to these ridiculous postulations that go against all historical pricing and basic economics.

I really don't believe people are this stupid, so I'm starting to think every "Kepler will be price x dollors below..." post is a plant.
This. I can't even believe people are still dreaming about the sub-$500 price on 680, much less the $300 price for which the rumor was started by nV's guerilla marketing. $300 for a nV's top-end card... insanly optimistic. It will be $550 or a bit more. That's that, end of story. Nvidia will never undercut AMD on price if they have a similarly performing product. I don't even know why I deign to respond contrary to these ridiculous postulations that go against all historical pricing and basic economics.

I really don't believe people are this stupid, so I'm starting to think every "Kepler will be price x dollors below..." post is a plant.

Because there are those who are tired of going to 7950/7970 and now have returned to their familiar NV roots and continue to daydream that the card is going to <400. You know who they are :D
I've got news for you - at $550 Nvidia won't be able to keep them on the shelves, at least not for the first few months.

I hear you Forceman. But picture this: if the 680 is priced at $500-$550 right off the bat (and stays there as the set price) then it sets a financial precedent in the retail channel. nVIDIA will believe, "Hey we just charged $500-$550 for what we know technically is our mid-range part. That means when we drop GK110 (which is nVIDIA technically high end single GPU component) a little later on we can charge much higher for GK110 and get away with it!"

In other words, if the GK104 based card goes for $500-$550 Forceman then don't even think the GK110 will go for that price as the price for that card will be much, much, much higher. And I know, there have been cards that in the past have gone for $800 (I think 8800 Ultra did if my history is correct) from nVIDIA. But understand this also, that was when our economy in the US was in better shape. I mean, if hypothetically GK110 goes for the astronomical price of $800 in the year 2012 in the state of the economy we are in today it'll be a question of people paying it. Only time will make certain.

So yes nVIDIA's GK110 could hypothetically hit the $800 mark (we don't know this for certain as nothing has been announced in this regard [hence the keyword hypothetical]) if 680 is $500-$550. In the past we've seen nVIDIA hit the $800 mark with past cards from past generations. But that was in a time where the economy was better and people could spot $800 easier and the card would sell out. But in this time, if a single GPU solution (single GPU now not dual-GPU) hit that money mark again first part of this question is would people still pay it today? Second question, at that price would it immediately sell out for weeks on end?

Also this last thought, we've all heard GK110 is about 1.5-2.5 months away after GK104 according to all we've read. If GK104 sells for $500-$550 though it tells me 2 things:

1. GK110 is much further away than 1.5-2.5 months.
2. nVIDIA will delay the release on the financial attitude of, "let's wait for everyone whose gonna buy the 680 to buy it. Then release the GK110 for a much higher dollar amount as by that time the people who upgraded to 680 have done so and the people who really want GK110 will have the money ready to pay the higher price and it'll sell out immediately." That is all. Out!
Well, to be fair, the 8800 Ultra launched when NO competiton from ATi was even remotely possible, in any sense of the term.

Though, 800USD back then was a bit more than 800USD today (inflation), however, the willingness to pay 800USD for one computer part may be little more than halo marketing, really.
Well, to be fair, the 8800 Ultra launched when NO competiton from ATi was even remotely possible, in any sense of the term.

Though, 800USD back then was a bit more than 800USD today (inflation), however, the willingness to pay 800USD for one computer part may be little more than halo marketing, really.

Back then AMD had no product that could even compete. Now it's a different story, and Nvidia will never release a single card for that much.

AMD would simply release a card that performs slightly worse for hundreds cheaper.
One thing you guys are forgetting is Nvidia is more than likely not interested in getting themselves in a price battle with AMD. After all if they both keep prices high they both win. If they both sell at a lower price point they both lose.
Even so who cares about 1080p performance you don't spend 500$+ on a video card to play at 1080p. Lets see the eyefinity resolution benches.

+1 Reviewers better be doing a 7970 vs 680 triple screen battle.

I think I read a rumor that the 680 can't do surround on one card though..
I've got news for you - at $550 Nvidia won't be able to keep them on the shelves, at least not for the first few months.

I think some of you are really overestimating the $500+ gpu market. I have little doubt the gtx 680 will launch for $550 to $580 now. But I'm pretty sure anyone that wants one will be able to get one (might not be their vendor of choice) in the first month. Just take a look at the HD 7970. They sold out in about a day at newegg. But after a week or two there was almost always at least a few models in stock. Month and a half later and newegg is actually giving discounts on some models when you buy 2. lol Sales of the $450 HD 7950 were even slower. Took about a week for newegg to sell out.
+1 Reviewers better be doing a 7970 vs 680 triple screen battle.

I think I read a rumor that the 680 can't do surround on one card though..
Pretty sure the most recent rumors are that the gtx 680 can support up to 4 monitors(3+1). Best part is they aren't forcing people to use displayport like amd which hopefully means no screen tearing.
Pretty sure the most recent rumors are that the gtx 680 can support up to 4 monitors(3+1). Best part is they aren't forcing people to use displayport like amd which hopefully means no screen tearing.

And where did you hear that from? From what we know it has 2 dvi/1hdmi and 1 display port?

So its totally possible you will need to use a display port monitor.....but as of right now, we do not know
And where did you hear that from? From what we know it has 2 dvi/1hdmi and 1 display port?

So its totally possible you will need to use a display port monitor.....but as of right now, we do not know
Its in the HK "review" from this thread.

"For the practical application of the full range of the GeForce GTX, 500 series or the previous product, the core of integrated video signals, limiting the single a graphics card can only output up to a maximum of two screens, three-screen output to be run in SLI mode. flexibility weaker than rival AMD Eyefinity, but in order to combat AMD Eyefinity technology, NVIDIA is also a lack of existing products to enhance the flexibility of the multi-screen applications.

GeForce GTX 680 graphics cards support single card with two DVI and one HDMI output of the three-screen and 3D Vision's way to reach the NVIDIA 3D Vision Surround restrictions without the use of DisplayPort, flexibility even more than the AMD is better The DisplayPort interface, of course, users can also connect an additional display to the graphics card, four-screen output to the "3 +1" program, a single card."
One thing you guys are forgetting is Nvidia is more than likely not interested in getting themselves in a price battle with AMD. After all if they both keep prices high they both win. If they both sell at a lower price point they both lose.

This is what is known as a dualopoly. Not sure I spelled that right.. but ya.. because there are only two companies competing, they essentially price fix by not substantially undercutting the competition.

There needs to be more competition in both GPUs and CPUs, otherwise we're just going to have to keep paying these prices.
Pretty sure the most recent rumors are that the gtx 680 can support up to 4 monitors(3+1). Best part is they aren't forcing people to use displayport like amd which hopefully means no screen tearing.

Oh man I hope that is true. I hate the fact that you have to run adapters with the AMD cards. Unless you have a monitor with a DP, which most don't.
Its in the HK "review" from this thread.

"For the practical application of the full range of the GeForce GTX, 500 series or the previous product, the core of integrated video signals, limiting the single a graphics card can only output up to a maximum of two screens, three-screen output to be run in SLI mode. flexibility weaker than rival AMD Eyefinity, but in order to combat AMD Eyefinity technology, NVIDIA is also a lack of existing products to enhance the flexibility of the multi-screen applications.

GeForce GTX 680 graphics cards support single card with two DVI and one HDMI output of the three-screen and 3D Vision's way to reach the NVIDIA 3D Vision Surround restrictions without the use of DisplayPort, flexibility even more than the AMD is better The DisplayPort interface, of course, users can also connect an additional display to the graphics card, four-screen output to the "3 +1" program, a single card."

Hmmm lets hope its true, But I would wait for official reviews before some leaks IMO.
Btw that 3dmark11 score for 7970 is complete bullshit. Don't know if that has been said already.
...much less the $300 price for which the rumor was started by nV's guerilla marketing. $300 for a nV's top-end card... insanly optimistic.

I think it is quite possible that Nvidia planned this card to be in the $3xx price range initially, and then when they realized it could compete with the 7970 they decided to re-brand it. That would fit with the rumors of a lower price, it would fit the initial rumors of a 660 name, it fits the fact that this is the mid-range chip number (GK104), and it fits the "we expected more from AMD" stuff they let out a while back.

Either that, or they've been sandbagging everyone from the beginning.

Only question now is what they do when GK110 does come out - will they re-brand everything GTX 7xx - sliding the GK104 down to 760 and making the GK110 chip the GTX 780 like they kind of did with the 9800 series?


Maybe we will see a 500 msrp, if we count the 560 there as preorder being high as usual.

Listed lower than 7970 on neutron pricewise....

I'm betting $499 just like the 480 and 580.
GTX680 @ 1110/1800 = 7950 @ 1260/1800


GTX680 @ 1110/1800 = 7950 @ 1260/1800

This is all well and good, but if the GTX 680 can overclock just as well as this then the performance delta remains the same.

I have a 7970 running at 1100/1575 and my 3DMark11 extreme score is around 3200-3250. The problem with the GTX 680 benchmarks so far is that they are run at a resolution I don't use. I run at 2560x1600 and I expect at this resolution the HD 7970 will trade blows with GTX 680. At multi monitor resolutions the HD 7970 will have the benefit of more RAM and higher bandwidth.

I understand how those who run at 1920x1080 and who prefer Nvidia would look forward to the GTX 680 release. IMHO given the limited gaming benchmark results we have seen so far it could end up trading blows with a HD 7970 at 2560x1600. The edge could end up going to whatever card has the best OC potential, and we all know that is a lottery. So in all a good card but almost 3 months after HD 7970 is released it could trade blows depending on resolution, and it will be a similar price. If this is the case then it will Hardly be a HD 7970 killer, but it will be an excellent card that puts Nvidia back in the game. of course the Nvidiots will still claim it is the next coming of Christ and the AMD fanbois will call it a failure.
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GTX 680 OC SLI @ 1150/1800 -VS.- HD7970 OC Crossfire @ 1150/1500

Wow.....Same core speed, 300mhz less memory on the 7970 crossfire, and its a tiny bit quicker.

did not expect that one.....Now if its priced at $500, AMD is in a world of trouble.
Isn't this card supposed to feature 2GB of memory? For that reason alone it should be cheaper than the 7970.
Wow.....Same core speed, 300mhz less memory on the 7970 crossfire, and its a tiny bit quicker.

did not expect that one.....Now if its priced at $500, AMD is in a world of trouble.

Those systems they were benched on are not the same, so I'm not sure this comparison does much good.
Those systems they were benched on are not the same, so I'm not sure this comparison does much good.

Look at the graphics score, it is still higher than the 680.

It is the physics score the one that does fly on the 680, as expected due to the way it was designed (44% higher physics score); still it losses again on the combined test... a bit weird.
Yeah just look at graphics score and test framerates

I think the 680 sli tests may be flawed, and the solo test could also be flawed. It seems like the 680 clock is jumping up and down from above baseclock of 1006 to 700mhz range. It appears to jump from 1150 to 700. Strange. Could be a result of not liking the overclock. I wish these guys would do a stock run versus an overclocked run so we can know for sure.
Wow.....Same core speed, 300mhz less memory on the 7970 crossfire, and its a tiny bit quicker.

did not expect that one.....Now if its priced at $500, AMD is in a world of trouble.
why the hell they are in trouble ? those results are pretty weak for gpu that comes 3 months behind.Amd can lower prices any time they want that isn't problem imho
why the hell they are in trouble ? those results are pretty weak for gpu that comes 3 months behind.Amd can lower prices any time they want that isn't problem imho

You gotta realize this all depends if the 680GTX is priced lower (and I dont think it will be).

I Just honestly do not think AMD or Nvidia can lower prices with the major issues going on at TSMC. They are what shutdown for 4-5 weeks?....Neither company can sellout of the cards right now if you ask me.

This is just my opinion though.