It's 11/9!!


Supreme [H]ardness
Dec 5, 2006
Where are the GTX 580 reviews?!

Or was that november 9th release date nothing but a PR LIE?!
Aaargh. This sucks. Who sets an NDA for 10 o'clock in the morning?? That makes NO sense.
So do editors get these cards a week before launch or something?
Most of the tech sites are CST-PST. Unfortunately I have to stay up longer on the east coast than the folks on the west coast.
I heard a review was posted and broke NDA and we have another egg cooker despite it being faster than the 480 (as it better have been).

I want to see multiple reviews confirm or dismiss this though (would love to see it dismissed)
There's a review of the GTX580 on techpowerup, but for some reason I can't connect to their site.
EVGA SuperClocked has 25Mhz higher core clock, this is super :confused:
EVGA SuperClocked has 25Mhz higher core clock, this is super :confused:

If you read the techpowerup GTX580 review before all the traffic crashed their server, you would have seen that at stock volts they got only 8% oc out of it, for a 7.4% real-world improvement in a test game. They did get a higher% clock out of the memory but I forgot by how much. So if you wanted a good-overclocking card without ramping up voltage, don't hold your breath. It's possible TPU got a dud sample though.
I'm actually quite excited to see the reviews, i would usually wait and be like "yeah yeah its bigger and better blah blah" but this kinda a "What 'fermi' should've been and the pre-Christmas battle between nVidia and AMD.
I mean these 580 GTX's better kick the shit outta the 5970 for $550.
I mean these 580 GTX's better kick the shit outta the 5970 for $550.

What kick the crap out of a 5970 running at least 5870 clock speeds?

I doubt that, you're essentially asking for a card that's as fast as 5870 crossfire :}
1.5hrs till the NDA lifts! Wonder how the 580 will fare against the 5970 @ 5870 clocks and non-crippled Crossfire drivers.
but this kinda a "What 'fermi' should've been and the pre-Christmas battle between nVidia and AMD.

Except this is over a year after the 5870 launched and the "5870" was what it was meant to be, so it makes the battle irrelevant.

Like i said it is over a year since 5870 was launched and only now are we going to see the real "GTX480", i guess we'll have to wait and see what the 6970 is like :)
So if you wanted a good-overclocking card without ramping up voltage, don't hold your breath. It's possible TPU got a dud sample though.

On the other hand, all sites so far are hitting 900mhz+ (over 16-17%+) with a small voltage adjustment in software while still running fairly cool and quiet... TPU's did the same, once voltage was applied, which since it's in software isn't a hurdle nowadays to people. One site already got 950mhz on stock cooling...
1.5hrs till the NDA lifts! Wonder how the 580 will fare against the 5970 @ 5870 clocks and non-crippled Crossfire drivers.

Why should it have to beat out an overclocked dual-GPU setup? :confused:

Except this is over a year after the 5870 launched and the "5870" was what it was meant to be, so it makes the battle irrelevant.

Like i said it is over a year since 5870 was launched and only now are we going to see the real "GTX480", i guess we'll have to wait and see what the 6970 is like :)

We'll see what 6970 is like, but since ATI/AMD has a bigger gap to cover from 5870 -----> GTX 580 in performance, while nVidia only had to go from GTX 480 -----> GTX 580 in performance, I can't say I'm optimistic it'll be any faster... hopefully trading blows though.

I mean these 580 GTX's better kick the shit outta the 5970 for $550.

Why? It has to beat the heck out of a DUAL-gpu setup while costing the same as a single GPU, to be good? P.S. It's $485-500, not 550 :).
We'll see what 6970 is like, but since ATI/AMD has a bigger gap to cover from 5870 -----> GTX 580 in performance, while nVidia only had to go from GTX 480 -----> GTX 580 in performance, I can't say I'm optimistic it'll be any faster... hopefully trading blows though.

right because you know theres a HUGE gap between the gtx 480 and the 5870. oh wait thats right they both performed about the same (minus nvidia optimized games). try again.

Why? It has to beat the heck out of a DUAL-gpu setup while costing the same as a single GPU, to be good? P.S. It's $485-500, not 550 :).

really? it sure does look like it costs 550 dollars.

2 down. want to post something else i can prove wrong? because ya know 1 site speaks for the rest of the E-tailers and B&M stores. and ill bet mwave changes that price to 550 after 6am.
right because you know theres a HUGE gap between the gtx 480 and the 5870. oh wait thats right they both performed about the same (minus nvidia optimized games). try again.

really? it sure does look like it costs 550 dollars.

2 down. want to post something else i can prove wrong? because ya know 1 site speaks for the rest of the E-tailers and B&M stores. and ill bet mwave changes that price to 550 after 6am.

GTX 480 actually had higher minimums and a nice bit average performance over the 5870, try again? As you said?

As far as price, do you not see the 10% off code right on the very page you linked? Wait, clearly not... two down! Official price is $499 by the way ;). One site offsetting their coupon code, as you said, doesn't speak for the rest of e-tailers ;).

EDIT: Here, no clicking required.
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even when there are plenty of 580 around today all the annoying kids still saying it is a paper launch
hell yea nvidia!!
Now please release a nice card in the ~$250 range where it will benefit me! :-D