HP Touchpad 16GB $99, 32GB $149, Active for .edu

Anyone know if any bluetooth keyboard will work on this? Or do I have to buy the hp one?

Took your word for it and bought a couple of those cases. They look good, thanks!

Btw, everyone.

I am in live chat with buy.com right now trying to get a pricematch on my order of 3 16gbs. Will keep you updated.
As an Amazon Associate, HardForum may earn from qualifying purchases.
just placed another order through Barnes and Noble in case my Amazon/OnSale purchase gets rejected :)
Anyone knows where I could get 1 16GB one? All the places I know of are sold out. Also how come the amazon still sells them for 400$? CostCentral also has none available when searching for it.


N.B. Sorry if it's somewhere answered, but I didn't had the patience to read through all the pages.
Yup, if I DO by chance end up with more than one of these, I will let people know, as I have three orders pending for the 32GB.
Will let them go for the cost I paid plus shipping or something.
I just completed my order through B&N so I don't have to go postal on Newegg tomorrow when they try and screw me and not want to honor the price.
Anyone knows where I could get 1 16GB one? All the places I know of are sold out. Also how come the amazon still sells them for 400$? CostCentral also has none available when searching for it.


N.B. Sorry if it's somewhere answered, but I didn't had the patience to read through all the pages.

I only need one, so if both of my orders go through (1 through Amazon, 1 through Barnes and Noble), then I'll have a spare I will sell here for cost plus shipping. I don't believe in trying to make a buck off people when so many are just trying to grab one or two for personal use...
buy.com order, contact support for a price match is a no go =(

"We would like to inform you that we are unable to issue price match refund for the item price of SKU #222442030 since this order was placed from a Marketplace seller. Please note that Price matches are not valid for Marketplace orders."
I'm not ordering any case other than the finest, HP-branded ones. Why? Because they'll be as cheap as the 3rd party ones within a week.

And by having branded accessories to go with my tablet, all the honies at Starbucks will think I'm rolling in it and be all over me. I imagine.
Got one from the hp website via SD link someone posted.
$162.xx shipped! finally got a touchpad!!!1
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Are there any coupons for B&N?

Also, I am not getting the free shipping applied, even tho its over 25$. What do I have to do for that?

I'm not ordering any case other than the finest, HP-branded ones. Why? Because they'll be as cheap as the 3rd party ones within a week.

And by having branded accessories to go with my tablet, all the honies at Starbucks will think I'm rolling in it and be all over me. I imagine.

I don't know about that, now there's a huge market for them. :D

I am wondering how I missed the B&N link in the first place. What page of the thread was it on? That checkout went without a hitch. Smooth sailing. Whoever linked to that, dude seriously, you are my hero right now.

Now I just hope they actually have them. The haven't charged the CC yet and while there was a "thank for shopping with us" email, there hasn't been a confirmed order email yet.

I posted it on the end of page 32.
I don't know about that, now there's a huge market for them. :D

That's what I was thinking..lol. In fact it wouldn't be inconceivable to think the prices for the accessories might go up. What are people gonna do when their charging cord somehow gets cut? HP is out of the business of producing them remember.
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Thanks Bone, got mine. Should be a GREAT e-book and newspaper reader for my commute. I hear that the hack to put Android on it has begun.
got in on 1 at BN...finally have a use for the $25 gift card I got from christmas
Anyone have a link for the 32gb one on b&n? Still comes up as $600 for me.
Thank you for the B&N link. Guess I answered my own question when it said that the product did not qualify for the 25$ free shipping. Oh well, total came to 116$ with ship and tax.
Hope I get at least one of my three 32GB's as I have not tried to order a 16GB because of that.